Rated: PG-13, Mild Language. This is my version of what should happen after Sonic Adventure 2. It is includes the return of Shadow and every character from Sonic Adventure 1, Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic heroes. So enjoy my story which I hope will be as good as "Shadow Forever" (That story rocks!). If you want to E-mail me my address is (I'd really appreciate it if you E-mailed me to tell me what you think about my story)


I know people fight over the most trivial things…..

What you see is what you get I'm just a guy that loves adventure…….

Ho, Ho! Sonic the hedgehog, come to spoil my plans again………

Sayonara Shadow the Hedgehog………….


Shadow woke up in a forest, his head acing in pain, his arm hurt, and it felt like every bone in his body hurt. "W-where am I"? Shadow said. He decided to look around. Shadow tried to remember how this happened but couldn't recall how it happened or anything in his past. After about an hour of looking around he found some thing, a red robot with a gun on his left hand shadow ran up to the robot. "Who are you?" Shadow asked. The robot looked at shadow. "Must capture hedgehog" the robot said. "Huh Shadow said. The robot looked at shadow. "Entering capture mode" the robot said. "Uh oh" shadow gulped.

The robot's gun on his left arm suddenly popped open and the robot took the bullet ammo out and put taser ammo in and then shut his gun, "You may feel small pain for a minute, then you will pass out for 48 hours." "Not if I can help it!" Shadow said leaping of the ground and then he Homing attacked the robot sending it hurdling into a tree. Then the robots glowing red eyes turned black and then it fell to the ground. "How'd I learn to do that?" Shadow said.

Suddenly, the robots eyes glowed red again and it got up. "Emergency battery packs online. All weapon systems fully functional. Continue to pursue target." The robots robotic voice startled Shadow. Thinking quickly Shadow jumped onto a branch of a nearby tree. "Resistance is futile" The robot said raising his gun at Shadow. Shadow leaped to the next tree just before the bullet could hit him. The tree caught fire and soon a forest fire started.

Shadow jumped from tree-to-tree until he was out of the forest and in a grassy field. Shadow's head arm and whole body hurt like hell. Meanwhile in the middle of the burning forest the robot stood in a ring of fire. "This presents a problem," The robot murmured, "Enter hover mode." The robot split in half (with a pole keeping both halves attached) and a large propeller popped out of his waist. Then it begun to spin rapidly and the robot started to fly out the burning woods. The robot spotted Shadow in a grassy field. Shadow saw it coming.

"These robots just don't take a hint" Shadow said grinding his teeth. Shadow knew he could take the robot, but his wounds were too bad, so Shadow did the only thing he could do…RUN! The robot (still hovering) fired at shadow. The bullets missed him and once again, the grass caught fire. And everyone knows grass fire smoke is thicker then normal smoke so the robot was caught in a thick cloud of black smoke. Shadow kept running and left the grassy field and entered a desert area with large rocks everywhere. He knew the smoke would clear up soon, so he tried to look for a rock to hide under.

Shadow looked around franticly and saw a small cave. Shadow dived in the cave. He waited a minute and saw the robot walk right past the cave. Shadow gasped for air, too much was happening to fast, and his wounds hurt worse than ever. The excitement, the pain, and the lack of air were all too much for Shadow and he passed out on the floor of the cave.


Sonic the Hedgehog and Tails the Fox sat on a lawn chair on Emerald Coast drinking some tropical stuff. Sonic and Tails were both thinking the same thing but they both weren't saying anything until Tails finally spoke. "So……….uh, this, um… drink is good…." He said in a squeaky voice. Sonic got off of the chair. "I know what today is you can relax" Sonic said. Tails jumped to his feet. "I was worried you'd forget" said Tails. Tails and Sonic started to walk to the train station. "How could I forget my best friend's birthday" Sonic laughed, "Why'd you think I would forget?" Tails looked at the ground. "Well…" He said in an uneasy voice, "Its… just, well you remember what happened… two years ago." Sonic also looked at the ground, "I know, two years ago today, Shadow sacrificed himself to save the earth." Tails could have sworn he saw a tear go down Sonics face.

"Tell you what," Sonics sad look on his face disappeared, "Well go to the space colony ARK tomorrow to visit Shadows grave." Tails perked up too, "OK!" Sonic and Tails got on the train to Mystic Ruins were Tails workshop was. As soon as they got in there seats Tails turned his MP3 player and Game boy Advance on. Sonic slouched in his seat and frowned. "I still don't see why we half to take a train I could run to Mystic Ruins faster than this bucket of bolts can" complained Sonic.

Tails rolled his eyes and went back to playing Game boy. It took half an hour to get to Mystic Ruins, Tails just sat there playing his Game Boy, and Sonic on the other hand got bored and kept walking up and down the isle. After the Trainman told Sonic to sit down he angrily sat back down. After a minute or so Sonic finally said something, "Aw man, this train is moving a mile an hour." Tails decided to talk to pass the time, but before he could say anything Sonic blurted something out. "How long has it been? It must have been like, 2 hours since we left." "Sonic, it's only been 5 minutes," Tails said.

"WHAT!" Sonic yelled. Tails thought of something to say to calm him down. "Uh, is Knuckles coming" Tails said. Sonic looked at Tails and grinned, "Don't worry Tails; Knux wouldn't miss this for the world."

Suddenly, the train's engine exploded.

Well, thats chapter 1 I really hope you all enjoyed it, please Read and review! I'm not putting chapter 2 up till I get at least one Review!