The courtship of Naruto Uzumaki

I. No rest for the weary

Lee paced the small room like a caged beast.

Naruto studied him with bleary eyes trying hard not to fall asleep. It was nearly midnight, and he'd been asleep about an hour when Lee came pounding on his door swirling into the room as if there were demons on his tail. He didn't have the energy or presence of mind to protest so he'd simply stepped aside then shut the door and dropped back down on his bed.

His room was small and the only place to sit besides the bed was the chair at the small table in his little kitchenette area. His room was just a place he slept, changed, and sometimes ate. He never spent much time in it, and he rarely had guests. Since he'd been away on a mission for almost a week it wasn't in the best condition, but he didn't think his guest cared how bad his house keeping was. It didn't look like his guest cared about anything except pacing.

Naruto yawned widely and loudly, but it didn't disrupt his guest's pacing by as much as a misstep. He considered taking the chair instead of the bed to give himself a better chance of waking up, but the bed had looked so comfortable and inviting he just wanted to crawl back under the covers. So he'd left the only other possible seat for his guest to park himself whenever he got tired of pacing. Even he knew the rudiments of being a good host—especially when it suited his purposes.

As he watched his guest, Naruto noticed the ways Lee had changed and not changed from the gawky miniature Guy clone he'd been six years ago. He was now tall, slim-hipped and broad-shouldered. He had a finely honed muscular figure from his intense workouts over the years to improve his only ninja skill—taijutsu. His physique was even more impressive than the man he most admired—his sensei, Might Guy. He owed everything he was today to Guy from his style and habits to his zealous dedication to his craft. Since Guy had accepted him as a genin, he'd worn the same green body suit as his mentor, and he'd groomed his identically colored black hair in the same bowl style. His greatest resemblance to his sensei, the thick, black eyebrows had never changed, but there the facial similarities ended. Whereas Guy might be considered ruggedly handsome with his broadly chiseled features, Lee's fine, smaller features definitely made him boyishly handsome. Right now his troubled expression made him seem much younger than his nearly twenty years.

Naruto had been trying to watch Lee move around his room like a top for only a few minutes, but the guy made him feel dizzy. (It never occurred to him that he was ordinarily just as irritatingly active when fully awake.) He'd thought to just close his eyes for a moment, but he jerked them open when he felt his head nod. He looked sharply at Lee to see if he'd noticed, but he seemed to still be wrapped up in his own little kinetic world. He wasn't ready to acknowledge his host or his reason for being there.

He leaned back against the headrest of his bed, drew up his knees and draped his arms over them. He thought that position was just uncomfortable enough to keep him from sliding back down under the covers and zonking out. Eventually Lee was bound to notice his completely comatose host, and he'd be rudely awakened again. He might as well try to stay awake until Lee had had his say. If he was lucky, he'd be quick and gone before Naruto could completely lose his pleasantly drowsy state.

He watched and waited for a few more minutes, but staying awake was becoming a major problem. Before he started snoring which would be a dead give away, Naruto shook himself more awake, and stifling a yawn he finally asked, "So what's up, Lee? Couldn't whatever this is wait until morning? I've been walking all day. I could use a good night's sleep in a nice soft bed." He didn't mean to, but his voice sort of ended in a complaining whine. He liked Lee. He was generally glad to see him, but he'd been woken up in the wrong part of his sleep cycle. He felt dull and really tired. All he could think about was going back to sleep.

Lee stopped momentarily, and turned towards Naruto. "No. It can not. I have been awaiting your return for two days. I only found out you were back when I met Choji a little while ago. I remembered that you had been on the same mission. Choji said your mission went well, and there was no fighting involved. I thought you would be rested from such an easy mission. I thought you would still be awake at this time. I must talk with you now."

"Yeah, well, there may not've been much fighting, but it wasn't an easy mission until the end. Not fighting is almost as tiring as lots of fighting—just in a different way. Any way, I thought I'd get some rest between missions. Who knows what Granny Tsunade has up her sleeve for me next? Plus I have a big day planned tomorrow." Which as far as he was concerned was the most important consideration. He had his biggest day ever tomorrow, and it had nothing to do with a mission. Tomorrow he had his first real date with Hinata.

Team Shikamaru had returned from their mission at about 8 pm. (See Elementary, my dear Naruto.) He'd wanted to walk Hinata home, but Shikamaru apparently lived in her direction and made the offer first. Hiding his disappointment behind a gruff good-bye, he'd walked along with Choji until their paths diverged. He'd grabbed a quick bite at his favorite ramen stand on the way home thinking about all the things he had to do tomorrow before his big date.

Clean clothes was on the top of the list. If he dropped his stuff off at the laundry early in the morning, he'd have something clean to wear that evening even if he had to pay a little extra.

Next he had to buy some groceries. A guy could possibly live on ramen breakfast, lunch and dinner, but even he liked a little variety. He at least needed fresh milk for his morning cereal.

Next he should clean up his place. Of course, he didn't expect to bring Hinata back to his little room on a first date—or ever. It was small, cramped and there was nothing to do there. However, a ninja had to be prepared for any contingency.

Last but not least, he needed to talk to the Fifth. He had to clear his and Hinata's schedules for the next few days. He didn't want any surprise missions for either of them until they'd had a few dates. He wanted some security in his relationship with Hinata before either of them disappeared for any length of time on a mission. The time they'd been separated for seven weeks while she recuperated (see Operation: Bring home Naruto) had been the longest weeks of his life. He hadn't known anything—how she was, when she was coming back, how she felt about him. He didn't want to suffer that kind of insecurity again.

Then after all that was taken care of, he'd have his date to look forward to. He'd pick Hinata up later in the afternoon. They were spending the rest of the day and evening together—with no missions or team mates to get in the way. He'd finally have the time to just be with her, talk with her, laugh with her—and well some other things that made him feel hot just thinking about. That's as far as he'd gotten in planning his date. He'd leave the details to her. They could do whatever she wanted. He didn't care. He'd never been on a real date before. He didn't want to screw up this very important first date by doing something boring or stupid. Right now, he wished he could just go to sleep so he was well rested for tomorrow, however the sound of Lee's voice unfortunately brought him back to the present.

"I will not keep you long." Lee paced back and forth again before continuing. "Naruto, I need your help. You are the only one who can help me."

"Sure, Lee, what can I do?" If he'd been more awake he might have been more cautious in his promise, but then again, he didn't know the meaning of the word caution under any circumstances. He was, also not the type to say no when someone asked him for help. So his response would probably have been the same no matter what.

Lee stopped in front of him and stared at him with dark pleading eyes. "Naruto, will you talk to Sakura for me?"

He drew back in alarm, wishing he'd kept his mouth shut a minute ago. "Unh? Talk to Sakura? Me!? You're the one engaged to her. Why can't you talk to her?"

"I do not know if I am engaged anymore." He finally sat down, slumped dejectedly in the wooden chair, and put his head in his hands.

Naruto sat up. "Unh? What do you mean? What happened?"

"We had a fight. I do not know what to do," he groaned.

A fight? Lee and Sakura? Naruto could picture Sakura having a fight with almost anyone, but not Lee—at least not with Sakura. Lee worshipped the ground she walked on. What was there to fight about? Hadn't Lee always given in to her on everything? Oh well, he'd never know unless he asked. Lee certainly wasn't getting to the point any time soon. He was too busy being dejected. "Don't all couples fight? Isn't that part of getting to know each other? It can't be that bad. What did you fight about?"

Lee took a deep breath. "I told her I wanted her to stop going on missions away from the village. She did not need to go out on dangerous missions any more. I thought she should concentrate on her medical training. The medical aspects of her training are more important. I told her she should stay in the village once we are married."

"You told Sakura that?" he asked incredulously sitting bolt upright. His mind boggled over what Lee had said.

"Yes, I did."

"You told Sakura that?" he asked again with a different emphasis. Which ever way he said it—it was impossible to believe.

Lee raised his head and said impatiently, "That is what I said, Naruto. Exactly those words."

Naruto fell back against the bed. "Oh, man, you're either really really brave or really really stupid. Nobody tells Sakura anything—not any more—except maybe Granny Tsunade. How hard did she hit you?"

"She did not raise her hand to me. Sakura has never raised her hand to me. She would never do such a thing. She is a sweet and gentle woman. Violence is not in her nature," he defended indignantly.

Naruto shook his head in continued disbelief. "We're talking about Sakura Haruno, right? The girl with a punch that can level a mountain? Granny Tsunade's apprentice? That Sakura, right?"

"Naruto, do not speak to me as if I am an idiot. You should know her better than anyone. You have been her team mate since you were both genin."

"Yeah, sure, but I can't say I really know her according to your definition." He found it difficult to stop himself from rolling his eyes. Love was completely blinding this guy. The Sakura Lee described certainly wasn't the one he was familiar with. Even when he liked her he hadn't been that deluded.

Lee continued oblivious to Naruto's explanation. "I do not know why she had ever chosen to become a ninja. It is not a family profession. She is not suited for such difficult, punishing work. Oh, I know she has accomplished many incredible things as a kunoichi. I do not deny that she has talent, but is not her talent better applied to medicine? I ask you, Naruto—you know her better than I."

"Oh yeah, I know her. I've been on the receiving end of that sweet, gentle woman's punch many times. Since she'd been training with Granny Tsunade, I've stayed far away from her gentle reach. Man, if I told Sakura anything she didn't like I'd be hurtin' real bad. I probably wouldn't be out of the hospital for a week."

Lee frowned at him his thick eyebrows beetling. "I am certain you exaggerate, Naruto. My Sakura would never deliberately hurt an innocent. She would not resort to violence except as a necessity. You know that. If she had occasion to use force upon you, you must have provoked her unduly. She treats you just as she would a brother. Do not joke with me. I have come to you because of your long term acquaintance with my Sakura. I was certain you would know what to do."

"Yeah, well, I hate to disappoint you—but what do you want me to do? I'm not going to get involved in anything that will get me hurt. I like you Lee, but I won't do that even for you."

"That will never happen," he assured earnestly. "Please, Naruto, I wish for you to make her see my side of this issue. Surely, you understand how I feel? Would you wish to see the woman you love return from missions with contusions, lacerations. abrasions and even broken limbs? It is more than I can bear to see my delicate flower bruised and broken so horribly. I want her protected. I want to protect her. I would protect her with my very life."

Naruto thought about his own anxiety when Hinata was in danger, and he could completely understand Lee's feelings. However, telling her what to do was another matter entirely. He wondered if Hinata would be as unreasonable about the matter under the same circumstances. Would he have the same gall as Lee to ask her to quit her job if they were ever to become engaged? That interesting thought made him want to grin like a fool, and wallow in a pleasant daydream. However, he managed to contain his silly fancies, turn his grin into a frown, and concentrate on Lee's problem.

Unfortunately, he had no real words of wisdom to offer. He'd just really like to back gracefully out of his spontaneous promise to help. "Lee, if I were you I'd just buy her some flowers and apologize," he advised practically.

"What do you mean? I can not do that. Do you not understand how difficult it is to imagine Sakura in danger? Do you not know how I worry when she is gone from my side? Do you not comprehend the anxiety and fear I experience imagining all sorts of horrible things happening to her? You must make her see reason," Lee insisted in outrage, his hands fisted, and his body tensed as if to spring.

Naruto held up his hands as if to ward off a blow. The guy just didn't get it. His case was hopeless, but Naruto didn't want to get him mad. He'd have to humor the crazy guy. "Sure, I can see how hard it would be. I get where you're coming from, but Lee you completely misunderstand my relationship with Sakura. There is no way she'd listen to me if she won't listen to you. I'm the last person she'd listen to. Believe me. Sakura has never listened to me in her life," Naruto explained patiently.

Lee put his head in his hands. "If you do not help me, I do not know what to do. I can not give her my blessing to go on missions, to risk her life, her health, and her beautiful body. I can not do this, Naruto. She must understand how I feel."

"Hey, you've been okay with it up to now. You knew she was a kunoichi from the day you met her. What's different now?"

"I was not engaged to Sakura before. I had no right to voice my concerns at that time. I have never enjoyed the thought or sight of her in danger, but I had put it out of my mind in the past because I had no right to say anything. Now I have that right, but still I did not immediately voice my concerns. I know her job is important to her. I have tried to say nothing. For many months I have suffered in silence, but I could contain myself no longer. When we discussed our future together, I had to let her know of my feelings in this matter. I could no longer hide my worries from her. My vision of the future did not involve her risking her life."

Naruto settled down more comfortably on the bed. Finally, he was fully awake. And now that Lee was talking rather than pacing out his problem he didn't think he'd easily fall asleep on the guy. But he wasn't sure he was awake enough to convince Lee that his strategy was doomed for failure. Instead, he was afraid he was the doomed one. He had to try to think of some way out of this.

Maybe this was why there seemed to be so few married kunoichi. It would take a really strong, secure, special guy to allow his wife to take part in dangerous missions. It was natural to want to protect the usually frailer females. When he was a genin, he remembered how often he and their other team mate Sasuke would take on the tougher aspects of their missions to shield Sakura. She hadn't been as physically able as they were in those days. Her talents had lain in other directions such as chakra control and genjutsu. She was completely different now.

Even Lee might not be able to match the strength she'd learned to wield from the Fifth. It was pretty awesome, but not subtle. Sometimes might wasn't enough when fighting a skilled or gifted ninja. Kekkei genkai abilities as well as skilled genjutsu power could defeat brute strength. It was actually her medical skills that were more valuable in the long run. However, since her apprenticeship to the Fifth, she'd become a formidable kunoichi. She'd be a welcome asset to any team even with just medical skills. Lee wasn't really thinking straight if he thought she'd be kept in the village with those skills. It was the Fifth who had developed the idea of providing each team with a skilled medic. As her protégé, Sakura fit the bill perfectly.

"Well, you've got no rights if you're not engaged anymore. Maybe you should hold off on this fight until you're married," he suggested another tack that would leave him entirely out of the situation.

Lee frowned at him. "That would be dishonest, Naruto. I wish for Sakura to know my feelings in advance. I view an engagement to be just as binding to the parties involved as a marriage. I would not hide my true feelings from her until we are completely tied. That would not be honorable."

He shrugged. So much for that idea. "So you told her—and she told you right back. She's not giving up her kunoichi standing. What do you think I can do about that?"

"She is angry with me now. She will not speak to me. She is not angry with you. You will espouse my cause, Naruto."

"I told you that's not gonna work. She's not gonna listen to me," he repeated a little less patiently.

"But you will try. Please, Naruto," Lee pleaded.

"It's a waste of time."

"Please, Naruto."

He sighed. Lee was looking at him like a homeless puppy. How could he possibly say no? He seemed to be the guy's only hope. Too bad it was hopeless. "Okay, I'll see what I can do, but I'll tell you right now I don't see Sakura giving up her job until she has no choice—like say—to have a baby."

Lee's eyes brightened. "I did not think of that. We can start a family immediately. We can have many children. That will keep her too busy to go out on missions."

Naruto grinned. "The old barefoot and pregnant ploy. It might work or it might backfire on you."

"What do you mean?"

"You could be the one staying home with the kids while Sakura keeps her job. Think about that."

"I am a man. Would she really trust me to take care of the children?"

"Hey, you're a caring, sensitive guy. I'd trust you to look after my kids—if I had any. You could be a teacher like Iruka sensei."

Lee shook his head. "Not without genjutsu and ninjutsu."

"Taijutsu is just as important. You've proven that a ninja can be effective with that skill alone," he argued.

Lee shook his head again. "I could not win against the best ninja who possessed all three."

"You've done some awesome fighting without genjutsu or ninjutsu. Besides, Guy sensei wouldn't have taken you on if he didn't think you had better than average abilities. Remember that."

Lee's eyes brightened again. "That is true. Guy sensei had great faith in me. Without him I would never have been accepted as a ninja candidate." He stared thoughtfully at the floor then looked up to frown at Naruto. "We have gotten away from the pertinent subject. It does not matter if I am capable of teaching. It is Sakura we must focus on. I could not stay safely in the village while she risked her life. If she fights, I fight—but she must not fight."

Naruto sighed. Lee was like a dog with a bone—he wanted to gnaw on it until it was gone, and heaven help anyone who tried to take it away. "I'll talk to her. I promise, but I've got to tell you again—be prepared for the worst."

Lee paled. "The worst?"

"I mean—that Sakura won't give up her job. Can you handle the worry and anxiety? 'Cause that's what it'll mean. If not, you'll just have to deal with it or break it off with her, and find yourself some non-kunoichi to marry."

He squared his shoulders. "There is no one for me but Sakura. If I must accept that she will forever be a kunoichi—so be it. I would rather be with Sakura worry and all then be without her. I just hope she will be sensible and finally agree with me—once you speak with her Naruto."

Naruto shook his head. "Man, you're asking a lot even from your perfect Sakura. Don't forget she's a woman. Women just don't think like we do. And if they did we probably wouldn't like them."

"I would like Sakura no matter what," he said staunchly.

"Like and love are two different things. Do you like her or love her or both? You're gonna have a rough time if it's not both." There were many times when he didn't actually like Sakura—especially when she punched him.

"It is. I both love and like Sakura. I would not change a thing about her."

"That's good, because she ain't gonna change. Remember that before I even try to talk to her, Lee." He had to try warning him again. Maybe the third time would be the charm. He'd be really really relieved if only Lee told him to forget the whole thing.

"Yes, thank you, Naruto. If anyone can persuade her it is you," he said with utmost confidence. He seemed almost happy now that he'd wrung that promise from Naruto not once but several times.

Naruto almost groaned. The guy just wasn't listening. He'd tried everything but hit him over the head to give him the hint that the love of his life was one strong, stubborn, independent woman. But Lee didn't see her that way at all. He viewed her completely differently than Naruto did. Even when he thought he liked her a lot, he never saw her as gentle or delicate. And she was never sweet to him. Poor Lee, he was a goner and couldn't even see it. They probably didn't even have a real fight. Sakura probably thought everything was settled—her way.

He had to make damn sure he wasn't within her reach when he talked to her. She wasn't gonna like it. Not one bit. Poor Lee. He was in for a major disappointment, a rude awakening, and a lifetime of worry. Naruto didn't envy him one bit. He was relieved that he'd transferred his affections to someone who really was sweet, delicate and gentle. Poor deluded Lee.