Author's Note: This is a oneshot intended as a protest against the new Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure. Out in the autumn. I personally plan not to buy the game in the hopes that if enough of the fanbase (a few million in total) boycott it then they will revert to the old spyro – either one will do but please! Anything but that monstrosity you're calling a dragon and the sighted world is calling a troll!
Disclaimer: I do not own Spyro but if I did I could probably do a better job of it, nor am I profiting from this fic
It had been almost a year since Malefor's defeat and as Spyro and Cynder matured they grew stronger, able to fly farther and higher. With their every growing wings the two had explored the skies relishing every new wonder and miracles until one day they came across a group of islands floating in the sky.
Landing gracefully the two observed the inhabitants, they could best be described as... cartoonish if the observer were honest. It was as if a rather talented five years old had been given a set of colours and a pencil. And then proceeded to eat the pencil.
Nevertheless the two greeted them each in turn, apparently they were the guardians of these isles which would explain the weapons a number of them carried. Still they had to restrain themselves from laughing at some of their names. Stealth elf for example seemed more of a description than anything else, and as for Gill Grunt it had taken all the pair's self-control not to giggle.
One of the guardians had taken them by surprise though. A small purple trollish creature with short stubby arms and blunt horns as well as the most underdeveloped wings they'd ever seen. More to the point it was calling itself Spyro.
As Spyro flew over to his ugly looking counterpart the other Spyro asked. "How do you do that?"
"Do what?"
"That thing where you move through the air."
"You mean flying."
"Yeah that."
"You just flap your wings and jump into the air."
"Jump?" Asked the ugly troll. "What's jump?"
"You tense the muscles in your legs then extend your legs quickly, launching yourself off the ground."
"Cool can I try?"
"Go ahead."
This said the new Spyro jumped off the edge of an island to his death.
Author's Note: Not exactly a masterpiece but I think it gets the point across. Please review with your opinions on the game, for the die hard fans out there view it as an opportunity to let off steam.