Ye be off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be spoilers! Arrr! First time try at a POTC story, though have loved the film/s for a good while!
'You must travel where your feet dare not tread,
You must prepare for which you will never be ready,
You must look upon sights you wish you could not see,
You must step into the Beyond.'
Barbossa Returns
The dull thud of footsteps sounded about the mismatched shack, echoing through the thickly grievous air. The entry summoned puzzled faces as brooding bowed heads raised to witness the sight. Tia Dalma progressively turned her head, a somewhat amused smile crafted over her cracked painted lips. Elizabeth's brown doe eyes locked onto the second thump of one of the black boots, her eyes trailing up the appearing torso as she rose slowly to her feet. And he emerged with a powerful presence, a mocking gleam in his bright eyes. Hector Barbossa clasped the shiny green apple tightly in his hand, smirking at the crew who stared at him in awe.
"Tell me.." he began, his grating voice cutting into the silence coarsely like a blunt sword, "what's become of my ship?" The monkey on his shoulder excitedly chattered as Barbossa brought the apple to his mouth and sunk his teeth deep into the ivory flesh of the fruit. Juice trickled into his beard as the once undead captain savoured the slow crunching bite of the apple.
A low, knowing laugh tumbled from Tia's lips as she gazed up at the pirate with pride, for it was she who had revived the man. William swiftly stood at the table, a hand automatically resting at the hilt of his sword. His face remained stern, but his eyes showed the sign of the astonishment the rest of the crew displayed so openly. "What is he doing here?" he asked no one in particular, not even directing the question to the man himself.
Barbossa merely chuckled, stroking the small head of his monkey with an idle grace. Tia rose to her feet with the same slow elegance she always displayed. The same smile sat crookedly across her lips as she glided towards Will. "You need captain, yes?" she asked in her low voice, her exotic accent smothering her words heavily. She stopped besides Will, resting a hand delicately on his shoulder as she gestured towards Barbossa with a nimble twist of her other hand. "He be a captain," she turned her head back to Will, bringing her face close to his as she spoke his name, "William."
Elizabeth felt her already mourning heart be stabbed with a fiery stake as Barbossa locked his gleaming eyes upon her. "He's no captain," she spat, curling loathing around every word that slipped forth. Her mind raced with the images of Captain Jack Sparrow, recalling his last few minutes. Their rough, passionate kiss left her tasting salt, rum and bitter guilt as she shackled him to the Black Pearl's mast in a fraudulent sacrifice. His response of, 'Pirate' had been an ironic salute, titling her of what she had become. Though now she sickeningly regretted sending Jack to his horrendous death. She would never let Barbossa strike again.
Barbossa's eyes remained fixed on hers as he took a stride towards her. Elizabeth did not move, but merely raised her chin in a challenging gesture. "Well, well," he said softly in a slow voice as he watched her. "It's looks like the lovely Elizabeth found her true callin', eh?"
Narrowing her eyes ever so slightly, Elizabeth did not respond to the jibe. Will interrupted nevertheless, paying no attention to Tia's unnecessarily close proximity. "What makes you think you can help us?"
Barbossa spun his head to face Will, grunting as he lumbered towards him with a surprising speed. "I know I can," he growled softly, directing his loathing for Bootstrap Bill into the identical eyes of Will. The monkey jumped up and down on his shoulder, chorusing the words with unintelligible shrieks.
Tia's lips curled in a broader smile, locking dark bloodshot eyes on Barbossa. "Now, now, we all friends here, yes?"
"Of course, Tia," he said softly, smile apparent for the woman who salvaged him. "I merely be explainin' to young Will Turner that I will be invaluable in directin' him to the Sea of Lost Souls."
"The Sea of Lost Souls?" repeated a gruff voice from the crew. Gibbs stepped forward slowly, his round eyes gleaming in the hanging lanterns of the hut. With Gibbs' vast ocean knowledge of seafarer rumours, it was no surprise that this caught his attention.
"Aye," shot Barbossa, but Tia took over for him in her usual alluring drawl.
"Down below de sea, where Davy Jones preys, those deserving of harsher punishment get no servitude on ship, but they go into eternal prison in cavern off the edge of the map in uncharted waters."
Barbossa straightened with a mocking chuckle, "If this be another rescue mission for Jack Sparrow – "
"Captain," interrupted Elizabeth sharply. She was aware Will had not hastened to correct Barbossa like she had. A momentary glance at the rest of the crew, however, proved they were thinking the same thing as her. But Will looked uncertain, and chose to watch the worn tabletop impassively. Swallowing in her momentary discomfort, she completed her sentence with less bravado, "Captain Jack Sparrow."
Barbossa turned his smirk upon her, "Aye," he harshly growled.
Will glanced across to Elizabeth with a small frown, before there and then a sudden decision came into his head without him holding any realisation of how he got to it. "You will not lead this mission," he said swiftly, his handsome face stern with an unwavering loyalty.
"And why that be, boy?"
"Because I don't trust you." Will was somewhat heartened to hear the grunts of agreement from Jack's previous crew.
Barbossa shared a teeth-baring smile with Tia, as though they had expected such a disruption. "Then who be sailin' you to rescue.. Captain.. Jack Sparrow from his hell?"
"I will," vowed Will as he stared at Barbossa. "But you will guide us under my captaincy."
The laughter that rang from Barbossa, and Barbossa alone, sent a chill of self-doubt through Will. "Will I now?" he asked, face alight in malicious amusement. "What makes ye think I want t'be doin' that?"
With a mere rustle of his clothing, Will's hand darted to his belt, and within seconds, his pistol was held upon Barbossa without a flinch. He drank in the nervous skitter inside Barbossa's cold eyes, allowing it to fuel his reckless determination, the origin of which unknown to him. "Because you can die."
I hope this chapter warrants a review! I'd love to hear from my readers, particularly as this is my first POTC story!