Okay, so here's the deal, I really, really, want to write these two stories but I don't have the time. I think they are good ideas – so do most of the people I have talked to. I was going to scout out authors who would take up these challenges, but I can't even find time to do that! I've tried posting on a challenge forum, but I have yet to get a response from there (several authors have already confessed that they don't read those anyway).

I already have most of the groundwork laid out, but if people like the idea and want to branch out in another direction, that's fine.

Here is what I need from you (the reader): If everyone who reads this plea (there shouldn't be much of a shortage due to alerts for this story) were to find one or more authors, who they like personally, who write this particular genre - with these particular characters – If you could suggest these challenges to them, they might take it up and write it for the rest of us!

-I cannot stress this enough! The survival of these two stories depends on YOUR participation (and eventually mine, possibly several years from now when my life might be a little calmer…but that's a long time to wait).

My idea: What if the Deathly Hallows story was about three lovers, not brothers. The only reason why everyone thought it was brothers is because it was a mistranslation from a language where "brother" and "lover" looked and sounded much the same. When the "lovers" had a spat and broke away from one another, that's when Death took them. Only when they loved each other and were connected could they thwart death. However, when they broke apart and their love dispersed was Death finally able to claim them.

Now, you can use this idea for any threesome you want, but after thinking about the best candidates for this story, Harry, Snape, and Voldemort seemed to fit the profile best. Harry is the younger "lover" because the cloak was passed down through his family. Snape is the middle lover because he has a past with Lily and wanted to bring her back – But for him to fit with the "lover" idea Snape's family could simply be known as necromancers. Voldemort has always been after the Elder wand so he had to track it down when it was stolen from his family. The age also fits between the three.

How the story starts: When Voldemort did the ritual it took a while for it to solidify his features, but eventually he went back to his handsome form. He is now residing at the Slytherin manor (or whatever) and in his research he comes across a very old volume that has the original translation of the Deathly Hallows story. Voldemort, being the genius he is, translates the story properly and has a eureka moment. He already knows his family is the rightful owner of the Elder Wand, so who are the other two lovers? He thinks that if he tracks them down and makes the other two fall in love with him, then he'll be able to escape Death for good. But who are the other two? He knows the rumors about Snape's family being necromancers and has seen Snape wear a black ring. He also knows from rumors (from whoever) that Harry Potter has an invisibility cloak. The Potter family is old enough so… Voldemort makes a plan to seduce the two men. He calls Snape and (thinking Snape is on his side) reveals the plan to him. Snape leaves and tells Dumbledore the plan (I want Dumbledore to be nice, but if it doesn't work with the story, I'll understand). Dumbledore decides to have Snape collect Harry and the two go into hiding. But Voldemort finds them because of Harry's connection. Now Voldemort can put his plan in action, but it won't work because he is confusing lust with love seeing as how he has never actually known love.

Ground rules: I don't like mpreg and no rape either. It has to end in fluff, or some kind of good way because life is depressing enough; we read to escape from reality. Hopefully Hermione and Ron support him. Also, Harry can't be a whiny, crying bitch sighing "Oh woe is me, oh woe is me!" I want him to be tough, show a little of his Slytherin side.

I think that's everything…I really hope someone picks this up; I think it would be a cool story.


Vamp SS/HP Challenge

I have a (semi) post-Deathly Hallows Challenge. What if Harry had made a vampire friend in his various adventures in the wizarding world and then used that friendship to help a dying professor? When he is with Snape as Snape lays dying in the Shrieking Shack, Harry calls upon the aid of his vampire friend to save the life of his ex-professor. The vampire friend agrees and Harry leaves Snape in his care while he goes on to save the day and be the hero. Afterwards, Harry explains the truth to everyone and people like Snape now…even though he is a vampire. Snape is reasonably upset with Harry and Harry, being the self-sacrificing hero he is, offers to go into a deal with Snape-Harry will be his willing blood donor, until Snape decides otherwise. Clearly, Snape will use this to his advantage. How this relationship develops is up to you, but I hope it develops at a realistic pace taking into account the past history that these two characters have with one another. Also, you may take reasonable liberties with the whole vampire species and their reaction to blood, blood donors, and mates. One thing it must have is a happy ending!