Ahsoka's heart skipped a beat. "Master," she began hesitantly, trying to draw the Force into her words. "You don't want to do this! You know I'll keep your secret, you can trust-" she broke off as Anakin let out a sharp laugh.
"Padawan, what kind of a fool do you take me as? I knew that you saw me speaking to Padme. And despite what you think, I didn't want to kill you. My plan was to have Ventress do it. Surely you saw how many openings I left for her to harm you?"
Ahsoka stared at him. "Why? I am willing to keep your marriage to-" she thought for a moment. "-Padme, or whoever she is a secret!"
Anakin let out another harsh laugh. "Because, Padawan, I trust no one."
Her chest clenched. She hadn't wanted to fight him. "I'm sorry, Master," she whispered.
And then Ahsoka ignited her blade.
For a moment Anakin looked surprised. Then his face changed into an expression more fitting of one using dark powers, and he said, "You know I'll win, Ahsoka."
The Padawan shrugged. "I guess I'll die trying, then."
She wondered if the strong-sounding words masked her fear.
The battle began.
Ahsoka was astonished at what she felt around Anakin. The Force flowed around him in the way that you would only expect it to from someone who, rumor had it, was completely conceived by midi-chlorians. And yet, there was something- different about this Force. She supposed that that was to be expected; after all the Dark Side and the Light Side were two different things.
The strange thing about it was that the Dark Side was somehow familiar to her. A memory…
That night outside Anakin's door, on the ship! When the Force had whispered to her just to go in, it had felt like that, different than from what she was used to.
It had been the Dark Side whispering to her.
But then did this mean that the entire thing had been engineered by someone? And if so, who? A Sith Lord?
Her thoughts distracted her from the battle. It didn't take long for Anakin to pin her down.
He looked down at her. His yellow eyes held something astonishingly close to sadness in them.
"Sorry, Snips. One day you might have understood why I would kill someone in order to keep my love a secret. But I can't risk that."
He brought the saber blade down into her chest.
On a planet far away, a Sith lord smiled as his plan fell into place.
Piece by piece.
A/n: This was hard to write, mainly because of the large number of you who said, and here I paraphrase, 'No! Don't kill Ahsoka!' I am considering doing a different version of this, from Anakin's POV that will explain his side of the story.