Hello folks, and welcome to the re-write of Triple Shadows. I decided I would re-write it, because when I read over it a few weeks ago, a lot of things didn't make sense. So, I decided that instead of just editing it, I'd start over instead. I was so happy to finish mylatest stories, I felt like starting this and Crimson Stripes on the same day! W00T!This version will probably be longer, and hopefully better. Enjoy!
Lightning streaked across the sky yet again, only partway through a thunderstorm. Near the area the storm was taking place, there was not much except forset, and one house. The house belonged to Vanilla Rabbit, who was out for the night to visit some old friends. In her abscence, her daughter was watching the house, along with a few friends.
"Truth or Dare?" asked Cream, Vanilla's daughter. She was in the living room with three other girls. On Cream's left was Amy Rose, one of her best friends who was taking a break from Sonic chasing. Beside her was Rouge, who had agreed to come for the Truth or Dare game. On the other side of Cream was Blaze, whom Cream's question was directed to.
"So, how is it I play again?" Blaze asked, still not used to such a friendly game.
"It's simple," Rouge replied, being an expert at the game. "When someone asks you Truth or Dare, you pick one of the two. If you pick truth, you have to answer a question truthfully, any question. If you pick dare, then you have to do whatever the person tells you to do."
"Okay then, truth," Blaze didn't exactly want to be dared yet, since she was still new.
"Do you like anyone Blaze?" Cream then asked. "Remember, you have to be truthful." The purple cat looked at her shoes, which were the same color as her blushing cheeks.
"Yes," Blaze replied, not saying who. "Okay then, Amy, Truth or Dare?"
"Dare me," Amy answered bravely. Blaze started to think about this, when a large thunk was heard on the roof, soon followed by a crash onto the ground. Cream let out a shriek.
"Don't worry, it was probably only a branch," Blaze assured Cream. "Amy, I dare you to see what it was."
"But...but it's so wet and muddy out there!" Amy retorted.
"A dare's a dare girl," Rouge said, "Get going."
"Trust me Rouge, you're next," Amy muttered, putting on a raincoat as she walked out of the house. It was starting to rain, and Amy sunk a little into the mud. Luckily, she was wearing her boots, but she still didn't like it. Ahead of her, she saw a figure. A hedgehog? Amy walked over to it, it was indeed a hedgehog. Without thinking much about it, amy picked up the soaking hedgie, and pulled it inside. it was unusually light for it's size, it looked about the same height as Sonic. Amy threw the door open, dragging her find inside. She laid it on the couch before inspecting it, along with the other girls.
It was quite an unusual looking hedgehog. It was black with yellow stripes, apparantly a male. His clothes were a coat like Blaze's, and boots that went a bit higher than his knees. Both of these were white, with exquisite blue designs all over it. His hands, which were ungloved, had slightly long claws. But that wasn't even close to the weirdest part. Instead of quills on his back, this hedgehog had wings, large wings that looked like a mix between Bat and Black Volt wings. Also, it almost seemed as if there was a barely noticable halo above his head, near the two earrings in his right ear.
"What is he?" Blaze asked. "Is he a hedgehog?"
"I think so," Rouge replied. The hedgehog in front of them groaned, his eyes opening a little to reveal bright golden irises. His mouth opened a little, revealing large, sharp fangs.
"Where am I?" the strange hedgehog asked, fully opening his eyes to see the four girls in front of him.
"You're at my house," Cream replied happily. "I'm Cream, this is Blaze, Rouge, and Amy. What's your name?" Seeing Cream smile, the hedgehog smiled back.
"My name's Ciel," He replied. "Project Ciel the Hedgehog."
Not to far off, in Central City, Two other hedgehogs were fighting Doctor Eggman. They were known as Sonic and Shadow, who had been sent to destroy Eggman's newest creation that had been destroying the city. There was nothing special about it, and he was quickly put into submission.
"Ha! Take that Eggy," Sonic exclaimed, doing a little victory dance.
"Nice job Sonic!" cheered Tails, who had been following in the X Tornado. Shadow just shrugged, he hadn't come for the robot. The black hedgehog had come for the Chaos Emerald the Doctor had so kindly retrieved a few days prior. Shadow needed that Chaos Emerald, for he could not use Chaos Control without it, much less any other ability.
"And you are mine," The dark hedgehog muttered, reaching down to pick up the dark blue emerald in front of him. Suddenly, it was whisked away right before his eyes. A soft chuckling was heard, as Shadow fixed his eyes upon the source. Another hedgehog was standing atop a nearby lightpost, emerald in hand. He was the same height as Sonic and Shadow, and was wearing jeans and a gray hooded jacket. Not much was visible of his face, which was mostly covered by the hood. Out of the back stuck out some quills, which were black and blue. From what was visible of the hedgehog's face, his fur was mostly black. The eyes could not be seen clearly, for the hedgehog was wearing dark sunglasses, and a lock of hair was over his left eye.
"So, you're the famous Sonic the Hedgehog, and his little kitsune friend," The hedgehog said to the two below. "I've heard a lot about your reputation with these emeralds. Well, I request that you do not interfere with my work, as I require these emeralds. As for you, Dr. Ivo Robotnik," The hedgehog's expression turned into one of disgust. "I expected more out of a descendent of Professor Gerald, but I guess it's no suprise. You humans can't live up to your own legacies."
"How dare you!" Eggman cried, insulted by this remark.
"Excuse me," Shadow interrupted, "But that Chaos Emerald is mine." The hooded hedgehog lowered his sunglasses for a better view, revealing deep blue eyes.
"Lex? Never thought I'd see you here," He said. "I guess you finally managed to get off the Ark after all this time. Sorry brother, but I must be off."
"Lex?" Shadow asked. "Sorry, you got the wrong hedgehog. I was created on the Ark, but the name's Shadow, not Lex." The hedgehog stared at him.
"No, you must be Lex," he replied. "The resemblance is uncanny. Dr. Robotnik, have you indeed done something to him?"
"Why would I?" The scientist asked. "I do robots, in case you haven't heard. Besides, Shadow is indeed my Grandfather's creation, and the only successful one recorded. How do you know of such things?" The black and blue hedgehog sneered at the scientist.
"Liar, I know better than that," he replied. "I know what was made on the Ark, for I lived there. My name is Project Gemini, and don't you forget it." In a flash, Gemini disappeared, taking the emerald with him.
"Damn," Shadow muttered. "He got away. And now, he says he knows me too? How much more to my past is there?"
"Hey, I found a lock of his fur," Tails exclaimed. "If I scan it in the lab, I can probably find out who he is. You guys coming?"
"Yes," Shadow replied. "If he's after the emeralds, I need to know what I'm up against."
"Count me in," Sonic declared. "Sounds like another adventure. Come on, let's go!"
The first chapter was pretty much the same as last time, but the later chapters are going to be different. Anyway, tell me what you think! Oh, and don't peek ahead by looking at the original, because it's not the same. I think I'll delete the original anyway. See ya' later!