![]() Author has written 157 stories for Dark Angel, Marching Band, Harry Potter, Avatar: Last Airbender, Supernatural, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Vampire Diaries, Twilight, Victorious, Judging Amy, and Bourne series. Hey there! How's everyone? So I'm Mystic25. Not the most original of pen names I know. But I was in high school when I though it up. (and by thought I mean I didn't have anything better to think of, and thought it sounded deep for some reason). And at this point I no longer care enough to change it. I've been writing here since 2001 (Holy mother, that's a long time!). I will not claim I was a perfect writer when I began. Not claim it, because it would be a blantant. total. lie. My first piece sucked major suckage.Please refer to my earliest "Dark Angel" fanfic posted here for an example of aforementioned suckage. I will be sitting here banging my face into my keyboard repeatedly while you do that. I've been writing fanfiction before I even knew it was called fanfiction. Back when it was all purple ball point pen, Five Star Mead notebooks, and the stories were all about Lenni and Rob from "Ghostwriter" (Man, I miss that show.) So naturally, when I discovered fan fiction online, I did what any sensible, 13-year-old girl would do. Totally geeked out. My first stuff was pure butchery- I sorta feel bad for Max and Logan in "Dark Angel" and Mulder and Scully from "The X Files" now, like really really bad. I put them through so much out of character shitzu... But, unlike some authors, who I've read from their profiles, have deleated these train wreck of fics, I have hung on to mine. It helps me see how far I've come as a writer. (And gives me something to laugh my a* off about). And I'm happy to report that I feel that over a decade writing fanfiction has vastly improved my compentancy and ability at writing. Why I do it, is simple. I love writing, love it. I second it only to eating, and breathing (or would adding breathing be called: Thirding It?...). I can sit and write for hours, creating worlds and dialogue. It gives me a place to escape to. What I write will change on any given day. But as of now the list contains: 1. Fan Fiction (ha!) 2. Supernatural (whooo!!!!) 3. Vampire Diaries (the TV series, not the book series, namely cause I haven't read the books. Hate, don't hate. Just truth it.) 3. Harry Potter (WHOOO!!!) 4. Percy Jackson (both series) (yeah! PERCY!!!!! Sorry.) 5. Victorious 6. Judging Amy (right now at a grand total of one, but that may change) 7. Avatar: The Last Airbender (also, only one, but man, what an amazing series!) 8. More that will come later. 9. More that will come later-er. 10. More that will come later-est. And The Rest Of Them. As for the pairings I write on, read the stories to find that out. Because I'm not turning this profile into a thing filled with my favorite couples and their avatars and theme songs from Justin Bieber, a prayer for saving handless anteaters in Upsidownasgasta, followed by my favorite Justin Bieber songs (also at a grand total of one.) and ending with a finallie of astericks and hash tags formed into a love arrow. (though I did used to do a wicked zigzag double triangualr split with the word: 'HELLO') As a final note, I will say I love getting reviews. Love seeing that people enjoy my writing that much. However, I will not blockade my stories if I don't reach a certain number of reviews. Because I'm not five-years-old. And I will tolerate negative reviews, if they're constructive. Which I know they won't all be, and that I will soon be cringing over a 'text type' review about how my story: "is stpd and knot gr8 lser." And I will respond to such negativity like an adult: By snorting out my coffee all over my laptop screen in laugher. Now enough with reading my long profile! Scroll down to begin reading my long stories! Have fun! Mystic |