Author has written 38 stories for Harry Potter. Hey, I'm Leah and an 19 year old biochemistry college student. I adore reading fanfiction, especially HP fics :) You can find me on Twitter and/or Live Journal! I'm noncreative, so my usename in both places name is liebedance. If you want to follow or friend me, just send me a PM here telling me who you are so I don't think you're a crazy creeper stalker. I pretty much love: Harry Potter, House MD, Gilmore Girls, Buffy: the Vampire Slayer, Bones, Dollhouse Favourite Ships: Current Works in Progress: Upcoming Fics: Important Note on Kin and Kisses : We have not abandoned this fic! We have no intention of doing so. However, the sad truth is that FlameintheFlood is applying to colleges and I am in my junior year of college, so we're both exceptionally busy. While we both would much rather write about Hogwarts than lab reports and admissions essays, we cannot have that luxury. But we love Kin & Kisses and really hope that you all stick with us. Come next semester both of our work loads should lighten up and updates should return to every two weeks, or so. Your support means so much to us. Most of what I write is Remus/Sirius, Lily/James, or Marauder Era gen fic :) I have DAYDverse fics, but I haven't written there for a while. I've also written one Draco/Hermione fic and hope to be inspired to do more of those soon. If you review any of my stories, I'll make sure to review you back. Or at least reply to your review. Fair's fair, after all. Liebe, Liebe |