Author has written 18 stories for Justice League, House, M.D., Stargate: Atlantis, Wicked, Stargate: SG-1, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Lost, and Supernatural. Hey everyone, I finally got around to updating my profile! I'm now seventeen, but I'm still blonde, skinny, and short. Anywho, I still read fanfic, although I have not written anything in a while. I only write gen, but I do read ship or slash as long as there is still a plot. I have written 10 fics so far, all of them either angst, hurt/comfort, and even one attempt at humor. I am a whumpaholic, but I refuse treatment. Instead, I have decided to let my addiction fester to the point insanity. I go through rotations of which fandoms I read, but one thing stays constant: I read almost exclusively whump or hurt/comfort. I have read some SG-1 humor, but other than that its all angst. Some of my past fanfic obsessions have been SG-1, SGA, LOTR, SPN, House, MD and JL or Batman. I do read other fandoms, such a quality Dark Angel, Lost, Firefly, 24, Battlestar Galactica, and more recently Grey's Anatomy. I find that the more mainstream the show is, the lower the average quality tends to be. Lord of the Rings is probably one of the largest fandoms I read (if not on !) followed by the Stargate Universe. Supernatural, for a smaller show, has an amazingly rich fandom which I thoroughly enjoy. Although I am open to any character being whumped, I do have some favorites: Daniel, Jack, Legolas, Dean, Sawyer, House, Alec, and Sloane. Toodles! Pairings I will read: UPDATE! I know I promised a sequel to a Girl Called Equus, and I'm working on it...but don't hold your breath. And I am still debating whether or not to finish In Loving Memory of Captain Jack Harkness, considering it is now non-canon. An Informative Delirium will hopefully be finished...but once again, don't hold your breath. School got really busy, and I had to study for regents, and now it is my first summer with a job and I have been horseback riding non-stop. I've been really busy guys, so hang in there! |