Author has written 3 stories for Twilight, and Sookie Stackhouse/Southern Vampire Mysteries.
I am currently working on several fan fictions for Harry Potter, Twilight, and The Sookie Stackhouse Mysteries. At the moment both of my posted Twilight stories are on hiatus. I have become addicted to the Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling and will not likely return to my Twilight obsession for a while. I apologize for the delay. The stories are not abandoned, but until my Twilight muse restarts itself, I am stuck.
I have several Harry Potter stories that are nearing complete, but as my muse is a fickle one, I will not start posting those until I have them complete. I would hate to disappoint fans like I have sadly done with my Twilight stories. When I get one closer to complete I will post a summary of it on here. :)
Books in progress that are currently posted:
The True Singer (on Hiatus) - A Carlisle and Bella story set during New Moon. After Edward leaves Bella in New Moon, the Cullen family falls apart. After Carlisle and Esme divorce, Carlisle decides to return to Forks and see how Bella is coping. Will they be able to love again? How will Edward react? And what is it that Victoria has planned? - I have actually written seven more chapters for this story that have not been posted yet. Unfortunately I'm stuck on a vacation chapter. Once I get past that I'm hoping it will move smoothly until the end. There are about twelve or so planned chapters left to write though and I will not begin posting to the story again until I have finished it. Please be patient with me. Hopefully I will have new content for this by this time next year.
Bella Swan, Vampire Hybrid (on Hiatus) - An Edward and Bella story set during Twilight. Bella Swan is Half Vampire/Half Human. She and her vegetarian vampire father, Charlie, have moved to Forks, Washington in order to live among humans. When they meet the Cullens though, their lives change way more than they expected. - When I put in the idea of imprinting in this story, I got totally stuck. I will likely have to go back and rewrite several chapters of this before I can move forward. I have not abandoned it, but I cannot guarantee when I will manage to start posting to it again. It will not happen until I have completed it however, so know that when I do you will not be disappointed again. Sorry for the delay.
Name: Laura
Single or taken: Been married for 10 yrs as of January 27, 2016
Gender: Female
Birthday: April 24, 1982
Sign: Taurus
Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Green
Height: 5’2”
Are you straight/bisexual/gay?: Straight, though in some instances I would be considered heteroflexible.
Where is your favourite place to shop for clothes?: Lane Bryant
Favourite designer?: Don't have one.
What is your sexiest outfit?: No longer have a sexy outfit. All my jeans are too loose since I lost 30 lbs. after my surgery and as I rarely leave the house I have not seen the point in getting new clothes.
What is your most comfortable outfit?: Sweat shirt and pajama pants I got from Wal-mart
What do you usually wear?: Either jeans and t-shirt, sometimes with a sweat shirt over it.
What kind of shampoo do you use?: Head & Shoulders, T-Gel, or Denorex - though I prefer Neutrogena (if only they sold a Dandruff shampoo around here, lol)
What are you listening to right now: I actually have all of my music randomized right now. The song playing right this moment is actually one that one of my brother-in-laws recorded in a collaboration with a few people for FAWM a few years ago (Pure Cane Lover by SugarKrew). It's actually pretty amazing. Next up is Rockstar 101 by Rihanna, followed by Trucker Anthem by Kid Rock, and then Mockingbird by Eminem. I enjoy a mixed variety of music - everything from Rock to Rap to Pop to even a bit of Country. My favorite artists are P!nk and Prozak, but I love Eminem and Rihanna as well.
Who is the last person that called you?: My mom, even though she lives in the same house as me - annoying git
How many buddies are online right now?: don't know, I'm not logged in
Food: Merlin, it changes from month to month. Even though I love just about anything with cheese (especially homemade Mac & Cheese), the only thing that I don't ever get tired of is Potatoes. Mashed, Baked (and Loaded), Roasted, Wedges and Fries (both baked and fried), Tots, Shredded... the only way I do not like them is Au Gratin. Of course I like most roasted vegetables (especially Carrots and Red Peppers - they're just so sweet).
Girls names: Mary Ann, Rachael, Lily, Sarah, Nikki, and Ann Marie
Boy’s names: Phillip, Michael, Jeffrey, Raymond, Draco, Severus, Joseph
Subjects in school: Chemistry, Physics, Geometry, Trigonometry, Calculus, Statistics, and Psychology
Animals: Cats (and all large felines, particularly Tigers), Chinchillas, Rabbits, and several reptiles (like Iguanas, Chinese Water Dragons, Snakes, and Bearded Dragons)
Given anyone a bath?: Not a bath, but a shower - yes - my husband
Smoked?: Did as a teenager, quit for several years, picked it back up several years ago, and then quit again a few years ago. Won't pick it back up again.
Bungee jumped?: Nope, terrified of heights
Made yourself throw up?: Never, hate throwing up more than anything
Skinny dipped?: Nope
Ever been in love?: A few times
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: Not that I can remember
Pictured your crush naked?: Oh yeah ;)
Actually seen your crush naked?: Sadly he does not actually exist, so no. :(
Cried when someone died?: For the longest time it was only for fictional characters. (I cried when I saw Dumbledore die in the movie and when I later read book seven I bawled like a baby when Severus died. I still cry whenever I read 'The Prince's Tale.') Of course I cannot say that anymore. I cried the day I learned my father had died. Even though we had not spoken in a few years, he was still my dad. Then I cried for hours the day that Alan Rickman died. It was the first time I ever cried for a celebrity, but he was a cut above the rest. That's for sure.
Lied: Who hasn't?
Fallen for your best friend?: Yes :( Luckily we were still able to stay friends even though we were never able to get together.
Rejected someone?: Yes, a few people, though I regretted one of them later, and the other we had already dated on and off several times and I had finally had enough.
Used someone?: Not really, though I sort of felt like it later. He would never have admitted it though.
Done something you regret?: Too many times :(
Clothes: Jeans and T-Shirts
Music: Just about anything. Lately I've been big into Prozak, but P!nk will always be my favorite (I have all of her albums and even one of her concerts). I also love Rihanna and Eminem and I like Tech N9ne, Hopsin, Nickleback and 3 Doors Down at lot. My music tastes usually vary on my mood though.
Smell: Freshly baked Brownies.
Desktop picture: I have had a picture of Severus Snape smiling down at Harry Potter as my desktop background for several years now. I love it.
CD in player: Don't have a CD in the player, I listen to music on my computer or online.
DVD in player: Don't have a DVD in the player right now, though I was watching Mork & Mindy last night (1978-1982 Robin Williams TV Comedy for those that do not know). I have a large DVD collection though. We've actually considered buying a new 500 DVD case because the six towers we have at the moment are overflowing. I am a huge Stephen King fan and have a large horror collection. Of course our comedy section is probably our biggest since my husband is more of a Comedy, Sci-Fi, and History fan compared to my Horror/Suspense/Thriller, Fantasy, and Comedy interest. Our favorite mutual collections are the Avengers, Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings/Hobbit, Star Trek, and Star Wars collections though.
You touched: my husband, Raymond
You hugged: my husband
You IMed: Don't remember, it has been a LONG time.
You yelled at: either my husband, or my mom - I can't remember exactly, but likely my husband
You kissed: my husband
Understanding: Most of the time
Open-minded: I would like to think so
Arrogant: I am to insecure to be arrogant, though I can be sometimes
Insecure: Most definitely
Random: Yes, all the time
Hungry: Sort of, it is almost lunch time though.
Smart: Yes. At least my grades in college said so. Though I don't always feel as smart anymore. Since I had a minor stroke a few years ago my writing has suffered. :(
Moody: Yes. Though not as much as I was before my surgery. I used to have to take anxiety medication before my hysterectomy it was so bad. It's much better now, but it still crops up on me occasionally. Usually when I'm tired though.
Hard working: I wish, I am far from it
Organized: Another I wish, in some ways I am, in others, I am far from it
Healthy: Nope, yet another 'I wish'
Shy: Very
Difficult: Always
Bored easily: WAY TOO EASILY
Angry: Too frequently. I'm almost always uncomfortable and irritated at nothing in particular.
Sad: Most of the time
Happy: Occasionally
Hyper: Rarely, but it happens
Trusting: To a fault sometimes
Kill: No one that I know of, I don't hold grudges very easily - life is too short
Slap?: Way too many people.
Get really wasted with?: Have never been really wasted before, though there are a few people I would not mind sharing that experience with (though I won't share)
Get high with: Same as above ;)
Talk to offline: Any of my friends, I haven't spoken to any of them in a LONG time
Talk to online: Same as above
Sex it up with: Other than my husband? ;) - Is it weird that I want to sex it up with a fictional character? I swoon over Severus Snape. ;)
In the morning I: want to go back to sleep.
Love is: wonderful, but sometimes more trouble than it is worth
I dream about: random things, last dream I remember was about Severus Snape ;)
Sexual preference: Men
What do you notice first in the opposite sex you're into: In order - Grooming/outfit, then general build, eyes, hands, intelligence, sense of humor
Coke or Pepsi: Coke
Flowers or candy: CANDY!!
Tall or short: Tall, though short is fine too as long as they are not shorter than me (which would be unlikely anyway, lol)
Makes you laugh the most: Depends on my mood really. Usually it is my husband, but sometimes it is my brother or some of my online friends.
Makes you smile: There are quite a few people who can make me smile - my husband, Jeff, John, and a few others.
Gives you a funny feeling when you see him/her: That is for me to know, and no one else.
Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to IM you?: Nope
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: Frequently - isn't that sad? Though I'm not sure why anyone would want to be a girl. It's too much trouble.
Wish you were younger: Not yet, though I surely miss my college years
Cry because someone said something to you?: Depends on what they say, but yes I have
Of times I've had my heart broken: Too many to count really -
Of hearts I have broken: One, I think? Maybe two.
Of guys I've kissed: Eleven
Of girls I've kissed: One
Of CD's I own: Too many to count
Of scars on my body: As far as I know, only one
Okay, if you can't tell by the above and by the stories I tend to favorite, I am a HUGE Harry Potter fan (well technically Severus Snape, but that is not the point here). I absolutely love reading Harry Potter fan fiction. My favorite stories include Severus Snape as a main focal point. I love ones where he is the father/guardian/mentor of Harry Potter. Though I've recently developed a taste for Snarry stories as well. I also like Snamione, Dramione, and Drarry stories. Though, I can appreciate most non-canon pairings as long as they are not extremely weird.
I love just about ANY time traveling story. Whether they are reading the books, becoming friends/lovers with young Severus to change the future, or even repeating their Hogwarts years, I do not care. I love them all.
I also like stories with a Dark Harry. Whether it is Harry/Voldemort, a Voldemort mentor/ally story, or even where Harry is still Voldemort's enemy but becomes a second Dark Lord, it does not matter. I just love them. I like the Malfoys as allies when possible (no matter what side Harry is on), and really prefer a Slytherin Harry most of the time.
I tend to enjoy an evil or manipulative Dumbledore because I find him to be way too manipulative. I also prefer stories where Ron is the enemy because - well, honestly - I just do not like him. I tend to do a lot of Dumbledore/Molly/Ron/Ginny bashing in my own stories.
I also like Twilight even though I am not as obsessed with it as I once was. I am really into the stories where they read the books and then change the future. I do hope to write a variation of that at some point in the future myself. My favorite characters are Carlisle and Jasper. I even had two Guinea Pigs named Jasper and Carlisle at one point, lol.
Another series I really like is the Southern Vampire Mysteries (Sookie Stackhouse/True Blood series) by Charlaine Harris. I absolutely love Eric Northman and enjoy reading any Eric and Sookie fanfiction as long as it is not AH. I wrote a one-shot about them a few years ago. I was working on another story about them, but I'm not sure if I will ever finish it to publish it.