Reviews for Blackdog
Adonisx chapter 6 . 7/19
omg this is amazing!
cshen.julienne chapter 6 . 7/17
I really like where this is going. Please continue.
pigs103 chapter 6 . 7/14
I hate that I read this. It's so good and hasn't been updated in forever and I don't know why I do these things to myself.
Aeris Lux chapter 6 . 7/10
So.. I guess you forget this, right? it's a shame... it showed promise...
MillieBelle chapter 6 . 7/6
Please update again! Please don't drop this book!
PTHC.FFN.CAD chapter 6 . 6/11
Please share with us more, I am still on the hook for your story.
mallarieTwinkies chapter 6 . 5/10
Frozen teen chapter 6 . 5/4
I don’t want to tell you how to right your story but I had a few ideas I wanted to share with you. She’s British nobility? The queen of England and the minister know about magic, giving her an official title in the muggle world. You could even add a war hero metal or she was knighted. She is the lady of 2 noble houses, 3 if you include peverell. I mean it would be pretty weird if she was rich with no paper trails. She’s also the leader of the black charity thingy, right?
bookgirl601375 chapter 6 . 5/3
pleeeeeeaaaseeee continue it’s so goooood
chaoswizard chapter 6 . 4/17
Keep it coming plz it is good
LeD zEpPlIn
Slytherdor chapter 6 . 4/9
Occasionally this fic pops up on my suggested reads and I naturally have to re-read it. But it never does seem to get updated.

Pretty please, will you update?
RMSTAN chapter 6 . 4/4
Hi!? Are u ever going to update this story again. I like this a lot but you haven't updated in a while so I'm just wondering if it's you know finished?
Guest reader chapter 6 . 3/13
You. Are. Brilliant. To quote Richard Hammond, ”Craftsmanship takes time”. I don’t care how long I have to wait. ‘Cause this story is worth it. You take your time. Bye bye!
StoneTheLoner chapter 2 . 2/15
Halen is kind of... sad? I mean, what even was that ending.
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