Ali stared at the empty street for a few minutes, trying to decide what to do. She had lost her friend in a dangerous chase and she couldn't even feel Timothy's presence. She turned her back to the street and started to walk back toward the park when she heard a soft sound. She spun back around and gazed into the street but there was only silence. Then the noise came again and Ali recognized what it was, the sound of breathing. She peered through the darkness and caught something she had missed; a side alley. Ali listened hard and could hear the sound of two people breathing quickly down the alley. Ali walked slowly along the wall toward the entrance to the alley.
"Come on out little girly," came a taunting voice, "Come on out and play."
Ali heard the sound of someone breathing in quick bursts and knew that it was Jordan. Ali closed her eyes and breathed in and out to slow down her breathing. Once her breathing had reached her normal rate-slower than a human's- she opened her eyes and slowly walked into the front of the alleyway. There was a lone building light at the top of the buildings shining down into the alley so Ali could see her surroundings clearly.
The alley way was a dead end; that was how the man had caught Jordan. The man stood in the middle of the alley with Jordan in front of him. He had his hand over her mouth and a knife to her neck. He grinned and Ali could see rotting teeth.
"This your friend?" the man asked, slurring his words. Jordan's eyes were red but she hadn't started to cry yet. The man laughed and started to back up, dragging Jordan with him. Ali took careful steps forward to keep the distance between them equal. "So you're the two that have been followin' me for the past few days," the man said and stopped walking.
"Yes," Ali said slowly and took a step forward. The man pressed the knife harder against Jordan's throat but didn't draw blood. Ali saw Jordan squeeze her eyes tight and she let out a little moan. "Hang in there Jordan," Ali whispered.
The man heard her and laughed "What are you going to do?"
Ali smirked back and looked up at the top of the building. Timothy was crouched down near the light, gazing down at the man with his mouth open; ready for an attack. Ali took another step and the man pressed harder so that the knife pricked Jordan's skin. Ali felt her hatred rise up as she watched the small trail of blood run down Jordan's throat.
"Now, Timothy," Ali shouted. The Warrior hissed and jumped down. The man looked up and screamed loudly, letting go of Jordan. She dropped to the ground and quickly crawled away from the man. Timothy landed directly in front of the man with a hiss. The man tried to turn and run but found himself staring at a tall wall of brick. The man turned around frantically but Timothy jumped toward him and tackled him to the ground. The man's head hit the hard concrete and his eyes rolled back into his head.
Ali ran up and crouched down next to Jordan. She was breathing frantically and clutching her neck. Timothy picked up the man by the collar of his shirt and ran past Ali and Jordan; he had to get back to the Hive before the man woke up.
"I'm sorry Ali," Jordan said as Ali helped her to her feet.
"What's to be sorry for?" Ali asked, "You didn't do anything wrong."
"But he caught me," Jordan insisted.
"That's not your fault," Ali said back, "He knew we were tracking him and he was prepared."
"If I wasn't so slow..." Jordan mumbled.
"That has nothing to do with it; you just have to be quieter."
"Maybe it would be better if I just stayed at the Hive where I was safe."
"But-," Ali started to say.
"Just forget it," Jordan said. She turned and walked toward the entrance to the alleyway. Ali didn't have anything else to say so she jogged guickly until she caught up with Jordan and the two of them made their way back to the orphanage.