Author has written 45 stories for StarTrek: The Next Generation, Harry Potter, StarTrek: Voyager, Pokémon, Incredible Hulk, Ninja Turtles, Yu-Gi-Oh, Jane and the Dragon, Stargate: SG-1, Lazytown, Spirited Away, Magic School Bus, Disney, X-overs, Phineas and Ferb, Batman the Animated Series, Legend of Dragoon, and Final Fantasy X. I'm sorry everyone that is expecting updates. I cannot and am not allowed to update before 6 p.m. my time. When I do update it is at my leisure when the inspiration strikes. I am sorry to everyone who is waiting so very patiently for updates, also i have recently been diagnosed with menieres disease. its basically like the worst vertigo ever and is causing me to blackout at times. |
Bobmin356 (19) Cynlee (71) DarkFlameWarrior (2) Fairywm (30) GenkaiFan (31) juggernaut715 (10) Kriss Abeyance (6) kyaru-chan (23) | LittleMewLugia (123) Lucillia (579) maidros78 (8) Manatocfox (2) Memet (14) Myst Shadow (3) Patchfire (17) RobSt (17) Rorschach's Blot (40) | Ruskbyte (27) Sanru (32) Saphroneth (23) Silver pup (44) StarLight Massacre (16) swamygliders (12) |