A SELECTION from this fanfiction follows this author's note. If you wish to read the FULL fanfiction, you can find it at the author's Archive of Our Own account, linked on her profile.

I have made the decision to cut off my fanfiction from this site due to ideological differences with site management. I believe that fan-works should be free, which means not only free monetarily, but also free of restrictions such as this site's ban on chat-fics (virtually ruining the Homestuck fandom), second-person point of view stores (it's...a POV...really), and, of course, adult materials, among other things.

I understand that this may upset some readers, but I ask that you respect my decision about how to manage my creative works. They still exist, un-altered, on another site.

I highly recommend you give AO3 a try. Joining the Archive of Own is a simple process, though it may take a few days to go through the waiting list. However, AO3 was created by fans, is FUNDED by fans (meaning it is advertisement-free), and does not restrict anything unless for valid copyright issues. It also has a robust tagging and search system, as well as a series manager, which will reduce the confusion regarding many of my works. If you are an author and would like an invitation, please message me through PM to see if I have any available.

Thank you for all your support as I entered into the world of fan-works. If you're interested in more of my fan-works, including audio productions, cosplay, and videos, please check my Tumblr, also linked on my profile.

Fan-girling with you all,


By the way Artemis was eyeing Holly, she knew he thought he had something incredibly clever to say, and she also knew she wasn't likely to likewhatever it was. He had that little flash of tooth that always came out when he was most amused, as if he wished to add a little shock of a bite to his yapping.

Holly put down her binoculars, glaring at him. "What, Artemis? Whatever it is, spit it out so I can concentrate! Frond knows why I agreed to share this watch with you..."

"Because, when it gets down to it, I'm a bit more safe with you and your wings than with any other officer in the LEP." Artemis picked a blade of grass, twirling it between his fingers. The elf and genius were tucked behind a layer of camfoil on a steep hillside, their bodies in a hole dug into the hill. The night chill was enough to make Holly's face gain a pink tinge (though, mercifully the rest of her body was covered in a heated Recon suit), but Artemis was as pale as ever, his skin tone closely matching the full moon rising on the horizon.

Somewhere not too far off, Butler was paired with Mulch Diggums, guarding yet another tree on this stretch of river. It was the same arrangement that had been under way for the past few months. Koboi was known to be somewhere in Ireland, and would no doubt need to complete the ritual soon, if the number of mesmered humans running about was any indication. Incredibly powerful she was, but she still needed to gain her powers directly from the Earth every so often. So the LEP was in waiting every full-moon night at each tree in Ireland (no mean task, given their number), and the cold of the December night was not deterring them in the slightest.

"Your question, Artemis," Holly demanded, thinking that the only thing that could deter her from her guard duty was smacking some sense into the meddlesome boy.

"Well...it's only a few weeks until Christmas, you know." Artemis tore the blade of grass in half, then tried to match it together for another split.

Holly rolled her eyes and put the binoculars (LEP-style, of course) back up. "That. You humans. So obsessed with an elf that gives you gifts. Did you know King San D'Klass was actually one of the People's most celebrated leaders?" She kicked her legs in annoyance, that being about the only thing she could do in the cramped space. "He founded the LEP! And what do you humans do? Make him enslave a bunch of reindeer and have a cookie addiction."

Artemis rested his head on one hand, propping himself up and letting the grass fall to the ground. "Interesting as that bit of trivia is, I am curious about something else."

"Yes?" Holly said, tone dangerous.

"It's part of the human myth, you see." Artemis looked to the roof of the fairy outpost. "In it, Santa only provides gifts to those children that he deems worthy for the year, based on a variety of factors. Charity, piousness, being nice to siblings, that type of thing."

At the pause that came, Holly realized she was being prompted. Loath as she was to comply, she just wanted this to be over so she could concentrate. "And?"

"Well...I'm just not so sure how he would look upon you, Holly. Tell me, are you naughty...or nice?"


This story, in its entirety, can be found at Kitsune Heart's AO3 account, linked in her profile.