Annabeth POV

I popped the bowl of soup in the microwave and looked back at Percy closing his eyes and sleeping peacefully for the first time in days. I knew that I didn't like seeing Percy sick or in pain…in fact I hated it. The way his eyes went empty from fever and exhaustion and the way he clenched his teeth tight when he was in pain was horrible to witness but I did know that I would always be there for him. For him when he was sick or in pain. Why? Because of that peaceful boy under the covers. That sleeping boy was all mine and that was worth a couple days of back rubbing and vomit bucket cleaning.

Percy POV

I felt my eyes close and I finally felt better. Not so crappy and pukey because well that is disgusting. I don't know what I would've done if it weren't for Annabeth. She was the one that balances everything and takes charge. I am a handful when I am sick and I know it. I am whiney and complain and it made me realize I have made an excellent choice in whom I love. Yep that's right. I love Annabeth Chase. I only hope some day I can take care of her as she did me. Prove to her I am worth keeping around. I smiled at Annabeth cursing at the microwave buttons. Yep she is mine.