You Are What?!

AN: I was writing the eleventh chapter to Tip For When You Jump into the Deep, and then this idea popped into my head. Arty and Minnie get bored one day and do what bored teens do. Two months later, Minnie finds that she pregnant. How do they react? How will it effect there lives? Note to anyone who may be Artrva shippers: I don't intend to have them fall in love and get married : ) So don't hate me

Disclaimer: I own a lot of things, however, the Fowl series and its characters I do not.

Chapter 1

Minerva just stared blankly at the thin strip of paper in her hand. It was the fifty-sixths result sheet she had printed that day. Yesterday, she printed out twice that amount. And out of one- hundred and sixty-eight result sheets, only two read negative. With a heavy sigh, Minerva tossed the strip in her hand over to what was becoming a monstrous pile of crinkled papers that Bo was playing in. She would take ten more, but really, now all she was doing was killing trees. She knew her fate. Taking another big swing of water, readying her self for the next test, she thought back to how all this happened.


That what it all boiled down to in the end. They just got bored. Artemis had been back for a few years at that point, and she decided to go pay her friend a visit. His parents had left for the week with the twins and Juliet had gone out for the day with her current boyfriend. They had talked for hours about politics, break-through medicines, theories about space and time, fairies, magic…But as the nigh grew old, they ran out of things to talk about. They had turned on CNN but they were only playing spin, nothing either of them wanted to hear. Not knowing what else to do, they decided to experiment. They didn't mean for it to go as far as it did- it started off just as simple kissing and light toughing. But then it got more playful, then lustful as their needs started to grow, and then soon it was full blown sex.

She smiled. It was a wonderful experiment to perform.

But Minerva was unhappy about the results.

They didn't think about the outcome. Minerva frowned and finished off her third littler of water. She was ready to seal her fate once and for all.

178 tests taken, 175 confirmed positive. She though she'd be in tears right now, yet she was oddly clam. Sure she wanted to smash her printer with a baseball bat; everyone wants to kill the messenger that brings them bad news, but other than that, she was…numb. Void of feeling. There she was, teen genius, one of the smartest people in the world, and she was about to be bestowed with one of the worlds saddest titles. Teen mother. Her face screwed up when she thought of that. It sounded awful in her mind.

"Minnie? Minnie what's wrong?" Her little brother, Beau, asked.


"What's wrong with you? You're knuckles are white, and you're frowning so hard you're going to have to get daddy to fix them for you with a laser." He stated matter-of-factly, as he bit of a piece of a chocolate bar. She looked down at her hands and indeed they were clenched into tight fist. She unraveled them and deep puncture marks indented her hands where her nails use to be. She sighed heavily and flexed her long fingers, letting the blood flow through them again.

"Nothing is wrong Bo," She lied. "You're big sis is just a little upset and tired right now okay?"

"Are you upset because of what those papers over there say?"

"Yes, very upset. How about we burn them in the fire place and make s'mores?"

"Yes!" Bo punched the air and did a quick victory dance, as if he had won something. "But I still don't see why you're upset. Those papers say 'positive'. That's good silly."

Minerva sighed again, shook her blonde head and patted her little brother on the shoulder.

"In the grown-up world, Beau, positive isn't always a good thing."

"But you're not grown up Minnie." Beau stated ironically. Minerva frowned and leaned back in her chair and rubbed her flat belly.

"I am now."

Do it and I'll love you.