![]() Author has written 125 stories for Supernatural, and Stand. Hi all! I actually joined here several years ago, when I first discovered fanfiction, through Supernatural. I wanted to be able to leave unanon reviews on all the excellent stories I found here. I've been spending most of my time on Live Journal, where all of my stories were written and posted, but I wanted to dip my toe in putting my fics on here too. Everything I'm putting up here has been on Live Journal, some of it for a while, so apologies if you've seen it before. I've been writing fanfiction for about three years now, mostly in the Supernatural fandom, . I write slash (Sam/Dean, Alastair/Dean), , gen, het, hurt/comfort, character studies, and drabbles. Lots and lots of drabbles . Mostly, I hurt Dean, but I've got some hurt Sam in there too. I've never been as in love with a TV show as I am with SPN and this is the first fandom I've been involved in. Reviews are most appreciated and concrit is welcome. My blanket disclaimer: Supernatural does not belong to me and I make no profit from my stories. I'm just playing in Kripke's sandbox and having lots of fun doing it. |