Wish for a Redo
Rated M
Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight or the franchise, as it belongs to Steph Meyers
Wish for a Redo
Chapter 1
It was the night before her wedding and Bella wasn't as excited as she probably should be. Reason being was a few things. For one, she really had no interest in marriage. It was all Edward's idea and he refused to change her if she didn't marry him. Two, it was just her personality. She was never one to get excited about anything, least of all anything that put her on public display. And three, Jacob. Her best friend had been missing for weeks and she missed him terribly. He had gotten a wedding invitation, one that she hadn't sent at all but Edward had, and he had run off. The wedding invitation made the reality that he lost her all too real and he couldn't deal with it. As a result he ran off. Edward kept telling her that it wasn't her fault and that Jacob would just have to accept it, but she knew better. She knew it was her fault and she blamed herself.
Along with her worry she also came to realize that as much as she claimed she loved Edward more than Jacob, that wasn't the truth. She loved them both, but she was starting to think that maybe, just maybe, she loved Jacob more. Also, she had been thinking about every single decision she made in regards to Jacob, back to when she had first used him to learn about the Cullens, then leaving him to save Edward, and everything else she had done that had hurt him because of her selfishness and selfish need of Edward. She wondered when she had become so shallow and dependent on Edward and his family. Jacob made her strong where as Edward made her weak, and for some reason she reveled in the weakness.
She had been having second thoughts about the wedding for a good while now, but she didn't know what do about it. In fact, there was nothing she could do. The Volturi were waiting to hear that the wedding went through and for her to be changed following the honeymoon. Everything that had lead up to this moment was her fault and now she would have to deal with the consequences.
Bella looked out of her window from her bed and looked up into the sky. The sky was filled with stars, though not many but they would do. Looking at the stars she remembered how she was little and used to wish on them. None of her wishes ever came true, but she loved to do it anyway. She wondered if wishing on a star now would be weird or even do anything. She scoffed at the idea, but still she wanted to try wishing on a star again.
Sitting up she climbed out of bed and walked over to the window, looking up at the one star she was concentrating on. Taking a breath Bella softly said, "Starlight, star bright, first star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might have the wish I wish tonight. I wish…" Bella closed her eyes and finished. "I wish I had some sort of sign or help for what to do about my situation. I wish I could have some guidance."
The wish was foolish and it had come too late. There was no way that she was going to get any help on her stupid decisions that lead up to Jacob running away and the wedding that was taking place. Sighing Bella turned back to her bed and climbed under the sheets, shutting her eyes as she fell into an exhausted sleep, dread filling her for the wedding day tomorrow. And as she slept, bright blue light shone through the window into her room.
Bella woke up with a tired yawn and stretched in her bed. However she froze when her leg hit something hard that was on top of her bed. Turning over she saw the lump under the sheets that was her leg, and how it was next to a completely bare set of legs cross legged on top of her bed. She followed the legs up to a mostly bare torso, a bosom covered in what looked to be a sparkly strapless bra, until she was looking into the face of a beautifully stunning young woman with bright blue eyes and white hair. What shocked Bella the most though was how much the woman looked like her.
The woman blinked a few times before smirking and saying, "I see you finally decided to seek me for help."