Title: Sing Me a Lullabye

Subtitle: It Ends With a Lullabye

Fandom: Bleach/Black Butler

Part: Epilogue

Characters/Pairings: Ciel/Sebastian/Ichigo, Various others.

Word count: 2,579

AN: And so we come to the end of this story. *sighs* It's been a ride hasn't it? I'm glad that you all enjoyed this story, I really am and I'm sorry that it's a day late. Yesterday was nuts.

But enjoy this. :D And please remember that the main story is DONE. There will be some side stories (posted in the same file thank you) though.

Ichigo placed his tea cup onto the side table as he watched Elizabeth and Grell go over plans for the Death God's vow renewal with his mate and shook his head. He had to smile gently as he crossed his legs, amazed at what nearly six short years could do for a collection of odd balls with so much power at their disposal.

In the last six years, so much had happened that it still amazed them all. The first thing to change was the fact that the Arrancar that had defected from Aizen, namely Harribel and her mates, Starrk, Ulquiorra, and Grimmjow, had settled into life amongst the Shinigami. They had formed, surprisingly enough, a sub-division under not only Soi-Fon but also under Jyuushiro's division. Grimmjow had ended up having a two kitten litter, one child for each of his mates.

The two were already training hard and took after their mother in personality even though they took after their father's in looks. It was kind of cute to see a mini-Ulquiorra with her mother's smirk or leer follow around her father while a mini-Starrk slept on his father's stomach more often than not.

Ichigo had no doubt that those two would end up breaking hearts, even thought it looked as if their mini-Starrk was very attached to Yachiru when he wasn't sleeping or training.

Shuuhei on the other hand had given birth a beautiful silver haired, green eyed baby amongst many threats of castration and sleeping on the couch, all directed at Kensei. They had decided to name her Yuka, a mix of Yuzu's and Karin's names as a way to thank the two girls for all of their help during the pregnancy. Kensei had, unsurprisingly enough, turned into super daddy and lover, turning protective of both his special people.

Shuuhei had reached his bankai as soon as he was cleared to train once more and wasn't trying to run to his daughter's side every few minutes to make sure that she was fine. He wanted to be as strong as his mate so he could help him protect their small but growing family. Though the last time Ichigo had talked with them, they had been talking about trying for a second child.

Shinji and Kira on the other hand were finally expecting one of their own, finding themselves in a very good place in their lives together to have a child finally. Shinji, unsurprisingly, was excited and bouncy, driving his mate to threats of sleeping on the couch in a bid to control him. From the way the two were planning, they would be wonderful parents, especially with Kira there to calm his mate down from getting overly protective.

Ichigo had bought them a beautiful crib as a gift for them. It had been cooed over and the rest of the room planned around it to match it so that the room created a soothing environment. It amused the younger shinigami, knowing just how much fun it was to plan and then watch a child turn it into their own when they got old enough.

Kenpachi and Renji were going strong, again, not surprisingly, having moved into an actual house that was kept rather neat and well decorated considering who lived there. The red head had fallen into an almost motherly role in regards to Yachiru, who was quite delighted about it and to his husband's amusement. He kept the house clean and organized while Kenpachi was a devoted husband and would always turn anyone who wanted into his pants down.

If need be, with extreme force and enjoyment of doing so. They were just coming up on their third anniversary and were looking at adopting a child from the lower districts, Renji's body not able to carry a child without a lot of work to prepare it and time off. For the moment, they were content with adopting.

The one relationship that shocked everyone that it had lasted so long, and looked to last even longer, was Byakuya with his two Quincy lovers, espeically considering just who the three were. The three men had adopted a couple of children from the lower districts who looked to have their own reiryoku. When the Kuichiki clan elders had raised holy hell over not just his choice of lovers but the children that they had adopted, he had set his foot down as the clan head and told them to suck it.

Things had changed in the long run, making life better for the manor and actually filled with happy family sounds. At least that's what Rukia had said when they last spoke.

When Uryuu had come from a visti, he had updated Ichigo on he and his father's relationship with the noble. The cross dresser had to admit that his friend seemed much happier with life and much more at ease with Ryuuken. It warmed him to see the two getting along so much better, especially with their Byakuya between them to act as a buffer.

Urahara still popped up every so often, a shop opening under the Funtom company banner, while also keeping up a new relationship with, surprises of surprises, Soi-Fon. It was kind of cute, their relationship. She got him out of the lab and to stop thinking about what had happened over the years and what could possibly happen, while he got her to loosen up and relax, enjoy her life and the people around them. She also helped him with the two shops and they were actually talking about becoming engaged in the next five years.

Yoruichi joined them in bed sometimes, but was still enjoying her freedom to flit about. She seemed to have a thing for teasing Hanatoru, who wasn't as innocent as one would think. She also still flitted between the two worlds but also the two dimensions to keep Ichigo up to date on his training with surprising ease.

Unohana was still acting as the Soul Societies sou-taicho with a firm yet fair hand, despite the new found respect for her rather interesting past. Ichigo had gotten the full story of her, Masaki and their mother from her, and had put that part of his past to complete rest with her help. She was still single but still happy about that, having claimed her family heir from one of the many orphaned children of the Rukigon districts.

She had also told him that her life was now perfect, having her family and being able to claim them out in the public.

Omaeda, from what his Aunty Kukaku had told him, was now married to Ganju in an attempt of making up for his idiotic words. When he had read that interesting tidbit, Ichigo had then put his letter from her down and gone to find one of his mates to forget the image of those two in bed together.

Consummating their marriage.

Even as he watched Elizabeth coo over some fabric, Ichigo had to shudder delicately at the thought of those two doing anything sexual.

His family was doing well though. Isshin had become the liaison between the Living World and Soul Society, even as he continued to run his clinic. He also had fallen into his own threesome relationship along side with Toshiro and Rangiku, surprising everyone with how happy they were and how easily Rangiku had calmed down since the start of the relationship.

It made him happy that his father had found someone to make him happy, and that he could find love in the arms of a woman who was willing to share.

Yuzu had gone on to culinary school and joined, not so surprisingly for those who knew them, Orihime in opening a bakery called A Soul's Pleasure. The flavors were at turns odd but still very delicious. When she wasn't baking or running the bakery with the older woman, Yuzu was planning her wedding to Jinta. He had finally gotten the guts to ask her out about a year after Ichigo's own marriage and they had been together ever since.

She also did clothing design part time, when she felt the urge to sew something up and put it out for sell or when she got an interesting commission.

Karin was going to medical school to become a trained nurse to help in the clinic and to have that training when she left behind the Living World. She had a somewhat relationship going on with Mizuiro, which had shocked everyone when they heard about it. They had never expected him to settle down with someone younger than him considering his past, but Ichigo had just smiled and said that love was a strange and winding path. He had threatened him with introducing the others groin to his favorite boots if he hurt Karin in any way though. Mizurio was quick to promise that he wouldn't ever hurt her if he could help it, especially with how much he cared for her.

Orihime had actually started to date Sado, the large half Mexican finishing off his business Masters in less then three years so he could help his girlfriend and Yuzu run their bakery. He still played in the occasional club, putting that extra money away to propose to Orihime. He almost had enough for the engagement ring he wanted to get and Yuzu had already offered her services in creating a wedding dress for her.

Grell and William were also going very strong in their relationship. Grell had become the nanny while still raising his baby girl, still as flamboyant and brightly happy with the way things were going. The happy family had been given their own wing in the Phantomhive mansion, much to William's embarrassment and Grell's delight. There was a permanent door to William's office in the Spiritual World so that they could go to work, but for the most part, Grell acted as the liaison between the demons, Shinigami and Grim Reapers.

Their daughter Alexandra had attached herself to Ichigo's and Elizabeth's little ones, so that also helped relations.

Ichigo chuckled lowly as he thought of Elizabeth's little one. No one was quite sure if Prinna was Soma's or Agni's, but it was looking as if the pretty child was indeed Soma's first. Currently, she was getting fitted for her very first sari with Soma's mother. Elizabeth was carrying her second child and exceedingly pleased with herself while Soma and Agni were preening in their own ways.

Alios, the odd immortal mage that he was, had discovered a way to carry a child and with his son had him healed in so many ways. True, he was still a little bi-polar, but he was also very much calmer and had truly settled into running his various businesses, even starting one with Ciel.

Claude had turned out to be a very devout father to his son and a loving mate now that he had time and was able to. He still wanted to kill Sebastian, but that was the demon's ways and it was more of a friendly want. He had even started his own little business on the side, wanting to make sure that he was kept busy.

"Ichigo, are you even paying attention?" Elizabeth asked, looking amused as he got a sheepish smile from him.

"I'm terribly sorry, Elizabeth, but my mind was wondering once more," Ichigo said, shaking his head. "You were saying?"

"I was saying that Aaron and Masaki should be done with their reading lessons soon and that they would be coming to steal you away to sing them to sleep for their nap," she said, smiling at him.

Looking to his ladies pocket watch, he nodded his agreement. "Yes, my two little devils will indeed be here soon." Standing, his friends chuckled.

Ichigo had had twins, Aaron and Masaki, his pride and joys. Aaron looked much like his father, Ciel, with black hair so dark that it looked blue in some lights along with dark blue eyes. He would grow to be lean and strong though, much like his 'mother' was. Masaki though had taken after her namesake with rich blond hair and brown eyes that had an added touch of red from her Daddy Sebastian.

They had both shown their demonic blood early but they also showed their Shinigami half just as well, and were already learning how to wield swords and other weapons. They were also doted upon by their various aunts and uncles. Their mental abilities were par for the course for demons, still children but able to keep their secrets well considering the time and place they lived in.

They were smart, beautiful and absolutely wonderful, making their parents happy and proud as each day passed.

The running of small feet reached their ears, little Aaron and Masaki running in with happy squeals, getting scooped into tight hugs by Ichigo, who groaned softly. "Oh my, you both are so very big, my darlings," he teased, Masaki shaking her head, curls bouncing.

"Never, mama. You carry Zangetsu around all the time," she chirped as Sebastian walked in with a smile.

"Now, now, Masaki, Zangetsu weighs as much as one of you do now," he chuckled, taking Aaron from Ichigo's arms, getting a smile from his mate.

"Ah, but how could I keep you tiny forever," Ichigo sighed, brushing noses with his smiling son.

"Are you going to sing us a lullaby?" he asked lowly. Ichigo smiled, amazed at how much his child took after him when had been that little.

"Yes, my sweet child, I will sing you a lullaby. Come, let us go settle you down for a nap with papa," he hummed, nodding to his friends before leading the way to the mate's shared bedroom. Ciel had cracked his knee the night before after getting hit there by a suspect. It wasn't bad but he was forced to spend the day in bed while his powers worked to heal the crack in such a delicate place.

"Is papa okay?" Aaron asked, Sebastian chuckling and bouncing him in his arms.

"Yes, your papa is just fine," he promised before they stepped into the bedroom. Ciel looked up and smiled softly at his mates and children.

"Nap time I take it?" he asked as his children were put down onto the bed, Ichigo leaning over to share a sweet kiss. Masaki and Aaron squealed and giggled, getting indulgent smiles from their parents.

"Alright, sprites, let's get you comfortable," Ichigo laughed, he and Sebastian getting the twins stripped down to their under clothes and laying them under a sheet next to their papa. "Now, what to sing?"

"Sing Moon, moon," the children chorused, yawning already. Ichigo smiled and sat next to them.

"Alright, moon, moon it is," he hummed. "Oh my dear moon, moon, come shine down on me and guide such good dreams to me…."

As he sang, Ichigo couldn't help but admit that it was simply amazing just how much could change in such a short time. For all the pain in his past, he would never change it if it meant giving up his husbands and children. He knew that life was like a song, at turns harsh and rough or soft and gentle like a lullabye.

All Ichigo could do was say to life, 'Sing me a lullabye' and hope it continued to do so.