Author has written 12 stories for Bleach, Total Drama series, Stargate: Atlantis, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Doctor Who, and Magic: The Gathering. I am a guy from the Northwestern United States. I am currently working as a freelance writer, mostly for online publications, but I'm also working on original prose in my spare time. I enjoy writing a lot. I just like the idea that whenever some original fiction is created, whether it's a novel, play, movie, tv show or fanfiction, that it creates it's own little world that the reader/viewer gets to live in, if only for a little while. -MY STORIES IN PROGRESS AND THEIR STATUSES: -Night's Return: Planned for three chapters, partly through chapter 2. -Remembrance. A novel/novella length three part story I started in 2014. Currently publishing Book 1, although I'm two thirds of the way through Book 2 when it comes to writing. I've been stuck where I am for years, but I've taken up personal writing again recently, so hopefully I'll be able to make some progress if people take an interest. |
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