Hello everyone. I know it's been awhile since I wrote a story. I just been really busy at work. Still very busy, but I had a craving to write something like this. This story is completely different from my normal ones. For instance it's not planned out so I'll be making things up as I go LOL. That is until I figure out which direction it's going. Plus this is a very dark fic with dark themes that I normally don't write about plus some themes that I do. And it's not a Yugi/Atemu fic which shocked even me, but it's Atemu and someone. LOL We'll see what direction this goes before I make another chapter. I'm going to try to update once a week if not more than once. But with how work is it might take a little longer. Anyway I'm going to start this story and see how it goes.


Chapter One

There he stood hidden in the shadows almost completely ignored by everyone. The focus was on Yugi like it has been since the former pharaoh lost his match to his smaller half. Atemu had all intentions of finally resting, but something drew him back. He stood at the doorway, staring at his family and friends from ancient times. He was struck with a sudden sense of dread. Atemu felt lost and stranded. He didn't think he belonged with them when he could barely remember everything from his past. He wished not to dishonor their memory and chose to stay with Yugi, hoping that he would eventually remember his whole past

Atemu turned away from his family and friends and moved back towards Yugi. Upon doing so, the door shut, and the gods granted him a body of his own. That's when the former pharaoh started to notice the change in the people he once knew as his friends. They distant themselves from him and focused on Yugi. They treated him like a shadow barely speaking to him, but Atemu seemed not to mind. The food his body craved became less and less of a necessity as he learned to ignore the hunger. In fact, all of the basic human needs that came with his new human body became less and less. Nights became longer.

Atemu moved away from the tree his friends were currently sitting under, enjoying a pinic that Yugi insisted on the former pharaoh attending. Everyone was focused on Jou and Yugi's duel, betting their best cards. Atemu knew who the winner would be without even having to watch. He also knew that Yugi would never take Jou's card. Atemu wondered down the walkway towards the fountain. He stared at himself in the reflection. His natural tan skin was starting to pale, dark circles formed under his eyes from lack of sleep, and his cheeks were starting to show his rapid weight loss. He knew that he would have to eat soon, but he couldn't get his body to comply.

"You know, you're not looking so good, former pharaoh," a voice sneered, causing Atemu to jump and twirl.

He managed to balance himself off for a split second before tripping over his own feet and falling into the fountain. He landed hard on his shoulder, releasing a hiss of pain. He reached up to hold it as he climbed out of the fountain, ignoring the helping hand being offered to him. "I don't need your help," he hissed.

"You should get that looked at. You landed hard."

Atemu rolled his eyes. "What do you want, Kaiba?"

"Obviously your so-called friends haven't noticed your drastic change in appearance and personality. Not to mention that you barely talk. So what is going on with you?"

Atemu squeezed the water out of the edge of his shirt and hair barely paying attention to the CEO's comment. "Nothing."

"You going to let them continue to treat you like a shadow 'Yami?'"

Atemu sighed and fixed his black hair. Since he grew tired of everyone thinking he was Yugi, the former pharaoh allowed his hair to grow longer. The red tips changed to red streaks in his completely black hair, and it was no longer spiked up. It rested just below his shoulders. Atemu refused to answer Kaiba and walked away. Instead of retracing his steps towards his friends, Atemu moved further away from them. Kaiba shook his head and continued his walk back towards Kaiba Corp.

Kaiba couldn't get his mind off the former pharaoh. He didn't understand why Yugi wouldn't notice the change in Atemu. He thought that the smaller half would care what happened to his once dark half, but apparently he was wrong. Taking the elevator up to the top floor, Kaiba decided he wanted to see if Yugi noticed Atemu's change. He picked up the phone and dialed the number to Yugi's cell that he gave him a few months ago to keep in touch with the group.

"Hey, Kaiba, what's up," Yugi's cheerful voice spoke over the phone, telling Jou that it was now his turn.

"I have a question for you. I'm meeting with a group of Egyptians that just flew into town. For lunch, they wanted to try something Japanese. Could you tell me what Atemu likes?"

"I wouldn't know. You would have to ask him. Hang on let me get him." Kaiba frowned. Clearly Yugi didn't notice anything about Atemu's weight. Then a sudden thought formed. He remembered watching Atemu walk the opposite direction of his friends. "Uh, Kaiba, I'll have him call you back. He must have walked off somewhere."

"Hmm. Sounds like he does that often."

"No, not really."

Kaiba growled softly. He didn't understand why he was angry with Yugi, but clearly something inside of him didn't like how distant Atemu was from everyone whether it was Yugi's fault or not. "Well, do you know what he normally eats at home?"

"No, he doesn't normally eat at home. He says he eats at work."

Kaiba blinked. He didn't think Atemu had a job. "Where does he work?"

"At the museum taking care of the Egyptian exhibit."

"How long has he been working there?" Kaiba began to feel guilty for not knowing that Atemu worked. It seemed like he saw that young man walking around town a lot.

"He got the job about a month after our duel."

"I'm surprised he doesn't help your grandfather out at the shop."

"Atemu doesn't play games much anymore. He keeps to himself and usually stays up in his room when he's at home. I guess he wants to be alone lately."

"I see. Well when you see him again have him call me."

"Will do. Bye, Kaiba."

Kaiba hung up and leaned back in his chair. Yugi did notice some change, but it didn't seem like it was bothering him. Kaiba turned and looked out the window. The last time he checked the Egyptian exhibit left the museum after his tournament., but he wasn't going to tell Yugi that. Clearly Atemu was doing something that no one knew about. Kaiba clicked away at his computer, trying to keep his mind off Atemu. He didn't know what was up with his new obsession was with his ex-rival lately.

Two days went by before Yugi finally called back. Kaiba assumed it was Atemu and took the call on speaker phone. "Kaiba speaking."

"Kaiba?" a very shaky voice sounded through the room.

Kaiba picked up the receiver. "Yugi, what's wrong?"

"A-Atemu hasn't been home in two days. I haven't seen him since the morning that you and I talked on the phone. Have you seen him?"

Kaiba bit his lip slight. "No. Did you try calling the museum?"

Silence fell over the line for a long minute. "Yes, they said that no one by his name or description works there."

Kaiba sighed. "Is there any place you know of that he would go?"

"No. Kaiba, please help me find him. You know the police won't be of any use without resources," Yugi pleaded.

"Alright, but first I want to talk to you and all your friends in person. Come to my office right away."

"Thanks. I'll get them and be over as soon as possible."

With that Yugi hung up the phone. Kaiba dialed Roland's cell phone number not even letting the phone rest for a second. "Roland, check all hospitals, mental and physical for someone fitting Atemu's description then call me back. Oh, and check with the police to see if he was picked up for some reason."

"Yes, Mr. Kaiba." Kaiba glanced back at the computer screen. He wondered what had happened to Atemu. He would never think that Atemu would run away from his life. Something obviously happened to him.


I know it's a little bit boring right now, but I promise it'll pick up.

Thanks for reading please review

Angel Dove