Chapter one is in Yami's POV (Point of View)
Yami, Atemu and Yugi are all seperate people, this is an alternate universe, Domino City! Your guess is as good as mine as to where it is located. Might just say America... The main pairing is Yami/Tea (Revolutionshipping) may have OC's here and there and other pairings. Akefia, Bakura and Ryou are also seperate people. Just saying.
21: Mai Valentine,
19: Tristan Taylor, Akefia Bakura, Atemu Mutou, Bakura Bakura and Yami Mutou. (Yami and Atemu are twins, same with Akefia and Bakura)
18: Tea Gardner, Joey Wheeler
17: Yugi Mutou, Ryou Bakura, Serenity Wheeler
Disclaimer: I do not OWN Yu Gi Oh or any of it's characters I promise! I am still devising a plan to dominate 4kids! This is purely FANMADE!
If you like, it would mean the world to me if you reviewed of added this story to story alert, pretty please? 83
I was falling. No, not a metaphor, definitely not a metaphor, I was literally falling!
The sky was bright as a puppy's gaze, a great spread of ceruleean blue. The wind's fierce tendrils grasped and pulled my clothes, my blue and white jacket whiplashed my face like angry slave-drivers, and my blond bangsa convulsed in fast thrashes. My hair wa s dragged back and the atmosphere roared like thunder in my ears.
Terror passed through me as I dropped through a colombius cloud, fluffy like cotton, I was falling so fast!
My eyes stung horrible and my heart pouded, I was horizontal as if trying to fly, occasionally flipping under the air pressure, I wanted to yell, to do something, but my lungs wouldn't take in a breath.
Then, I heard something, like stardust in the smog, laughter, the most beautiful, melodic laughter.
I looked around through the wind, desperate to find the source.
I did. Spotting a spray of brilliant, royal blue fanning around like a silky underwater dancer, the laughter was coming from the wearer of the stunning satin.
I tried to see through my watery eyes who it was that was laughing and splaying out small, elegant hands at either side like a balerina. I stared as she reached out, laughing as a semi-transparent blue scarf that had once been spilling off her shoulders cast a barrier of sky fire between me and her.
'Yami!' She called playfully, laughter ringing through the silence, the wind seemed to have politely quietened so she didn't have to yell, I slowly, reached my hands out towards hers. I couldn't make out how I knew her voice, as if she were a hovering angel, her body straightened, her feet pointing and flaring backwards as she pressed her palms to mine and her fingers tightened in the spaces between mine.
I acted out of reflex and grabbed her hands too. I tried to speak, 'who are you?' I wanted to say, I wanted to yell, but nothing came out, the wind started howling again, and despite this, she never had to raise her voice, 'Don't be scared Yami! It's fun!' she shook her blue-hued hair and a brilliant smile lit up her hidden features, how could I see her amazing smile, yet not know who she was?
'Do you know me?' I yelled over the wind as she giggled and before I knew it, the descend was slowing, and I slowly floated upright, and she leaned towards me, her silky scarf brushed my lashes.
'Of course I do, and you know me too! in fact Yami, you know me very well.'
"Then who-" I called as we fell through another layer of fluffy white clouds, her grip on me slipped away, I reached desperately, "Wait! Come back!" But when I fell through the clouds, she was gone, I grew heavier, the sea sucked me down, I held my hands out in front of me in horror and screwed my eyes shut for the impact-
'Yami? Yami! Wake up!'
Wake up? I was awake! I was about to die!
Thump! That was me rolling off the side of my bed, as I jolted, rising to my hands and knees and looked around, I saw only the floorboards of my room, my dresser with my school books on it, and a pair of pbare feet beside me, I followed the legs up to the maturing face of none other then my little brother, Yugi Mutou.
Said sibling raised an eyebrow at me, pouting as he crossed his arms and explained, 'Atem has been trying to wake you for the past half an hour! You're gonna make us late!'
I pulled myself to my feet immediately, nodding as I apologised, 'Sorry Yugi, I was just having this strange dream...' All sign of possible anger left Yugi's wide, almond eyes as his expression became curious, he was still childish for a soon-to-be-eighteen year old.
'Really? What was it about?'
I opened my mouth to explain, when someone cleared their throat, it came from the doorway, there, as we looked, stood my twin brother, the ever-so-broody Atemu, with his newly-aquired piercings on his right ear accompanying his earlobe piercings, I reckon Atem liked gold a little too much. He monotoned mildly, 'Tea's here.'
I paused, What time exactly was it? Tea usually showed up when we had to leave for work, I'd just woken up! 'T-Tea's here?' I watched as my two brother's exchanged glances, Atem nodded and Yugi shrugged, 'Guess you're going without breakfast Yami!'
I knew how it was to be Yugi, he was graduating school at the end of the year, this year was important if he wanted to pass the exams. I'd done this exact exam last year. It was tough, even for me, being one of the top A students like Atem. Yugi was more of a straight C kid.
But never-the-less, if I'm late for work, I get fired, end of story. I threw my sheets back on the bed, dragged off my singlet top I'd been wearing and reached for my uniform (Yes, we have to wear this where Atem and I work). Atem already had it on, this was a pair of black pants, leather shoes, a customized white polo shirt and a bandanna wherever that had our work printed in silver words on the black material.
Seeing me up and moving, Yugi and Atem vacated a mission success at waking me up and started down to the front door. After I'd smoothed out the creases in my unfolded shirt the best I could, I strode out to follow them, shutting my door, as Yugi said, no time for breakfast.
As I closed the front door and locked it, I heard Tea before I saw her, she was talking to Yugi, her deep blue eyes shinign with this chipper excitement that I couldn't understand, she was always so happy, every morning, even though there wasn't anything vast to be happy out, just life.
I smiled at the contagious mood she spread and greeted her, 'Good morning Tea.'
Her eyes turned on me and her brown hair flared dead-straight as always as she greeted, 'Hey, ready for another day of work?'
'Not particularly,' I answered honestly, she found this funny, and I mimicked her light laughter as Yugi waved to the three of us gingerly, a bright expression gracing his "cute" features, 'See you after school! and we can talk about that dream Yami!'
I nodded, hoping Atem and Tea wouldn't ask about it, it wasn't something I'd like to broadcast to the world, sure it was more bizarre then awkward, but this would be the first dream I'd ever had about a girl, abnormal as that sounds for a nineteen year old. We all waved to Yugi as Atem and Tea called their goodbyes to the lovable teenager.
We had to walk the other way. Tea had her uniform on too, it was good to know Tea worked almost in the exact same department as me, this had been our comfort on the first day of work knowing the other was there to offer support for our nervousness. Now it was a given right to us, not a priviledge.
Atem was deep in thought as we walked, side-by-side, we were almost identical. But while Yugi and I shared a Caucasian complexion, Atem inherited the dark tanned skin of our Egyptian ancestors. All three of us had blond bangs falling down our faces, and ebony bases of our spiked hair. Atem and ugi had violet tipped on the black spikes and like-wise coloured eyes. My eyes however, were as crimson as rubies, and the same colour dabbed my hair instead of violet.
But never-the-less, people always knew we were twins, the Mutou Twins to be exact. Who inherited so much money when their grandpa died, but chose to invest half of it for Yugi when he turned twenty, and then used the rest to renevate their sentimental valued game shop into a home for the three when they were kicked out of ther rental home. Now they could live comfortably, but chose to work rather then milk the banky account dry.
We may sound like saints for giving up the money for Yugi, but Yugi's dreams were more costly then ours, he dreamed of becoming a singer, secretly, I knew because I found songs he'd written, me and Atem wrote songs all the time, and we both played guitar and taught Yugi, but he tried so much harder then we did, and I'd spotted him looking at the performing arts college beside Domino High School.
Before I knew it Tea was pouting my direction, I shook back into reality and blinked questioningly at her, Why did she look upset with me, 'Tea?' She answered,
'You seem thoughtful Yami.' Was what seemed to be bothering her, 'Is something wrong?'
'Of course not,' I assured her, my expression softening in relief, 'Of course not,' I said again in a calm tone, 'I was just thinking, that's all.'
'Oh...' She tilted her head to the side, then looked back to the front as Atem stopped at the traffic lights and pushed the button in the pole. The three of us watched cars fly past and people gather patiently behind us, well, most of them patient.
This person behind me was cursing into his cell phone about the inconvenience of it all. Tea and I exchanged silent laughter as we listened on how it was so strange to hear the word 'Honey-bunny' in the same sentence as 'Someone's going to have my umbrella shoved so far up their ass that they'll have a retractible umbrella in their mouth for rainy weather for this god-forsaken traffic.'
Atem was smirking too. The light changed and people marched their way across the tarred city roads. To avoid Tea being left behind, instinctively I linked my arm in hers as we walked. We could see our work-station from here.
Yes, a gleaming sky-scraper beckoned at us, Motel Dominito. Yes, the three of us worked in a motel, in fact, Tea was a maid. And I was a bartender along with Atem. Tristan and Joey were the janitors there too. Even Mai Valentine worked there as a Hostess, you know, the shiny woman at the entrance to greet you and show you to your room with a glossy smile and shirp the perks of this five-star, 62-story motel.
Good thing the club was on the bottom level. As we got closer, I saw all the cars parked there, it was Summer, everyone was vacationing to Domino City at this time, we have the closest ferry to the islands off the bay I guess, it's not like Domino City itself was that great.
Tea, in her black skirt, white blouse and navy blue apron with the same silver words, smiled to me as we reached the entrance, "Well, I'm off to check the rooms I've got today, bye."
"Bye." Atem and I both answered simultaniously. The way Tea's hands flared out as she turned to go, it reminded me of something, I just couldn't quite pinpoint what...