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![]() Author has written 4 stories for Harry Potter, Yu-Gi-Oh, Bleach, and Lord of the Rings. Hi, my name is Samantha Jade Davies. I am completely and utterly obsessed with Fan Fiction and Cadbury's Chocolate Buttons. My favorite drink is tea, I don't like having biscuits with anything I drink, and I detest coffee with a passion. My favorite crisps are Frazzles, and I hate Prawn Cocktail flavor of any crisps. I have only been drunk twice, once while I and my friends were skipping school, and the other time on New Years Eve/Day 2009. My favorite book series is actually The Sword of Truth, but Harry Potter comes a close second. It's a major shame that we aren't allowed to write Fan Fiction for that book series. I don't give a damn if somebody is homosexual, heterosexual, asexual, or bloody in love with a chimp. I say we love who we love, and that's it :) If you like Harry/Tom, and don't mind a non-magic story, there is this brilliant story I found that was mentioned in a Yahoo Group I'm part of. It's called Yours, in Murder. It is by the author May Marlow, and is an absolutely brilliant work of fiction. It's obviously, as I said before, in a world with no magic, and Harry is 27 years old, a psychiatrist and part of a CSI type group, led by Dumbledore, called the Mugwumps. Years before, when he was 8 years old, Tom Riddle, A.K.A., Lord Voldemort was sent to prison after being caught just after the murders of James and Lily Potter. In this new case Harry and his group are working on, they find that they need the help of a certain mass-murderer already locked up.. I've found an awesome picture (Sorry 'orin' for not asking!), anyone want to write a story about it? I don't think I would be able to do it justice... http:/ / orin. deviantart. com/ art/ Naruto-Your-Pain - 110953824 Without the spaces, obviously. :) Tell me if you do? I want to read it! :D Also, I am incredibly sorry if I review and it isn't long, and you were looking forward to a long review, but I hate being repetitive in my reviews, and I'm not very creative when I write them, so I end up being repetitive anyway, and it drives me mad. Thank you JackyPotter for the wonderful review you left for me on my story HP and the HoG ;) I'm Hufflepuff and Proud! :D Want to find out what house you belong in? ;D http:///tests/ccq_hogwarts.htm In case you need further proof that the human race is doomed because of stupidity, here are some actual label instructions on consumer goods: On a Myer hairdryer: "Do not use while sleeping". With Naruto and Sasuke, am I the only one who notices that SASUKE has 'uke' in his name? ;) In Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, does anyone think the creators could make 'Lord' Ghirahim any MORE GAY?! I burst out laughing the second I saw him! |