To trust the enemy

Summary: As much as Dark doesn't want to admit it, he cares about Satoshi. He doesn't want to see him hurt, and after several incidents, realizes that Satoshi, the enemy, is actually beginning to…trust him. And he in turn, is beginning to trust Satoshi. And Krad isn't very happy about it.

AN: Ok, this is my first DN Angel story. It's centered around Dark and Satoshi, but it will be more of a friendship thing then anything else, just to let you know. Sorry if this is a bit OOC, I'm just starting to write them.

Disclaimer: I do not own DN Angel in any way.





Chapter one: Weather mishaps

"Dark!" Satoshi's voice was hardly audible over the sound of the storm that had surrounded the museum during the night. Lightning streaked across the sky, and a particularly loud thunder crash seemed to shake the windows.

/ This is too dangerous, we're going to have to land. /

Dark carefully began to fly toward the ground; the weather was being too unpredictable to fly in. Satoshi watched with narrow eyes as he landed. Turning, he quickly made his way toward the door. Dark hadn't flown far, and he could quickly reach the park and catch up with him.

(Dark it's going to take forever to get home in this!)

/ I know Daisuke, but we can't risk flying through this. Lets just hope creepy boy didn't decide to try and follow us. /

(Why, worried about him?) Daisuke asked in a teasing voice.

/ I know you would be, I just don't want him following us /


Dark chuckled, but stopped when a smooth voice reached his ears. "I'm afraid, I cannot let you leave."

Dark turned around to see Satoshi standing directly behind him. How had he gotten so close without him noticing? Despite this, Dark smirked. "Don't you ever get tired of saying that commander?"

Satoshi glared, but as he opened his mouth to reply another crash of thunder surrounded them, causing both of them to jump. The clouds seemed to open even farther, letting a curtain of rain fall. The rain was falling so hard now, that it almost stunned on impact. Satoshi and Dark didn't break eye contact, but both realized they could barley see ahead more then a few feet.

Neither Dark nor Satoshi knew how long they continued glaring at each other, and being so deep into it, didn't realize the water slowly creeping up their ankles. Satoshi was the first person to notice, and he looked down, surprised that he hadn't notice the water rising.

Dark followed his gaze, and his eyes widened slightly. "You baka! (1) You just had to catch up with me at the lowest point of the park!" (2) Dark yelled.

Satoshi glared at him again. "It's not my fault, I didn't tell you to come steal tonight!"

Dark glared at him again, but looked down to see the water level was halfway to his knee. / I don't have time for this / "Well, I'd love to stay and chat, but I'm already wet enough, so I'll be going. Goodbye commander!" With that Dark took off running, a streak of lightning reminding him not to take flight.

"Hey!" Satoshi quickly followed, but running through the water was difficult. It pushed against his legs, forcing him to lift his feet higher in order to increase his speed and catch up with Dark. He felt his foot catch something under the water and he tripped, falling forward and head catching a nearby stone. Darkness appeared before him, and he fell unconscious for a few seconds, his head slipping under the water, cutting off his air supply.

Dark glanced behind him when he heard a splash. He saw Satoshi laying face down in the water, feeling a flicker of concern run through him. "Commander?" He got no response. Knowing he'd probably regret this later, he quickly made his way back, lifting Satoshi's face out of the water, who promptly started coughing when he met oxygen again. His eyes opened, and it took him a minute to comprehend who was in front of him.

"Dark?" he questioned.

He didn't say anything, just stood up, pulling Satoshi with him to keep him steady in case he fell.

(You actually helped him?)

/ You're rubbing off on me Dai; I couldn't just leave him there like that. /

Satoshi relaxed against a nearby tree, watching Dark carefully, not able to bring himself to say thank you, which was obviously what Dark was waiting for. When it was apparent Satoshi wasn't going to say anything, Dark shrugged. "You're welcome commander," he said, beginning to walk away.

There was suddenly a sharp crack, and Satoshi looked up just in time to see a large branch falling from the tree. "Move!" And without stopping to think about why he was helping him, he had pushed Dark out of the way of the falling limb. Both of them fell to the ground with a loud splash.

Both of them looked to where Dark had previously been standing, where a large tree limb was now laying. They looked at each other, before slowly standing up. Satoshi swayed slightly, putting a hand to his head. Dark unconsciously reached out to steady him. Both just stood among the rain, studying the other. Finally, Satoshi spoke. "Just take it."

Dark looked at him, surprised. "What?"

"Consider it my thank you," he said, turning and slowly makings his way through the water, towards his home.


Satoshi stopped, but did not turn around to face Dark. "Yes?"

"Thank you."

Satoshi nodded and continued on his way.

You let him go!

He helped me Krad, I know you don't understand that but generally people who help each other in times like that are thanked in some sort of way.

You were coming around when he pulled you back up, you could have been fine! Go back and get him!


Don't make me go myself. A flicker of pain ran through Satoshi's chest, and his eyes narrowed.

"No Krad! Not today!"

If you let him go again.

"I WON'T!" He sighed as he felt Krad retreat to the back of his mind, and gazed back in the direction Dark had gone. It made him wonder, if Dark really did care about him. Of course not, why would he? He never would…right?


So? What did everyone think? (Hopeful smile) Please review; I'm open for constructive criticism. Just no flames please, if you don't like the story at least tell me why.

1. 'Baka' is Japanese for 'idiot'

2. When a flash flood occurs, the most water gathers in low points, like in ditches or off run offs from hills and such.

Special mention: My best friend, Haili, helped me with this chapter. In the part where Satoshi gets knocked unconscious, that's what happened to my friend…only she was knocked out for a while -- and in a foot of water --. Oh well, thank her for the element of truth.

Please review, I'll work on making the next chapter longer.