First and foremost, this little story is for SupernaturalRenegade as a late Christmas present and an early B-day present. Keep on rockin', M!
This part is a little short, but the next one will be longer. It may be 2 parts or maybe 3, not sure yet. Either way the next post will hopefully be within a week, but I start school soon so no guarantees.
Thanks to SparkieBunny for beta-ing!
Enjoy and please review!
Of Concussions and Chaos
Part I
Sam bit back a curse as he felt himself lift off of the ground and sail through the air. With a crunch, he crashed through an old worktable and landed painfully on the wooden floor of the old barn, a cloud of dust rising around him.
"Shit!" Dean cursed from across the cavernous barn. Sam had to give old Kate credit; she certainly wasn't going down without a fight.
Daughter of the old couple who owned the barn, Kate had died a horrific death when she'd fallen through the floor of the barn and been impaled on some farming equipment. Marina and Howard Robinson, Kate's parents, had eventually realized they had a serious problem. Marina cried a bit as she explained the monster her daughter had become and how every person they'd hired to work the fields, being too old themselves, had been killed in the barn. When Dean explained that they were ghost hunters, they'd been nothing but gracious to the Winchesters, immeidately accepting their story.
The couple was holed up in the kitchen of the once white farm house kitchen, waiting for the brothers to come and say it was safe.
The plan was to just stay in the back behind the barn and burn the body, but Kate had other ideas and drew them into the barn by throwing Dean through the wall just as the shovel revealed bones. The following minutes were chaos. Both the brothers and objects in the barn went airborne several times. Sam and Dean managed to get a couple shots off now and then, but never made it all the way out to the home-made grave site to finish the job.
"You alright?" Dean called as he jogged backwards towards Sam, keeping his gun aimed at the expanse of the barn.
"Yeah, I'm good!" Sam replied as he pulled himself to his feet.
"Get the bones!"
Sam rushed to comply as Kate reappeared and Dean fired off another round. He missed, and for a moment the girl stayed invisible, preferring to just wreak havoc by raining falling pieces of timber and old farm tools all over them.
With a jerk of her ghostly hand, Kate sent Sam sliding across the floor and crashing into the opposite wall. Biting back a faint groan – he would be feeling that tomorrow! – Sam pushed himself back up.
"New plan! I'll get the bones, you hold her off!" Dean shouted as he was now closer to the hole in the wall that lead to the back grave. Kate shrieked flew after him, but one well aimed round of salt from Sam stopped her.
Dean gave him a thumbs-up before he disappeared outside. Making sure to keep an eye out for Kate, Sam slowly walked towards the hole to help Dean.
"You know where I was when I died?" The voice was close enough that Sam could feel the frozen air on the back of his neck. He turned around to face her.
Having died at seventeen, Kate wasn't very tall, even floating a foot off the floor. The t-shirt she was wearing would have been flattering on a live body, but now it looked ghastly on her shrunken form and there was a dark stain right in the middle. If Sam hadn't known it was blood, it could have passed as some dark flower design. Part of her hair was matted to her head with blood, while part of it was still in its ponytail. A few strands still flew free. But the eyes were the worst. They'd probably been very pretty in life, but now they seemed frozen and piercing like a hawk surveying its next meal.
"Where?" Sam asked, cursing himself for not just firing more salt. But part of him felt bad. She was a young girl, after all, killed far before her prime. She'd never go on a date, have a first kiss, graduate high school…
Marina had said that Kate didn't enjoy working on the farm and that she was really a city girl at heart. The similarity had hit Sam hard, though Dean didn't seem to realize. A young girl wanting nothing other than to escape the family business, yet not wanting to leave her family…then she'd died working the family business. Now didn't that sound familiar? The only different part was that she'd died. But who was Sam kidding? He would die and there was a 99% percent chance he'd die hunting or as a result of a hunting injury. And he'd probably die early, too. Is this what he would become? A ghost haunting his brother and father because he pulled him back into the life he hated? Is that why Kate stuck around? To show how unhappy she was she never got to do what she wanted with her life? She'd died at seventeen...only a year left before she'd be able to leave and live her own life...A little girl with big plans who never made it that far.
Talk about wasted potential.
"Right where you're standing." Sam's eyes drifted down and he realized she was right, there was a faint seem in the floor where it'd been patched up. Who knew why it'd given in the first place, rotted beam, rats chewed through the suspension…it could have been anything.
"Oh," Sam said daftly as he realized what was about to happen. Sure enough the floor boards curled downwards like burning paper. His feet were glued to the boards and Sam stood silently, waiting for his support to fully give way. His muscles tensed up to try and prepare for the fall. In the distance Sam could hear Dean finishing the job of digging that they'd almost finished before.
"It wasn't very nice of the brother of yours to leave you here by yourself, you know. In fact, I might even say this was his fault. Not a very good brother if you ask me."
Sam was about to protest when he suddenly dropped. His stomach jumped up to hsi throat, stopping him from screaming. Thankfully the dusty farm equipment had been long gone and the few that remained were shoved up against the walls. It didn't seem very long to Sam - most likely still longer than it actually took, but still not as long as he expected - he had just enough time to register what happened before he met the ground.
His ankle protested as he landed (don't forget to bend your knees!) and fell to the side, attempting to roll out of it. He tried to get his arms under him, but his head still smacked painfully against cement ground. As a result, he ended up lying painfully on his side with one arm trapped beneath him.
Note to self: body vs cement - cement always wins.
His vision blurred and black swirled in the edges. As he felt warm blood begin to slid down the side of his face, his dimly registered that that was bad, but didn't know why. What was he even doing here anyway? Oh right...down through the floor.
There was a whoosh of flames, and then a piercing shriek vibrated about the barn, shaking Sam to the very core and making his head give a fierce throb. A few seconds later he heard a screen door slam in the distance while boots could be heard walking back into the barn.
"Sam?" someone called from far away. Sam could imagine the confusion on Dean's face as he looked around trying to locate his younger brother. He probably wouldn't see the hole at first, not in the dim light provided by the few over head lights. No, the hole—and the person it hid—were probably hidden in the shadows. Hopefully Dean didn't walk right over it and fall down, too…
"Ah, shit, Sammy, you down there?" A ray of artificial light sliced through the darkness and Sam cringed slightly when it crossed over his eyes. Dear God how his head hurt! "Hang on, I'm coming!"
Dean. Dean was coming. Dean would take care of him. God, he was twenty-three and he still craved his big brother's comfort. But one thing was for sure. Kate was wrong. Dean was a good brother. Dean was the best brother. Dean still cared for him even after he left. They fell right back into the routine of watching each other's back like there hadn't been a four year break between them. Because Sam and Dean were like peanut butter and jelly. They were good separate, even better together, and damn near impossible to pull apart.
Kate was wrong.