A.N Thank you everyone who has followed this story, and waited patiently for the updates. I hope that you have enjoyed this story. I am sorry to see the end of this story and have very much enjoyed writing it. There may be an epilogue to follow it, but for now, I hope you enjoy this ending
Harry hummed happily as he lay comfortably on his front on their bed leafing his way through various leaflets Bill had surprised him with the day before.
He had been awake for two weeks now, and though he was still limited to the bed most of the time, he was able to get up for his meals and spend at least a few hours a day in the living room or kitchen with the others. But he tired quickly and he still spent a fair amount of time snoozing. And most of the time Bill was with him, laying on the bed sketching.
It reminded Harry of when their relationship had started, spending hours together in this very room, it was nice, and spending time together without the overhanging threat of Voldemort was a whole breath of relief. Of course it wasn't all rest, Harry had put together letters stating in no uncertain terms what he thought of anyone who tried to imprison Severus, Lucius, Draco or Narcissa, he stated how much they had done for the war and that they were each of them a hero. He made sure that no one would touch them, though they were all staying in the house.
Bill had come back to the house after a brief absence yesterday with these leaflets from a wizarding travel agency with all the places that they could go. He had looked a little nervous as he placed them on the bed and suggested that getting away for a little while might be a good idea.
Harry could not be more excited about it though, the thought of getting to go on holiday, spend time with Bill and just enjoy their hard earned freedom. Now all that was left was for them to decide on where they were going.
"You are supposed to be resting," Bill scolded as he walked over to the bed. Harry looked up and grinned not having heard him come in. He tilted his head up for the kiss Bill was leaning down to give him. He smiled when Bill cupped his cheek and pressed several kisses to his lips before he sat down on the bed and looked at the pamphlets.
"There are so many choices," Harry sighed.
"You know we do not have to pick one, we can travel, see a few places, do some different things," Bill smiled.
"That sounds good, so where do you fancy?" Harry rolled onto his back and smiled sweetly at Bill who laughed shaking his head.
"Don't expect me to make all the choices, we will pick between us," He leant down to kiss Harry before leaning back to smile at him, brushing his fingers through dark hair. "Besides, we have the rest of our lives, we can visit all of them at some point in our lives,"
"The rest of our lives," Harry grinned happily nodding.
"Exactly," Bill hummed contentment bursting in his chest as he looked down at his beautiful fiance.
"Speaking about our futures," Harry bit his lip looking nervous enough to make Bill perk up slightly.
"Before I say anything promise that you will hear me through?"
"Of course," Bill promised.
"You have said that you aren't really sure about whether you want to go back to Gringotts or not, and I have been thinking about it, if we disappear on vacation for a year or so there is no guarantee that you will have a job at the end of it. So, what if you start up your own business? Free lance, you are good enough for it, and I have to money..."
"Harry I am not taking your money," Bill frowned trying to pull away, except long fingers sank into his hair and held him in place.
"Listen to me, you promised. We are going to be married Bill, my money will be your money, that isn't up for discussion, your mum and dad will probably want to put the money in themselves, but I know you are too proud to take from them, not when they have struggled for money for so long. But our money can go into starting up your business. Think about it, it will give us time together, we want to go on holiday we can, you wont be tied to anything, we won't be. And you have a reputation, you are good at what you do, you will make the money back in no time, and then add to it,"
"What's mine is yours,"
"Fine, we will look into it. It does sound good, it does sound ideal for me and us, not being tied down to anything. Its a good idea," Bill admitted relucatantly.
"No need to sound so grumpy, you could just admit I am right and be done with it," Harry sighed dramatically.
"Oh really?!" Bill grinned before he pounced on Harry, tickling him and kissing him alternately until he was tired, which annoyingly was not very long.
The redhead flopped down on his side next to Harry and tugged the smaller man against his chest firmly, hugging him close and pressed his nose into the dark hair of his love. He was absently rubbing the skin of Harry's forearm soothingly, and Harry found himself sinking into the warm embrace contently.
"What about school? I knew that you thought about going back," Bill asked softly.
"I have been thinking about it. The way everyone has been after this, I don't think I am going to be able to go back. I want to get my NEWTs but I think I need to do them privately," Harry admitted.
"If that is what you want to do. Whatever you do, I will be beside you," Bill promised.
"I know," Harry smiled happily knowing in his heart and soul that Bill really meant that.
"The sort through of the Vaults is going well, I found something in there today as well, something I brought back to show you," Bill said after a few moments of silence.
"Oh?" Harry turned slightly to look at Bill curiously. He, Arthur, Bill, Charlie, Fred, George and Ginny had been sorting through the vaults in Gringotts trying to figure out what the heck they owned now. Bill had not really spent much time there, but the last couple of days he had spent at leas hours helping out.
"Yes, I spoke to the others and they agreed it was ok for me to have it. It seems right really,"
"Ok, I am curious now, what is it?" Harry laughed knowing Bill was purposefully teasing him.
Instead of answering him Bill dug into his pocket and took something small from it. Harry blinked confused when he took his hand, before his green eyes widened as Bill slipped a ring onto his ring finger. Glinting there was a silver ring with ivy engraved onto it, sparkling with emeralds there was one lone ruby at the center. What was spectacular about it though was the feeling of the powerful magic around the ring.
"There was a note with it, the box it was kept in. Slytherin forged this with his magic after he had been sent away from Hogwarts, he created it for Gryffindor, and put all of his love and feelings into the ring, and cast charms around it to protect his love when he couldn't be by his side. He intended on giving it to Godric when they could be together again...but he never had the chance. He sealed it away so only one of his heirs could open the box, and he wanted it to rest next on the finger of someone his heir loved as much as he loved Godric...I had to have those feelings in my heart to be able to open the box as well,"
"Bill," Harry bit his lip before rolling over and burying his face into his love's chest. "I love you too,"
"I love you Harry, you gave me my life back, and you gave me love I never dreamt I would be able to feel,"
Harry couldn't say anything at all in response to that, his feelings choking him up as he looked at the gorgeous face of the man he loved. Instead he rose up and pressed their lips together firmly, pressing all his love and feelings into the kiss.
- HP ===================================
"Are you sure you have everything?" Molly fussed.
"Yes mum, we have everything," Bill smiled nodding to the backpack sitting at his feet.
"Don't worry, I made sure that we have everything," Harry laughed.
"Now you will be careful wont you? And you will floo and write regularly?" She sniffed wiping her eyes.
"We will, and we will be back for Yule, we promise," Bill allowed Molly to tug him into the 50,000th hug that day.
"Have fun," Hermione sniffed a little as she hugged Harry.
"But not too much, I don't want to see little nieces and nephews just yet," Ron added with a grin also hugging him.
"I will pretend I didn't hear that. Have fun Harry, and enjoy yourself," Remus was definitely teary eyed as he also hugged Harry for the 100th time, squeezing him tightly.
"You are going to have to let the brat go if he is to go on his holiday Remus," Severus said dryly from where he was standing beside him. He groaned and rolled his eyes when Harry pounced on him for a hug when he was released.
"Look after him for me, and tell him you love him, life is too short," Harry said softly into the potions master's ear. "You have a chance at living your life now, take it," He pulled back and grinned cheekily at the wide eyed man before he turned and pounced on Draco.
"Potter unhand me!"
"Oh come on, we aren't going to see each other till Yule! You will miss me!"
"You plan on seeing us at Yule too?" Lucius asked slightly shocked.
"Of course, there is no getting rid of us now," Harry smiled.
"Good, make sure you floo us too then!" Narcissa warned before she puled him into a hug. Laughing Harry hugged her back nodding.
"Little brother," Charlie beamed yanking Harry to him. The younger man flushed happily at the name, throwing his arms around the second oldest Weasley. "You look after each other, and no eloping!"
"I promise nothing," Bill grinned throwing his arm around the two of them.
"Hey!" Molly growled.
"Kidding! Kidding!"
"You had better get ready your international portkey will be ready soon, now you both be safe and look after each other," Arthur hugged the both of them before ushering them to the center of the room where the phoenix statue was standing waiting for them.
Both of them grabbed their backpacks and threw them onto their backs, Harry reached down for Talia to curl herself around his wrist, and then Bill held out his hand too Harry with a soft, loving smile. Excitement and nerves bubbling inside of him Harry took his hand and then they both grasped hold of the phoenix statue that would take them to Japan.
"We will see you all soon, love you," Harry smiled to the group seeing them off. He turned and met blue eyes and a smile that he hoped he would always have the honour of being on the receiving end of. They had a year worth of travel mostly planned, and then the rest of their lives together. Marriage, children and many years together.
"Ready?" Bill asked softly.
"Always," Harry grinned standing on his toes and kissing Bill right before the portkey activated, the groan and laughter that the group let out making Harry chuckle against Bill's lips.