Author has written 14 stories for Supernatural. lucablue - optimism, realism, sarcasm likes: chocolate, caffeine, honesty, special effects, science fiction, scary stuff, green day, kings of leon, personal space hates: mushy stuff, whingers, crowds, loose ends, chaos, crying lives: Sydney, Australia I love and appreciate your reviews - mostly they inspire me and make me think, often question what I'm writing, sometimes (just) make me smile. I've realised though that I'll still write my stories without them. Music makes me tick so there's often a song behind a story idea - more often that not the concept is angsty. I don't do crossovers, sister fics or girlfriend fics - I was going to add deathfics but I recently shot that one down in flames! Live and (burn) learn. Just for the record, I like both Sam and Dean - I try not to play favourites (EAO - Equal Angst Opportunity!). Used to be more a Dean girl but somewhere along the way Sammy caught up (big time). I hope my writing draws you in and keeps you entertained - an escape to a World of Winchester! Obviously not as good as Kripke's but one can only aspire. March09 - Having just lost all my fav web links (grumbles incoherently at he who shall not be named), I stumbled upon a page which had "Sticks and Stones" listed as a nominee for a SNFA Peoples Choice Award back whenever (can't for the life of me see any dates!). Okay granted I got three votes but bearing in mind the other authors listed I'm shocked I got any! Anyways, thanx muchly to whoever had a hand in this and I'm sorry I was oblivious to the whole process. lb. …Told me you love me, that I’d never die alone Hand over your heart, let’s go home Everyone noticed, everyone has seen the signs I’ve always been known to cross lines I never ever cried when I was feeling down I’ve always been scared of the sound Jesus don’t love me, no one ever carried my load I’m too young to feel this old… “Cold Desert” Kings of Leon |
BigPink (13) chocolate rules (34) devonshire64 (33) gaelicspirit (76) | MarinaMeMe (6) Muffy Morrigan (91) princess peanut (8) Rae666 (61) | Sojourner84 (12) Thru Terry's Eyes (45) |