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![]() Author has written 50 stories for Sailor Moon, Harry Potter, Buffy X-overs, Naruto, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Bleach, Criminal Minds, Stargate: SG-1, Gundam Wing/AC, Transformers, Weiss Kreuz, Yu Yu Hakusho, Inuyasha, X-overs, Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, CSI: Miami, Hellboy, CSI, Cowboy Bebop, Ghost in the Shell, Avengers, Kuroshitsuji, Star Trek: 2009, NCIS, Saiyuki, Devil May Cry, and Batman the Animated Series. Where to find me: Paperdemon - Strailo (don't really post here) Fiction Press - Rose Strailo (Don't really post here) - Strailo (don't really post here) Adult Fanfiction - faery (It is now people. Change over your linkages) Y!Gallery - Strailo Archive of Our Own - Strailo I have a lot to say and not a lot of time to say it, so let's get down to it, shall we? 1) On my use of certain characters as evil or mean when they are canonically not evil or mean I really do hate having to use OC's as main characters when it comes to my writing and my worlds. I don't mind it so much in my RP's but when it comes to my fanfiction, I dislike it. Therefore, in order to do so, I tend to choose a character and use them instead. I try to make it seem right for the world that I'm building and I'm not always mean to that character. Except Sakura. She grates on my nerves. 2) Fanfiction is a hobby, not a paying job so wait for my updates What does this mean? It means just what it says. I'm not paid to write fanfiction and I can't tell you how often I want to strangle people when they DEMAND an update on one story or the other. Which brings me to the next point. 3) All full length chapter stories and my mini-stories are COMPLETED before I post them This means that each new mini story that is posted under the corresponding story file is done. The same with any new story that I post. One-shots and B&P's are generally collected for a while so I can have time to write some more mini stories. That means that all stories are final, but are likely to have some side stories after the main story is done. All pairings are final. All plot points are final. The story has been WRITTEN. I'm just now POSTING it. 4) Posting, depending on the length of the chapter story will happen every Monday and Friday or just on Monday What this means is that if a story is over 40 chapters in length (as most of my stories seem to be), a new chapter will be posted on Monday and then that Friday. If I finish posting a story on a Monday, the new story shall be put up on the following Monday. If a story is under 40 chapters in length, there shall be only one (1) chapter posted on Monday's. 5) Mini-stories, Oneshots and B&P's shall be posted either on Wednesdays or Fridays depending on the chapter story being posted. If I am posting two (2) chapters of a chapter story (see above) I will post one chapter of my other stories on Wednesdays. If I am posting only one (1) chapter of a chapter story a week, then they shall be posted Fridays. 6) I do take suggestions for my oneshots and B&P's When requesting a oneshot or a B&P, please note that I do have the right to say no to the pairing or to the prompt should you give me one. They do not tend to be sexual in nature but can shift that way depending on the pairing, my mood and the muse. 7) I do NOT post anything explicit sexual wise on this site Thank you but I do not want to lose this place since I've been here for a long time now. I would hate for some idiot to try to screw me over because I posted something with two guys screwing in explicit detail. I'm not that nuts. 8) Due to the fact that I do not post explicit material here, smut is in it's own chapters That means that you DON'T really need to read it because it's just all about sex in those chapters. Sometimes you'll get a heavily edited piece that has the needed information but not often. Please remember this cause I'm not going to be nice to the next idiot who asks me to post smut on here. 9) I write slash but I can and have written f/f and heterosexual pairings I really don't care if you don't like slash, I really don't. If you don't like it, HIT THE BACK BUTTON. I don't want to hear about your whining and bitching that I wrote slash fiction. I've warned you. Pairings are OBVIOUS and yes, they are pairings. 10) I don't care about ship wars or fandom bullshit Keep it away from me. I write what I like, I read what I like and sometimes I look outside of that for something new. This means that I don't care if you think that Sasuke/Naruto or Xander/Cordelia are the only TRUE pairings out there. You can go elsewhere. Take your bull to someone who has time to give a flying f. Cause I don't. Seriously. I could care less. And you can kiss my lily white arse. 11) I write in a LOT of fandom worlds. And I do mean a lot I like many worlds and I write in them, along with some rather new or obscure worlds. Here you'll find a lot of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Harry Potter, Bleach, and Naruto, but you'll also find Gundam Wing and CSI. Take your time, explore through what I'm offering and take some time to review. 12) Reviews are lovely, lovely things but I will NEVER hold a chapter hostage I can not tell you how pissed off I get when a writer holds a chapter hostage. I don't care how much I enjoy a story, when the author holds the next chapter for reviews, I stop reading. It pushes my buttons. There are people out there who read the stories, fav and follow them but don't review until the end. I tend to be one of them. Unless it's Bubby's stuff...then I review every chapter I read. She is made of awesome sauce okay? I LOVE getting a review though. So please, even if it's short and quick little "I really enjoyed this, keep up the good work," I will happily reply to you with a Thank You. Or try to at least. Some days the review system just doesn't like me. :P 13) I moderate guest reviews This means that any guest review that isn't a proper review gets denied, otherwise I let them go through on their own. I do try to answer them when I post the next chapter, but I sometimes forget, so it's just best to log in and review that way. Fanfiction Disclaimer: Just in case you guys don't see it the first time, I do not own any world that I play in. The worlds and characters belong to their respective owners and I'm just dabbling in them for the moment to enjoy doing something. Original Disclaimer: I own the characters and the worlds that I built with my time UNLESS otherwise stated. The characters that I do not own, I do give credit for and have permission to use. I do not own any publically recognizable items, company names or places. Thank you. A quick note about my story collections: Shockingly enough, I do read the rules each time I post a new story. Or start a new collection. NOWHERE in there does it say that I can't group short stories into one file. No where. They're all under the correct fandoms and marked accordingly. There is not overt sexual situations (teasing yes, but actual smut is placed ELSEWHERE and I do tell you guys that every time I do a new chapter story). They are formatted properly. NONE of the stories include the following: Non-stories (which are lists, bloopers, polls, straight up AN, ect), One or two line stories, comments insterted into the story flow, stories with non-historical or non-fictional characters, interactive entires (CYA, second/you based POV, ect), or chat/script format or keyboard dialogue based entires. Hmm, let's see what else the guidelines say... No multiple entries (without meaning to and my reviewers are awesome at telling me if I have an oopsie because of net issues). I haven't changed names/places/settings/ect to reupload the same story to multiple fandoms or settings. That's just annoying really. Like I said, all stories are placed into the proper category. And all chapters for my chapter stories? In one file. So next time someone tries to come after my stuff (because yes, some little 'guest' tried for me), I'm going to tell them what I'm saying now: I KNOW MY GUIDELINES AND TERMS OF SERVICE. I have to. I like posting on here. I hope every has a wonderful day and I'll see you next post! February 13, 2020 In regards to my characterization in some of my stories: This is fanfiction. How I decide to write these characters is because I am doing something new and interesting with the world. This does include Ichigo in "Don't Piss Off the Personal Assistant". 1) He's older. In his 20's. During the anime, he's 16. He had time to grow the fuck up and mature. 2) I call his hair red. It is more red/orange in shade, but I call it red. Fucking get over it. I've done it since I started writing in the Bleach fandom. 3) Did I not tell you that if you DIDN'T FUCKING WELL LIKE SOMETHING TO FUCK OFF. 4) Your opinion, if it's just all about how I write something because you think I'm doing it wrong, or I'm writing them like an OC, does not matter. Not to me. Not to those who like my stories. This is FANFICTION. Stop sitting on the broomstick and enjoy a fucking story. Cause Bleach and Marvel? Are not even something that would ever happen in real life. |