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![]() Author has written 21 stories for Fire Emblem, Yu-Gi-Oh, Haruhi Suzumiya series, Dark-Hunter series, Tsubasa Chronicle, Pokémon, Dink Smallwood, Harry Potter, Legend of Zelda, Hetalia - Axis Powers, Saiyuki, Angel Sanctuary, and Ib. ((Update 6/24/13)) Can I just...apologize? Seriously. Can I just apologize for how much I have probably let a lot of people down with not having updated anything in so long? Ugh. I really do feel horrible about it!! But I do come with good news today! It's taken me awhile, but I really do have chapter 8 of Thank You underway, and it's going slow, but it's going! What I'm going to do to try to get all of the chapters edited, because I did re-read the whole thing, and ouch. Did I really used to write like that? Anyway, it may take me awhile longer yet, but I haven't forgotten you beautiful, wonderful people! In another note, please drop by my AO3 profile, where I've already posted a few new things that aren't here on fanfiction. I will be finishing Thank You on here, but I'll only be posting the edited chapters on AO3. Thank you so much for everything, everyone! I'll see everybody on the next update! New stories: Gundam 00 (LockTie - Lockon/Tieria) Shinayakana Netsujou (Jiei/Omi) 4 original stories ((Update 10/24/12)) This isn't much of an update for anything, but I'd like to list out some changes that are going (read: already have been) to be made: 1. I have primarily moved to ArchiveOfOurOwn, where I go by Yuko6754 2 I will slowly stop updating here on as I transition over to AO3, and my next update for Thank You may or may not be the final stop 3. I've added a purely white "cover image" for all of my stories on here, since I think that the whole idea of "cover images" in the first place is stupid 4. I have removed a majority of my stories from this site forever. I know people liked them, and I'm sorry about deleting them, but I'm a coward and it physically hurt to see those on my profile. You know, the badly written OC stuff, my fail attempts at humor. I'm leaving my ItsuKyon stories up (even though they are HORRIBLY written) because I admittedly find the fact that so many people like them to be amusing. ((Update 10/17/12)) Holy mother of... It's been too long and I'm a horrible person, aren't I? I vanish for over a year and then return with two drabbles that aren't even Zelda-related! But I am back now. I'm slowly getting back into things (too slowly, in my opinion). But in the meantime, please do enjoy the two Ib drabbles. They're short. ((Update 6/25/11)) I-It's Summer and I haven't updated a single thing have I...? I'M SO SORRY!! I had an entire plan for chapter 8 written BEFORE SCHOOL LET OUT for the Summer! And I can't find it!! I promise you though that by the end of the year (I'm so horrible) there will be an update! Please don't give up on me or Thank You because I promise it will be completed!! ((Update 3/16/11)) I UPDATED!! THANK YOU CHAPTER 7 HAS BEEN UPLOADED AND READY TO ROLL!!! That is all. : D ((Update 2/9/11)) I feel like the most horrible person in the world you don't even know I'm so sorry!! I've been super caught up with school and just when I started to write the next chapter of Thank You, I got inspiration for an original story. As this never happens, I grabbed it by the horns and I've been writing that one for awhile. I do have a study hall though and I've been trying to get ready to start the next chapter. I don't need to repeat myself when I say that I won't drop the story though!! It will see completion! I just need the proper motivation to start. ;) Also, in another note, it looks like Shadow will end up being good. C'mon, nobody else wants him evil? X3 I'll catch y'all next update! Hope the year's been good to everybody so far!! ((Update 10/30/10)) Okay. So. I TOLD you I'd get the chapter up! But now I have to go through writing the next one. The issue, I think, is because for the previous chapter and this chapter I'm using a written out plan, which is something that I never do. But if I didn't, I'd get inconsistent with some of my information. I'm having a tough time balancing Vio and Shadow's relationship, so I might, just MIGHT, make this a prequel to a one-shot or something. Like this is pre-shounen-ai and the one-shot actually IS shounen-ai. But anyway, thanks to everyone who's sending in their votes (all 12 of you! lol)!! I'll be accepting votes for a few more chapters left, and if I get enough votes for evil!Shadow, I might just do an alternate ending! But for the moment, good!Shadow is winning 7 to 5! I'll catch you next update!! ((Update 10/3/10)) It's been almost three months exactly and I feel absolutely HORRIBLE. So I come bringing good news! Actual good news! I have officially completed chapter 6 of Thank You. The only remaining step is for me to actually type the damn thing up. Sending nagging PMs about it will do me good. Seriously. A simple message like "TYPE THE CHAPTER" would be enough. XD In either case, apparently I get instant muse and inspiration for it if I listen to the first ending of Claymore. Which is weird cause I've never actually seen the show. ANYWAY, the chapter is written and all I have to do is type it up. But it WILL happen!! If I had to abandon all of my stories but one, I would never abandon Thank You! ((Update 7/7/10)) Okay, it's an update, and it's about Thank You. I know where the first part of chapter 6 is but I can't exactly get to it. My family and I went to Washington and my mom unpacked my school backpack which had my notebook in it. I'll have to locate it before I can start typing up chapter 6. I'll do my best, though! On another note, I have made my final decision on whether or not Shadow will turn out good or evil. But I won't tell anyone. ;) On a further note, I'm going to go over each of the chapters and edit them to the best of my ability. If there still happen to be mistakes afterwards, let me know! Here's to hoping I can update soon, if anyone even reads this! Seeya next update! ((Update 5/27/10)) Alrighty then. I have for you an update on Thank You! Not probably what you'd wanna hear but it's news nonetheless! ((sweatdrop)) I've written about four pages and the biggest roadblock I keep hitting is geography and stuffs like that. ((sighs)) Sorry about that! I really am trying to write, but the end of the school year is coming up and that means the word every student fears: FINALS! D: Yeah, so I'm contending with that. But rest assured, Thank You WILL be completed, you have my word!! I love the story too much to drop it! On other news, I just got Sherrilyn Kenyon's new book Infinity and just finished it. The only thing I was disappointed in was that Jaden wasn't in it (damnit!) so I might just get desperate enough to write another Dark-Hunter fanfic involving him. Maybe. Dunno if I trust myself. I'm struggling to get hooked on Kiba (the show, not the Naruto character...Not a Naruto fan anymore) and I just may write for Saiyuki or hell, even the new anime Uragiri wa Boku no Namae o Shitteiru! So...not the BEST update in the world but oh well. I'll see ya next update! ((Update 4/17/10)) OK, this isn't exactly a GOOD update but I think I should put it anyway so my readers of Thank You (if any of them ever look at my page) aren't left in the dark. I've attempted to start the next chapter in school a few times, but I've always come up against a roadblock about a page or two in. I know where I want to go with the story but I just seem to be having a few issues in GETTING there. And out of curiosity, I'm going to put a poll up that asks people what they'd like to see in the ending, whether they want Shadow to be evil or good. I'll leave it up to the readers and try to change the story accordingly! Just cause I'm feeling thankful that this story was received so WELL! In other news, I've been heavily debating putting up a Hetalia piece that I've had written for nearly four months now. The only problem is that it's a higher rating in romance than I think I've ever posted (both here and on FictionPress...) so it has me a bit worried since romance is a subject that I don't know a ton about when it comes to writing (even though I try to practice it a lot...). Anyway, the next update you see will probably include a new Hetalia piece but you can never be too sure. ((Update 3/23/10)) First update of the new year! Wewt! I know, almost four months late but whatever! Anyway, I'd like to say how grateful I am for all the reviewers for Thank You! You don't know how much your reviews make me smile! I really hope I'm confusing you on Shadow's intentions, because I want to keep you all in suspense!! To be painfully honest, even I'M not sure which path I want him to take. Uh-oh! As for updates in general, I'm sorry to say that my Zelda story won't be getting much attention for awhile...because my soul has been STOLEN by four things: Hetalia (season three and Austria's Drama CD!!), Monster (epicdramaepicdrama!), Gyakuten Kenji (cause Edgeworth and Lang are just THAT awesome), and Pokemon Soul Silver ((sweatdrop)). So yeah, when it comes to the Poke-verse, I might upload something, but it'd be in the Colosseum universe so it'd have Wes and Ein!! So I'll most likely have an update in that... And my OTP for Phoenix Wright is ruined, due to Shi-Long Lang. I keep wanting to ship him with Edgeworth even though he belongs to Phoenix. ((sigh)) Anyway, nothing SUPER good in this one, but believe me I am still alive! And I will see you all next update! ((Update 11/24/09)) I don't usually keep this many tabs on a story, but I feel that I want to (and I'm bored before my friend picks me up for school, eh-heh). So here's an update for Repetition. The story is about almost over if you're talking from the dream point of view. I, however, want to draw it out a bit. I'm not going to add a lot of extra stuff (except at the end so it actually has an ending) but I'm going to do my best to make it descriptive without going overboard. And without making myself seem stupid since I'm not used to first person, present tense. Anyhow, it's coming along nicely, and when I'm finished I'll work on the next chapter of Thank You. Speaking of which... THANK YOU for all the wonderful reviews I'm getting for it! And for all the favorites and alerts! You guys make my day, you really do!! So, seeya next update! ((Update 11/21/09)) Another update! I don't think I'm going to remove my previous updates...if for the sake of making this profile seem a bit longer! But I really do have an update to share with you guys concerning Thank You. I know I've been obsessed with that story lately, and believe me, I still am, but I've been taking a break from it to write another story, this time an original one that I'll be uploading to FictionPress. It's based off of a dream that I had about a few weeks ago that was very vivid, which is weird cause the only really vivid dreams I have are nightmares. Anyway, if you're familiar with my FictionPress stories and you know the two horror ones I've uploaded (dealing with the Girl and That man) then you might be interested in this one. It doesn't have the Girl per se, but it does have That Man. The story won't be completed for another few weeks (cause I only seem to really get down to writing it at school, but I'll upload it there when I do get it completed. I can tell you that the title is Repetition, and it's probably rated either T or M under the genres Horror and maybe Supernatural. And that's all I really feel like telling you guys! Anyway, I might be putting Thank You on hold, and for that I humbly apologize! But! I'll try to get around to typing the next chapter of it this weekend! Anyway, see y'all (OMG I'm turning into Shadow!) next update! ((Update 11/6/09)) Yup, another add! I'm thinking I'll just put up some STORY news or current projects up here. Just cause I'm not used to seeing this profile so small!! ;-; Anyway, first up we have Thank You, my Zelda fanfic! I'd like to say first THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR YOUR LOVELY REVIEWS!! I think I gave some mixed signals and I want to clear some things up so here we go: Next up I have a new project I'm working on! I started it in my History class while watching Gladiator. . . . Please do NOT ask me how I started writing a SAIYUKI fanfiction under the HUMOR genre in HISTORY class while watching GLADIATOR! I have no clue how it started! I'm still in the midst of writing it, and it's a one-shot so it might, or might not make it up here. It's my attempt to temporarily derail myself from the dark stories and try to bring myself 'back into the light' so to speak. But not to worry, I'm not giving up on Thank You! In fact, I'll do my best to finish typing up chapter three cause I really want to get it up! I really do! Feel free to PM me about any of my stories, alright? I might need a few prods. So, this 'little' update is complete! I'll see you guys soon hopefully in a new update! ((Update 10/22/09)) Yes, my profile is gone. The whole damn thing. Anyway, it's useless isn't it? XD I mean, I have another account that's just for favorites and my long-ass profile that has my story stats. KyuuketsukiNekko. It has information about my stories, and other useless crap such as pairings, favorite lines, line of the week, etc. So head over there. And seeya next update, which will be on the story Thank You which will be coming SOON CAUSE I FINISHED CHAPTER TWO!! BOOYAH! |
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