Cat: Naruto X Avatar The Last Air-bender

Title: Shadow of the Fire Princess

Rating: M

Pairing: Naruto X Azula/Mai/Ty Lee


Zaara: We're back!

Azula: Finally! What kept you fools!? It's been almost a year!

Killjoy: Blame Zaara

Toph: We do.

Katara: Hey Korra what are you doing here?

Korra: Whoops. Sorry wrong show.



Avatar State/Demonic state/Sprits

For those of you who don't know. We do not own Avatar. If we did Sokka would not have had such a girlfriend like Suki.


(Fire Nation ship)

Naruto gave a small smirk to his three lovers as they were all passed out in bliss of the pleasure they just received from him. All three girls had their hair out of their usual styles and the covers were thrown all over the place.

Naruto got up and quickly dawned his pants as well as a long red jacket before walking out of the room and walking onto deck. Ignoring everything else, but what he saw. Zuko was stating by the railing. Naruto slowly walked up to him and slapped him on the back. Zuko nearly went off the ship, but managed to regain his balance.

"Hows it hanging Zuko?" asked Naruto trying to be friendly to his Masters brother.

"It's been nearly three years since I was banished from my country... my home. All that time I spent out In the world hunting the Avatar and when I finally do get the chance to capture him... I betrayed my uncle. After so long I'm not sure if I'm ready to return... Ready to face my father," said Zuko.

Naruto sighed. "Your a damn fool Zuko," said Naruto as he turned to leave. "Whatever happened during your time away made you stronger for it. You are a man without your father's approval. Your father is a man... Your uncle is a man. The things that happened, our choices rest squarely on our shoulders. No matter what you are told or what is said remember that your destiny, your honor, your actions and their consequences are yours and yours alone," said Naruto.

"Funny. That's something uncle would have said," said Zuko quietly.

Naruto returned to the room to see Ty Lee was up. Naruto couldn't stop the grin on his face if he tired.

(Fire Nation)

The people of the Fire Nation gathered at the foot of the Palace to await the Address by the royal advisers to the princess. Rumors had been flying over the last few weeks about what many had heard as the Fall of Ba Sing Se. Many believed them to be false. Ba sing Se had never fallen. Not in the last thousand years since the walls were erected.

"BE SILENT!" yelled two elderly women walking into the area and addressing the crowd.

"Your Princess Azula, clever and beautiful, disguised herself as the Enemy and entered the Earth kingdoms capital! In the Heart of Ba Sing Se she found her Brother. The Fierce and Determined Banished Prince Zuko and together they faced the Avatar!" started Li.


"Azula's agents, led by The NEW Grand General and personal Bodyguard to the Princess. Naruto Quickly overtook the City. They went to Ba Sings Se's great walls...," started Lo

"AND BROUGHT THEM DOWN!" yelled Lo and Li

"The Armies of the Fire Nation surged though the Walls and swarmed over Ba Sing Se, securing The Fire Nation's greatest victory!" yelled Li


Naruto stood on top of the walls with the Dai Li around him. The 12 he had selected along with the leader of them.

"Lord Naruto we are ready," said Sosuke

"Do it," said Naruto turning and walking away as the Dai Li brought down the walls allowing the Armies of the Fire Nation to enter the city and quickly assume control.

Flashback End

"Now the Heroes have returned Home!" yelled Lo and Li.

"Your Princess AZULA!" yelled Lo talking for the first time alone.

"And after three long, hard years! Your Prince has returned," said Li

ZUKO!" they yelled together

Azula and Zuko arrived out of the palace at the same time. Azula raveling in the cheers, while Zuko seemed conflicted. No one saw this, except Naruto

(Captured Fire Nation ship)

Sokka walked the deck as he looked out over the seas. The water was warm, nothing like the cold seas he was accustomed to. He drew parallels between the rest of the world and his home. Sokka knew that as a warrior he should never get home sick, but the truth is that he was homesick almost as much as Katara was.

"Sokka... What are you doing outside?" asked Katara walking up onto the deck.

Sokka smiled at Katara. He sometimes forgot that his sister was able to read him like she did. Katara's left her hair down after the scrap with The Royal siblings. She also took the sleeves off of her clothes. She had also helped him manage his now slightly long hair. Over the last few weeks his simple wolfs tail grew long, almost past his shoulder blades, so Katara took the ends and rolled them into about 30 braids. (1)

Sokka closed his eyes and took in a breath. He quickly reopened them to look at Katara. "Home. I was thinking about the kids and Gran back home Katara. Are they safe? Are they warm enough? Is there enough food to go around," said Sokka.

Katara sighed. "We can't worry about that now Sokka. We have other matters to worry about," said Katara.

Sokka. Nodded. "What about Aang?" asked Sokka.

Katara's eyes narrowed. "Dad is watching him for us right now," said Katara. A bit of bite to her voice.

Sokka sighed. Ever since reuniting with their father almost two weeks ago Katara had done nothing but be cold and distant from him. Sokka could understand somewhat. The day they reunited Sokka had actually Decked him.(2)

"Katara I know what your thinking, but you have to forgive him eventually," said Sokka.

Katara glared at the water before turning to leave. "I don't have to do a thing Sokka," said Katara.

(In the Fire Nation Palace)

Naruto walked the palace grounds wearing basic training gear. He really didn't have much to do at the moment. Sure he could have Mai or Ty lee in his bed currently, but he wasn't really in the mood for that right now. Azula and Zuko were both in a meeting with the Fire lord, The Dai Li were guarding Azula and a few other things on Naruto's orders, and walking around the city seemed pointless.

Naruto stopped walking for a moment and looked around the area. The grounds were never empty no matter the time of day. Weather it was soldiers or the palace caretakers walking around, someone was always around. Narrowing his eyes he turned around and glared at the figure that stood before him.

The figure was wrapped in a black cloak and stood at about 6'5 with long black hair pulled into a ponytail with long bangs

"Who are you?" asked Naruto.

The man didn't say anything and instead charged at Naruto before making two small flame daggers. Naruto groaned in annoyance. The man swiped at Naruto with the dagger. Naruto took a step back and the man moved in with an intense strike. Naruto grabbed the man's arm and twisted him around before taking him to the ground hard.

Before the man could recover Naruto snapped his neck. "An Assassin. Either Not very skilled in the art or a rookie if his display was anything to go off of," said Naruto aloud. As he heard the sounds of heavy armored feet met his ear.

"Lord Naruto!" yelled the head of the guards. "Are you alright sir?"

"Yes. I'm actually wondering why this area of the castle is currently closed?" asked Naruto.

The head guard frowned. "I was told only this morning that this area would be closed for maintenance my lord. This came down from the Fire Lord himself," said The guard.

Naruto nodded. "Thank you," said Naruto turning to leave. "You have confirmed something I was wondering," said Naruto.

(Later that Day- Sundown)

Azula was relaxing in one of the many natural hot springs that were scattered thought out the palace grounds with a hand maiden or two subbing her feet. Azula had to set on the left of her father while Zuko had sat on the right during a war Council after Ozai talked to both siblings one on one and then together. Azula let out a sigh of relief as her muscles relaxed. Azula felt a presence behind her. Only one person was brave/strong enough to sneak up on her.

"What do you need Naruto? Can't you see I'm relaxing," said Azula as if she was talking to a mere servant that had annoyed her.

"We need to talk Azula," said Naruto his voice icy.

Azula picked up on the tone in an instant. "Leave me and the General to speak in private," said Azula.

The maidens quickly gathered their bushes and left the area. Once they were alone Naruto's eyes glowed before a small bubble surrounded them. The reason Naruto did this was simple. Information. Jiraya wasn't the hapless pervert he always acted. The man reason he entered into peeping was because tongues seemed to loosen in the hot springs, bars, and brothels. A whore may not seem like much, but a few of them had information that could spark revolutions. Naruto would never be so careless as to allow information to slip to the enemies.

"We're alone. Speck," said Azula.

"I was attacked by an assassin in the western part of the palace. Were you aware that that area was closed for matinee?" asked Naruto.

Azula rubbed her chin. "That makes no sense. The western part of the Palace was repaired last winter after some structural damage for a Snow storm," said Azula.

"I knew it," said Naruto. "I was targeted by your father. He's out to get me,"

Azula looked at Naruto with a glare that would have set him on fire. "My father would never get rid of such a powerful asset," said Azula.

Naruto narrowed his own eyes. "Do not presume to know that Azula. Your father is a man obsessed with his Legacy. He burned your brother for giving a valid point during a War council. During my own War councils I had 2 or three people speak out against me for the simple fact that I would have abandoned entire city's just to get the advantage over an enemy. I banished them for my council for a time. Only a meeting or two, but never out right harmed them," said Naruto

"It is possible that your father also fears losing his throne to me or maybe even you," said Naruto.

Azula stood out of the water and quickly dawned her bathing robe. "If what you say is true then Father has overstepped his position," said Azula in a rare show of anger at her father for trying to kill her servant.

Naruto walked up to Azula and gently touched her cheek. "Do not be reckless Azula. Do not be hesitant either," said Naruto as he vanished into nothing.

(With Ozai)

Ozai sat on his throne eyes narrowed and only the flames the flames behind him as he didn't feel like keeping the towering inferno's up currently. Contrary to what many people believed Ozai wasn't as strong as people preserved him to be. He was more cunning then his brother was and a lot more deadly since he would kill if need be. All Fire benders of the Upper level could use Lightning despite the fact that only the royal fire Benders were allowed to do outside only in defense of the Crown.

Ozai walked the path to hell with all the bravado, but none of the Godly power. That honor went to his daughter Azula who wielded the Legendary blue flames. Stories were often told about the flames of colors. During the great times there were fire benders that controlled colored flames. The strongest of which was said to belong to the Gods of Hell. The Black flames. Iroh had claimed to have seen such flames on his trip to the spirit world.

That was one of the reasons he trained Azula to be his sword and not a shield. Shields became... dented over time and useless. A sword was so much more useful. Even when broken a sword could kill. So even on the Day Azula was broken she would have her uses. Siring a progeny was the only option he had if she sired a child and turned against him... He would even have her name the child after him should be be a boy.

Ozai was brought out of his musing as a Royal messenger walked in. "What is it?" asked Ozai.

The messenger bowed. "My Lord I was told to deliver a simple message from Lord Naruto," said The messenger.

Ozai's blood ran cold and his hairs stood on end. "What is the message?"

"He said 'Sorry Ozai... Better Luck Next time," said the Messenger.

The Flames around the room sparked to live almost reaching the ceiling. "I have my own message," said Ozai as sparks found the tips of his fingers as he fired a bolt of lightning at the Messenger.

The Messenger screamed in pain. Blood boiled in his body as it leaked from his nose, mouth and eyes. After only a minute Ozai increased the power taking the poor man off his feat and sending him across the room. Once he was nothing but corpse of smoked meat Ozai stopped. he called for the guards to remove the smoldering and sticking corpse

Ozai was now worried even if his face didn't show it.

(With Naruto)

Naruto sat inside of the Prison with Iroh sitting across from him acting as if he had lost his mind. Naruto was sitting on a chair.

"You can quit pretending Iroh. I can see it from here," said Naruto in annoyance.

Iroh's eyes gained a sharp look as he became more refined. "I see," said Iroh. "If you know I'm only acting then why are you here?"

Naruto narrowed his eyes. "Information on Ozai's assassins," said Naruto.

"What do you mean his Assassins? Ozai. Last I heard they were all killed during an attempt on the Earth king some years ago," said Iroh.

Naruto closed his eyes. "Well their back. If not in grater number. I've been the victim of two attempts. The last one I'm sure was just a probing attempt," said Naruto.

Iroh raised a brow. "That sounds like one of the non bender assassins," said Iroh.

Naruto smiled. "Thanks that all I needed to know," said Naruto getting up and turning to leave.

"HOLD IT!" yelled Iroh making Naruto stop in his tracks. "I answered your questions now I need you to tell me something. Why are you bringing war to these lands! Why not fight to save them!?" asked Iorh.

Naruto smiled. "The same reason I turned my back on the teaching of the Toads. Love will make a man dive right though the fires of hell and even attempt to kill a god for the person he loves," said Naruto.

"Your doing all this... For love," said Iroh shocked.

Naruto took a coin out of his pocket and tossed it to Iroh. Iroh caught it and examined the coin. It was ancient. Almost older then the era. A Priceless artifact.

"Love and hate are two sides of the same thing. I hate the current world as much as I love Azula," said Naruto as he continued to walk leaving a stunned Iroh behind.

(In Azula's Room- an hour later)

"So what is our next Move Azula?" asked Ty Lee laying under the covers with her head in Azula's cleavage. Mai sat on a chair and Naruto by the door with his eyes closed.

"I need to know the plans of the Avatar's group and those of Zuko," said Azula blowing blue flames into the air.

"Easier said then done," said Mai. "We don't know if the Avatar is alive or not," said Mai.

Naruto smirked at this. "He's alive alright," said Naruto making the women look at him.

"How do you know if he's alive or not?" asked Azula eyes narrowed.

Naruto put his hands in his pocket. "Because that kid is to stubborn to die, as well as the fact that he want's to bring about 'peace'. He'll fight, he'll struggle, he'll taste death time and time again," said Naruto turning to leave. "Only when he knows he reaches his full potital will I kill him,"

(Camp of The Gaang)

Warning Lemon

Sokka was tossing and turning in his bed, sweat rolling down his face as he saw Suki and Yue servicing his man meat Suki soon took him fully into her warm and inviting mouth feeling the pressure build up in his cock he grabbed Suki's head and started to thrust into her mouth.

Grunting loudly he forced his cock almost down her throat unleashing a turen of his seed into her mouth

Sokka slowly opened his eyes and was almost shocked by what he saw. Toph was licking her lips with what Sokka knew to be his seed! She was as naked as the day she was born and Sokka arms were trapped in stone.

"Toph what the hell is going on?" asked Sokka.

Toph smirked. "I was sleeping soundly when I heard you moaning over in you tent," said Toph.

Sokka growled in the back of his throat. "Men Don't moan," said Sokka.

"Once I saw how hard you were," started Toph ignoring him. "And how fucking horny I was I decided, hey why not fuck this guy sitting right here," said Toph with a smirk.

Before Sokka could protest Toph positioned herself above Sokka's waiting erection, She dropped down on his cock and stiffed the moan that nearly escaped her mouth. Sokka was not the first boy she had ever been with. Hell he wasn't even the largest, but something about the way his blood pulsed, the sound of his voice, the taste of him sent shivers running though her body. Of course she would lie if she was ever asked.

Sokka was enraged by the way this little cunt was 'taking' advantage of his bound form. Sokka was still a warm blooded male and the fact he was cock deep inside such a tight pussy barely quarreled his rage. A cry alerted Sokka to the fact that Toph had cum. Toph fell forward and panted slightly.

"That was fun Snuzzles, but now I want you. To. Fuck. me. Hard!" said Toph releasing Sokka.

The minute... no the second Sokka was free and able he grabbed Toph's hips and slammed up into them. Toph screamed as Sokka ruthlessly pounded into her sopping wet pussy.

"Damn your a tight little slut!" grunted Sokka.

"ugh... ugh... ugh... That's right! Savage! Shit... fuck me like the slut I am! Yelled Toph her pussy tightening with each thrust.

Sokka gripped Top's hips with his hands as she let out a scream of pleasure. Sokka grit his teeth before he pulled out of Toph and sprayed his seed all over her stomach and her pussy.

Lemon end

Sokka fell slightly on top of Toph ho was chuckling lightly before kissing Sokka on the lips. Top got up and slipped on her clothes.

"We have to do this again Snuzzles. Although next time I want you to finsih inside me," said Toph leaving to her own tent.

Both were unaware of the eyes that watched them.

(With Zuko and Naruto)

Zuko stood opposite Naruto in the training grounds before throwing attakcs at the Genreal. Naruto side-stepped each attack, before appearing before him and punching him in the stomach. Zuko went flying before landing and rolling on the ground. Zuko got up and made two flaming whips appear before attacking him with the whips. Naruto jumped over the whips and put his boots in Zuko's chest. Zuko hit the ground hard and had hacking coughs.

"That's enough Zuko," said Naruto. "Your fire bending is impressive, but it's not your forte. You might want to stick with your swords,"

"So what your going to put me down for not being a prodigy like Azula?" asked Zuko enraged.

Naruto grabbed his robe and threw it over his combat clothes. "That would make me the biggest hypocrite in the world. Before I was Hokage I was the Dead last, the weakest... I trained, I fought, I bleed, I cried, I clawed my way to power," said Naruto.

Zuko nodded at this, contemplating Naruto's words.

(With Suki)

Suki was in the middle of her sit-ups as sweat poured down her body. She had been moved the the Boiling rock Prison several weeks ago and had nothing to do. The Warden was a Strict man, but he had a code. Any guard found abusing their power (IE raping a prisoner) was dealt with permanently.

She was about to start her next set when she hard two guards outside of her cell.

"Hey did you hear about the Avatar?" asked the guard. A female from the sounds of it.

"Yeah," said a male voice. "his whole damn team bought the farm,"

the woman chuckled. "To bad that happened. I heard that the two water tribe kids are gone. Form what I understand those Wet's are exotic and rare in the slave Markets," said the woman.

"Lets get back to our rounds. That old bastard Wong (3) won't be happy if we leave to go and fuck. To bad. I was looking forward to having fun with that one broad," said the male.

Suki stood up and started ti cry. "Sokka," said Suki

(With the Gaang)

Aang sat cross legged with his eyes closed trying to gain access to the cosmos, but it just wasn't happening. Katara was minding the soup. The only people missing where Toph and Sokka who left nearly 30 minutes ago to gather fire wood. Katara had a feeling hat they were doing more then gathering wood.

She had been awake 2 nights ago when Toph had... for lack f better term raped Sokka and then Sokka taking his time to get himself off. Katara knew most of Sokka's sexual exploits as he knew of hers. Sure she didn't have the chance to have sex while in the south pole since most of the boys had left to fight, but Jet, Haru, and Even 2 or three random flings.

"Hey Katara we're back," said Sokka.

Katara was brought out of her mind as she looked to see her brother and the younger girl. They had a fair amount of firewood. Katara smiled at her brother before nodding and taking the wood and adding it to the fire.

Sokka looked at Aang. "Is he still at it?" asked a worried Sokka.

"Yes... and Nothing is working," said Aang opening his eyes and looking at Sokka. "My 7th Chakra is blocked. I can't go into the Avatar State,"

Big whoop. Your still a Master of Earth, Water, and Fire bending. Just use that and kick the royal flaming chicken off his throne!" said Toph.

Aang looked down. "It's not that simple Toph," said Aang.

Toph glared at Aang. "It's as easy as shoving your dick in a willing pussy. Just do it," said Toph.

At her last words everyone blushed. Sokka thinking of the things that did not to long ago, Katara thinking of her some of her past conquests and Aang thinking about what Katara would do with her body. What everyone forget they were teenagers with Sex on the brain?

"TOPH! I want a word please?" asked Katara.

Toph shrugged her shoulders. "Whatever you say Sugar queen," said Toph.

Toph followed Katara several feet away from the boys into a small clearing. Pnce there Katara turned to Toph with a glare.

"Whatever it is that you and Sokka are doing I want it to end right now," said Katara.

Toph raised an eyebrow. "Why? It's not like your his wife or anything like that. Sokka is a grown man and I'm a woman. What we get up to in our own time is our business," said Toph.

Katara would be red with anger if she could. "Your 14! Sokka is 18! He's 4 years your senior!" yelled Katara.

Toph looked at her fingers (as if she could) "Look Sugar Queen the fact of the matter is that this is expected of me. By the time most society girls are 16 they've already had several lovers, even if they are married. My mother married my father at 13. on the night of their wedding both of them took a slave into a separate room and had fun, before they did each other. Fact is whatever I do I'm within my rights," said Toph.

Katara folded her arms. "I'm serious Toph. This is your only warning," said Katara.

"And if I don't comply?" asked Toph, before a cut appeared on her face.

Toph reached up and touched her face as blood dripped down. "Then you and me are going to fight," said Katara walking away.

Toph smirked. "To bad Sugar Queen. I do what I want and to hell with what you want," said Toph.


Zaara: Not my fault. Blame the Damn plot bunnies. Also read and review.

Killjoy: Yeah Yeah

Azula: Silence. Toph say good-bye to the readers. I think i'll burn them alive

Toph: Bye guys.


1: Movie Sokka

2: you can't tell me that Sokka didn't want to deck his pops for leaving them alone for three years when their people needed to be defended!

3: He didn't have a name.