Disclaimer: I don't own the Legend of Spyro, or any of the cool stuff related to it, except for this fic.


Cynder rested on the floor. She was too weak to get up and pull off Jirin's bonds, but the llama seemed to be possessed of infinite patience and in the mean time Kadie removed what bonds she could.

Finally, she stood up and walked over; standing on her hind legs and tore through the bonds with her front claws.

Once he was completely free, Jirin led them back to his hut. The apes that Cynder had defeated earlier were gone.

Jirin huffed in disgust as he saw the state of disarray that the apes had left his belongings in and started placing things back on their shelves. Kadie helped pick up several of the smaller things. When he had enough space cleared on the floor, he sat down, his legs pulled in.

"Um," Cynder hesitated.

"You want help exercising that piece of the Dark Master from yourself?" Jirin said.

"Yes, please," Cynder replied, trying not to let her desperation show.

"It will take some time," Jirin said. "I can not suppress his influence forever. I have merely bought you some time. During which I will teach you how to control the enormous dark power you possess."

"Control it?" Cynder tilted her head to the side. "I don't want to control it. I want to get rid of it."

Jirin frowned. "Of course… Listen, many believe that darkness is inherently evil, but that is not true. The wicked may prefer that sort of power and it be drawn to them, but it can be used for good, too. Your egg was not chosen by chance. You have a great affinity for the dark arts and the Dark Master, of course, believes darkness to be the ultimate power and could sense that power in you. The only way you will ever completely remove the Dark Master from you will be to master your own power of darkness."

Cynder frowned, digesting this information. "So… then I can learn another breath ability?"

Jirin nodded. "I believe so. I am not a dragon, though I have studied their ability to breathe magic, quite a rare power it is and I believe I may be able to teach you how to use it."

"When do we start?" Cynder asked. She was more eager to get rid of the small bit of the Dark Master in her, then to learn a new breath power, much less one that harnessed darkness.

"Tomorrow," Jirin replied. "Right now, I wish to reorganize my possessions and the undead army must also be sealed again. During my captivity, I could not maintain the magic seal on them and I suspect it has broken."

"It did," Kadie spoke up. "We had to fight off some of them on the way over here."

"Oh, that is quite unfortunate," Jirin said, getting up and resuming his cleaning. "It will take some time to seal them again."

"I'll help if I can," Cynder volunteered.

Jirin nodded.

"I'm going to go get some fresh air," Cynder said, stepping outside. She glanced wearily at the forest and then leapt into the air. She flew in circles over the hut, letting her mind wonder.

"Hey, Cynder?" she glanced back and saw Kadie hovering there.

"Yes?" Cynder asked. She felt a little awkward around Kadie, having been trying to kill her only an hour ago.

"Do you remember Spyro?"

Cynder stopped circling and hovered. "Barely. The Dark Master was very thorough when he wiped my memory."

"Oh… Maybe you'll remember once you get that piece of the Dark Master out of yourself," Kadie said.

"Yeah, maybe…"


(The Dragon Temple)

Spyro stood on one of the temple's balconies, staring off into the distance. There was still a bandage around his neck from when Cynder had bitten it.

He sighed and sat down on his haunches. He glanced down at the stretch of grass before him, groups of dragons wondered around discussing with each other. He could hear the conversation of two dragoness directly beneath the balcony.

"Good riddance, I say," the ice dragoness said to her companion. "I suspect that she never really did switch to our side."

"Yes, attacking that poor boy," the earth dragon replied. "No matter what the guardians' claim that Cynder is not to be trusted."

Spyro sighed and lied down, resting his head on his front paws. He sighed, wishing that Cynder was there, or that he at least knew where she was.