Author has written 33 stories for Death Note, Kingdom Hearts, Harry Potter, Supernatural, and Teen Wolf. HOLY COW ON A CRACKER this profile is OOOOLLLLLDDDDDDDD!!!! I've left the Death Note fandom, rarely read Remus/Sirius anymore (still love it, though!) and am even starting to check out of Supernatural. I do love Game of Thrones, though? Jamie/Brienne makes me tremble with unadulterated glee. Also good Lord, I am old and in grad school now. But I'm happy people still like what I've written, and I hope you enjoy it! If I get the urge to write anything for any fandom, I promise I'll post it here! Huh. Apparently my inbox is new. shiny!! Ahem. Well. Anyway...I am incredibly distracted by Errol Flynn movies, and probably waaaaaaaaaaay too depressed about L, well, you know... That, and I made a delicious fruit pie yesterday. Even had to bake the crust!! It was very exciting. And it's 1:25 a.m., so maybe I'll write a more coherent profile later in life. But then again, maybe not. Edit: Blllllarrrrrrgh the chapter creator is attempting to flay me to the quick with a butter knife. Update: My inbox in no longer new. D: So sad. BUT, I would still be delighted if you would make use of it and drop me a line. I love to hear from people I know and don't know, anywhere from a quick hello to a detailed discussion of whether LxLight is even mildly canon. :D Thanks for visiting...and I'll probably be adding a more legit profile in the near future. hahaha. Near. Okay, that wasn't funny. _ |