Power of the Prince Lineage

SeverusxLily & Children

Rated T

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or its characters from the franchise. That honor belongs to JK Rowling

Power of the Prince Lineage


Chapter 23: New Chapters

(7 Years Later…)

Lily smiled as she watched her youngest child run around the garden of Prince Manor, happily chasing butterflies in the warm summer sun. Magnolia Annabeth Snape was six, going on seven and was surprisingly the spitting image of her aunt Petunia. She even had the same blonde hair as her, but her eyes were purely her father's. She was a very happy child and loved to be anywhere that Severus was, wrapping him around her finger just like her older sister had done.

Turning her head Lily spotted her other four children in the garden where they were having a family get-together to celebrate Harry's twenty-second birthday. Her eldest child Harry Potter was an exceptional wizard and a very proud Auror, working alongside his godfather Sirius Black. Currently he was standing off talking with his best friends Draco, Hermione, and Ron. Draco and Hermione had been a proper couple for about four years now, and Narcissa had informed Lily that he planned on proposing to the smart witch soon. Ron surprisingly had gotten into a relationship with Millicent Bulstrode and the two of them were happily dating and had been for the better part of two years. And as for her son, Harry was engaged to Luna Lovegood, a sweet girl Lily thought, though a bit strange. But Harry loved her and for Lily, that was all that mattered.

"Rod, stop it!" a loud voice yelled, pulling the red haired witch's attention towards where her triplets stood. She chuckled upon seeing Roderick holding Eileen in an effortless chokehold, a passive expression on his face while his sister struggled to escape his hold on her. Next to them Tobias was shaking his head while laughing silently, taking a sip of Petunia's homemade lemonade. Even at nineteen years old, those three hadn't changed.

Roderick, Tobias, and Eileen were a surprise to Lily and Severus, even from the moment it was revealed Lily had been pregnant with triplets. All three of them had a special ability of their own, had taken and passed their O.W.L.s as First Years, taken and passed their N.E.W.T.s as honorary Seventh Years at the age of fourteen, and had graduated Hogwarts as the youngest to ever have done so. Of course because they were still underage, they couldn't work, but that didn't bother them in the slightest. Instead they chose to apprentice in their chosen fields of magical study. Roderick chose to pursue potions and become a Potions Master like his father while Tobias, having an aptitude for Charms, was apprenticing under Professor Flitwick and studying for his Charms Mastery. Eileen had had a bit of trouble deciding what she wanted to do or was particularly good at, but in the end it she chose to apprentice under Professor Sprout in Herbology to become a Herbologist and was currently working alongside Neville Longbottom. And being a natural born Seer, she did a little Divination on the side, if only for fun. The three of them really were amazingly exceptional, not only as a witch and wizards, but as a team.

When the fall of Lord Voldemort right after his resurrection had spread, and that it had been not only Harry Potter, but the Snape children that had helped to vanquish him, the three had also achieved celebrity status much like their older brother. And because of this, the Snape family was suddenly loved by all of Wizarding Britian, something Severus and the children absolutely loathed. Lily had suggested they make the best out of the situation, but even she didn't like her family being in the spotlight and soon had to release a statement demanding the public and media to leave her family alone, for it was starting to border on harassment. Even so, it couldn't be denied that the Snape triplets were a force to behold and reckon with, especially for being only twelve. Now at nineteen they were still thick as thieves and could still get into mischief should the thought come to their three minds.

Eileen was finally able to get out of Roderick's chokehold and glared at him, her dark hair messy atop her head. Huffing she said, "You didn't have to do that, Rod."

Roderick shrugged and replied, "You ate my tart. What did you expect me to do?"

"You could have gotten another one!"

"Yes, but that one was mine. I specifically picked it."

Tobias rolled his eyes and said, "Come on guys, no fighting on our brother's birthday. Besides, I don't fancy dad scolding us. You know he still threatens to throw us over his knee if we misbehave."

Roderick and Eileen both nodded, knowing how their father's spankings had hurt the few rare times he would have to spank them. They remembered specifically they hadn't been able to sit down for a whole day and had to sleep on their stomachs. All three of them shivered at the shared memory, silently agreeing to change the subject.

"So Toby, have you told mum and dad yet?" Eileen asked.

Shaking his head Tobias answered, "No, not yet. I was going to wait for after the party was over. No need to let it be known just yet."

"Let what be known?" their older cousin Dudley asked as he and his brother Kurt walked over to join them.

"If you guys and Aunt Petunia and Uncle Sirius hang around a while later, you'll find out."

Kurt grinned and said, "Then I guess we'll have to make sure we stay. I want to hear this news my favorite cousin has."

Eileen frowned and asked, "How come I'm not your favorite cousin, Kurt?"

Roderick snorted and asked, "Do you really have to ask?"

"Well it's not you either, so hush up Rod."

Dudley chuckled and looked around before asking, "Where's Uncle Severus?"

"With Uncle Lucius in a meeting with Professor Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix," Roderick answered. "It's apparently nothing serious, but you never know. He'll be back soon, though."

Kurt frowned and asked, "Then how come dad isn't there?"

"Because your father chose to spend the day with us, sweetheart," Petunia said as she joined her sons and niece and nephews. Looking at Roderick and Tobias she put a playful smirk on her lips and said, "Now Rod and Toby, tell me about your girlfriends. I haven't seen them in a while. Have you two been properly romancing them now that you both are of age?"

Both Roderick and Tobias' faces turned red at the boldness of their aunt, their embarrassment the pure pleasure of their sister. When it was clear her brothers' minds had a short-circuited to give an answer, Eileen responded saying, "Julia is sick with mumblemumps and is at home resting, and Holly is currently in China on vacation with her family. She'll be back next week and Toby can happily have her back. And I'm sure when Julia recovers, Rod will kiss her all he wants."

"Eileen, shut up," Roderick and Tobias both said simultaneously, glaring at their sister as she giggled and winked at them. Yes, she was just as cheeky as she had been when they were small.

Petunia shook her head at the triplets with a fond smile. She remembered when she and Lily had been like that before it was revealed Lily was a witch. And though they went through a large rough patch, they had made up and were as close as ever. Walking over to her younger sister she said, "You're children are as amusing now as they were years ago."

Lily grinned and said, "I know, and I don't think they'll ever grow out of it." She looked back at Magnolia who was laughing running away from Sirius who was playfully chasing her before turning back to her older sister. "Tuney, how come you and Sirius didn't try for another baby after Kurt?"

"It wasn't a matter of trying, it was just that after many failed attempts we figured it wasn't meant to be for another one. But we're happy with Dudley and Kurt, and as far as Walburga is concerned, the Black family will continue on, despite loathing the fact that Kurt is a Halfblood."

Shaking her head Lily said, "I can't wait until Sirius figures out how to take her portrait off of the wall. We can't even visit Grimmauld Place in peace while her portrait hangs there."

"Mummy! Mummy!" Magnolia called out as she ran to Lily, hopping in her lap and hugging her around her neck as she giggled while looking back at Sirius who was making his way towards them. She giggled and said, "Uncle Siri is chasing me."

"Am I going to have to punish Black for chasing my daughter?" Severus' deep baritone voice asked from behind Lily.

Magnolia squealed happily and reached up to her father exclaiming, "Daddy!"

Severus chuckled and took his daughter in his arms, holding her close and nuzzling her blonde hair. Sirius smiled and said, "Welcome back, Snape. And for the record, Maggie asked me if I'd play tag with her. Though she's a quick little thing; I couldn't catch her."

"Good," Severus replied, causing Lily and Petunia to laugh. "Are the Longbottoms coming?"

"No, Agusta fell ill and they decided they would stay with her to take care of her. They'll be sending their gifts for Harry by owl, though," Lily answered.

"Dad!" Eileen called as she hurried to hug her father, followed by Roderick and Tobias. They greeted him as well and made room for Harry who came to greet his stepfather.

"Happy Birthday, Harry," Severus greeted him with a smile, placing a fatherly hand on his still unruly hair.

Harry smiled and replied, "Thanks dad."

Standing from her seat Lily said, "Well now that Sev is here, we can move on with the party. And afterward we can-"

"Cake!" Magnolia cried cheerfully, causing her older siblings to all smile at her sweetly.

"Yes, we can have cake." Lily smiled at the little blonde before getting everyone's attention, intent on moving on with the party.

Later that evening when the party was over, the Snapes and Blacks gathered in the parlor where Roderick's portrait was, him and Muirrean standing in it together to join their family. The family sat speaking with one another long into the night, so much so that Magnolia had curled up against Dudley and had fallen asleep. Severus took her from Dudley and left briefly to take the little girl to her bedroom and tuck her into bed. While he was gone the triplets huddled together to speak softly with one another.

"So are you going to tell them now, Toby?" Eileen asked.

Nodding Tobias said, "Yes, but I'll wait for dad to come back. It's important that he hears this news too."

Roderick nodded and said, "Right. This will be a new chapter in your life and I'm sure dad wouldn't want to be left out of the news."

"Thanks guys."

Soon Severus returned and Tobias took the opportunity to talk. Clearing his throat he said, "Mum, dad, everyone, I've got some news that I'd like to share."

Everyone turned to look at the redhead, giving him their undivided attention. Taking a deep breath Tobias said, "As you all know, I'm currently studying for my Charms Mastery and am apprenticing under Professor Flitwick. Well not too long ago, I applied to further study for my mastery in France with Charms Master Monsieur Dupuis and…he accepted for me to go study under him. He expects me in a week."

There was silence following Tobias' words before Severus asked, "When were you planning on letting us know this?"

"…Today? It wasn't on purpose; I just got the owl this morning. But I didn't want to let this take away from Harry's birthday."

"Toby, this is great news; you shouldn't worry about it taking away from my birthday," Harry said before moving to hug his younger brother. "Congratulations! This is a great opportunity for you."

Lily nodded with a smile and said, "Harry's right, sweetheart. You are going after your dreams and we couldn't be prouder of you for doing so. You are going to become a great Charms Master one day, I just know it."

Severus looked at his son that looked so much like his mother before smiling and saying, "Your mother is right, Tobias. This is fantastic news and I know you'll surpass all of your expectations. I'm proud of you, son."

"Yes, we all are," Muirrean said from her husband's portrait.

Roderick nodded with a proud smile on his face from beside his wife and said, "Make the Snape and Prince family proud in France. And let this new chapter in your life open doors for your future."

Tobias grinned up at his great-grandparents and replied, "Thank you, daideo and móraí."

Kurt grinned and said, "Hey, that means you can show me cool charms when you get back."

Eileen rolled her eyes and said, "You're already learning cool charms at Hogwarts as a Fifth Year. Surely being Gryffindor House hasn't dulled your love for learning."

"It hasn't, but at least I'm not a Ravenclaw swot."

"Stop it," Roderick said sternly from next to Eileen, glaring at both her and Kurt for them to cease their bickering. He knew it was only teasing, but it soon wouldn't be if they kept it up. Eileen always had been quicker to rise to Kurt's bait than he and Tobias.

Sirius grinned and said, "Congratulations, Toby. You're sure to be great, just like your mother." He then looked at Roderick and asked, "What about you, Snape Jr.? Got any good news to tell us about?"

Roderick looked at his father before answering, "Dad says I'm ready to take the examination for my Potions Mastery should I want to right now."

"So soon? But you're still so young. Do you have enough experience and mastered all of the necessary potions to do so?" Petunia asked curiously.

"If he does and takes the examination and passes, then he'll be the youngest Potions Master in Wizarding Britain," Harry said. He then grinned cheekily at Severus. "Rod will end up taking your place for that title, dad."

Severus smirked and said, "Then it will be taken from me by a worthy Potions Master."

Lily shook her head with a smile before turning to her daughter that was sitting between her brothers. "What about you, Eileen?"

"Yes, what of you, Eibhlin? Do you have anything coming up?" Roderick asked from his portrait.

Eileen shrugged and answered, "I don't know. I'm still doing my apprenticeship with Professor Sprout and I haven't thought much about what will come next, other than going for my examination to become a Herbologist. But I'm sure whatever new chapter in my life is waiting for me, I'll tackle it head on and have no regrets."

Muirrean smiled and told her, "And we know you will, dear. You and your brothers have already proven you can do anything you set your minds too, even when it seemed impossible. Therefore no matter what comes your way or however long it may take, it will all be just for you and no one can take it from you."

The dark haired brunette looked around the room at her family to see them all smiling at her and giving her encouraging nods. She returned their smiles with her own almost shy one, pulling her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around her legs. Yes, her new chapter would come for her when it was time. She didn't have to always be on the same page with her brothers, even though the three of them had always been on the same page. But they were also their own persons and were obviously going their own separate ways in their lives. But at the end of the day, no matter what happened, the Snape triplets would always remain the best of friends and be by each others' sides. Looking at her brother she wrapped her arms around them and held them close in a hug, Roderick and Tobias smiling and returning her hug. They already knew what she had been thinking and they wholeheartedly agreed.

The adults in the room all smiled at them, Severus and Lily looking at each other as they held each other's hand, lacing their fingers together. For them, there were no better children to call their own. Harry, the triplets, and Maggie were absolutely perfect and they all gave them so much joy in their lives. They were proud of all five of their children and always would be. Of course they wondered how it would be when all five of them ended up leaving the nest, but for now they were content with where they were in their lives.

Lily kissed her husband's lips and whispered, "I love you, Sev."

"I love you too, Lily-flower," Severus replied softly as his wife laid her head over on his shoulder.

Roderick smiled down at his descendents with pride, Muirrean doing the same from beside him. He then looked down at Eileen and said, "While we are on the subject of Eibhlin's future, I think it is time to seriously start considering for who will be worthy enough to call her their wife. It can't be just any loafer, you know."

"Daideo!" Eileen cried half in embarrassment and half in shock while Harry, Roderick, and Tobias all laughed.

Harry's laughter reduced to chuckles before he inputted, "Yeah, since your crush on Draco has finally disappeared."


Severus frowned and said, "No one is worthy enough to even consider dating my daughter, let alone marry her. She's not getting married, ever."


Lily and Petunia both giggled as Eileen stood to yell at her great-grandfather for bringing this embarrassment upon her, Tobias trying to calm her down through his amusement while Muirrean and Roderick smiled at their great-granddaughter. Sirius, Kurt, and Dudley all shook their heads with amused smiles on their faces at the Snape family, knowing that their family would always be entertaining, but would also bring plenty of joy in their lives. And all of them looked forward to what the future had to bring.

Author's Note: This is the end of Power of the Prince Lineage, sequel story to Coming Back to You. I hope you all enjoyed this story and loved the antics and such of the Snape triplets. Thanks so much for tuning in and reading this story and for your kind reviews. It means a lot to me. Again, thank you so much! XOXO, SehunsBae37.