"Avada Kedavra!"
Harry Potter looked at the green beam of light that exited the tip of Barty Crouch's wand, and hit his target. His target, however, was a gravestone. They were practising in the graveyard near the Riddle Manor.
"Simple, right?" he asked Harry as he turned back to look at him. Before letting him answer he continued, "But this spell is a little more complicated than a cutting curse."
Thirteen year old Harry listened carefully to his final lesson in Death Eatery. He already knew how to kill a man, as he had killed one prisoner at the Dark Lord's behest, a year ago. He had learned how to use most defensive and offensive curses, but only one and arguably the most important one was left.
"To cast this spell, you need to channel your hate for them." said Barty as he walked towards the prisoner under the Imperius curse. "Muggleborns." spat Barty with disdain. "They think they are equal to proper wizards and witches," he paused and looked at Harry, who was looking at the prisoner, "Focus on your hate, and think about how the world would be better if these people weren't in it."
Raising his wand and preparing to say the incantation, Harry thought about the man kneeling in front of him. He knew all mudbloods deserved to die because they were what was wrong with society. Magic was not for those with impure blood as all the muggleborn magic users were weak, their magic being far inferior to that of a pureblood wizard, and so they should all be eradicated.
He looked at the man's hazy eyes, and calmly uttered "Avada Kedavra"
The familiar green beam of the killing curse hit the man in the head and knocked him forcefully back. Lowering his wand, he retracted it back into his wrist holster. He looked back at Barty. "That will come in really handy later on." he quipped, as he looked back at the destroyed gravestone. It wasn't fully destroyed, as only a chunk of it was gone.
"Now really focus your hate. You should be able to kill anyone besides muggleborns, if the need arises." Looking back at Harry, he said, "Destroy that gravestone with the killing curse."
Like before he tapped into his hate, and in a single motion, drew his wand, raised his hand and flicked his wand at the gravestone, aiming at the base of it, "Avada Kedavra!" this time he raised his voice from its previous decibel.
Harry smiled as he saw the entire gravestone get destroyed. Looking back again at Barty, he saw that he was smiling a smile of his own, much wider than Harry's.
"If you can kill a piece of stone, then killing Aurors won't be a problem." said Barty, putting his hand on Harry's shoulder. Harry smiled in reply.
Barty turned and started to walk towards the Riddle Manor with Harry on his tail."Well, now you know all the spells you need to. Tomorrow, we'll learn dueling."
"Brilliant! Finally, REAL lessons." Harry teased Barty's back.
"You can't duel without spells, Harry. That's an ignorant thing to say." Barty remarked back at him.
"I know that." Harry threw his hands up as he tried to explain, "It's just... boring."
"That's understandable. Just know that this will be much harder." Barty chuckled. By this time they had reached the door to the manor. "Class dismissed." Harry nodded and drew his wand once more. He disapparated to his home, Malfoy Manor. Harry appeared in the front yard and minding his own business, he went upstairs to his room.
Harry sat on his bed and picked up his spell book. He skimmed through it really fast to try and remember useful spells for tomorrow, as he had already read the book twice and practiced most of the spells in it. The cutting curse, blasting curse, shield charm and disarming charm. Those were his main weapons. He wouldn't use the killing curse against Barty. He knew he didn't stand a chance against someone like him but he would do his best to fight him.
The next morning, Harry and Barty were standing in front of each other, a few meters apart.
"Now, some very important rules to remember." Barty drew his wand, which Harry copied, as he started pacing back and forth, "Cover. Never be out in the open. Always find a place to take cover, and if you can't find one, make one." He waved his wand as a brick wall as tall as him manifested in front of him. Harry waved his wand as he had already mastered conjuration and transfiguration, and replicated Barty's wall. Barty stepped away from behind his wall, "Always be aware of your enemy's location. The human presence revealing charm is the tool for this." Harry nodded. "And always be on the move. Because when you need to kill someone, your best weapon is stealth and when you're detected, you need to lose them, as the element of surprise can end any battle in a second. The disillusionment charm, apparating, the smoke screen spell, all of these combined will help you win fights against even the strongest duel master. Now, are you ready?" Harry nodded again, changing his stance, "Begin."
Barty stepped behind his wall, barely missing Harry's cutting curse. Harry ran towards one of the gravestones and sent a blasting curse at Barty's wall before taking cover behind it. "Homenum Revelio." he whispered and looked around to see where his dueling instructor was. He seemed to be behind another conjured wall not from his location. He sent another blasting curse at him, but saw it dissipate before reaching the said wall. Noticing this, he conjured a rock that was twice his size and levitated it up a few meters and threw it at the wall.
Just as this happened, Barty rose to send a blasting curse of his own at Harry and his eyes widened for a second as he saw what was approaching him, but his reflexes kicked in and he stopped it midair. The blasting curse he sent at Harry hit his cover and debris injured Harry a little, but that didn't seem to stop him as he ran towards another cover, one that was behind Barty but was quickly discovered and as Barty turned to send a blasting curse at him, he saw that Harry had created a wide, but short wall to protect and hide himself but his location was discovered and Barty sent a quick blasting curse at his cover which destroyed half of it, but Harry rose and aimed his wand at him, slashed down. Barty, realizing that Harry had just thrown down rock he had immobilized, rolled out of the way and cast a smoke screen charm.
Harry thinking he had won the battle, smiled and approached the smoke the rock had created. He cast a ventus at the smoke and his smile faded as he saw Barty was not there. Before he had the chance to cast a shield charm, he felt his wand escape from his hand and looked to see it fly behind him and into Barty's hand.
Barty smiled triumphantly at him before saying, "You threw a boulder at me?" incredulously.
Harry laughed at his own intellect as he had gotten the idea some time ago. "Do you think if I conjure a flat object, stand on it, and then levitate it, would it work?"
Barty laughed, "I have no idea.". He proceeded to conjure a square wooden platform. He then stepped on it and cast the levitation charm and it worked! They both laughed in amazement as he lifted himself higher and higher until he was five meters above Harry.
"Hmmm. It only seems to work if you keep levitating." Harry surmised, thinking of a way to keep it in the air.
"What?" Barty shouted, not having heard what he said.
"It only works if you keep levitating it!" Harry shouted back.
"What if we immobilized it?" Barty suggested, as he aimed again at the platform, "Cast the spell so I can keep levitating it."
Harry raised his wand, "Immobulus."
"All right, get ready." As soon as Barty cancelled the charm, he started to fall, but quick reflexes did not allow him to hit the ground as he quickly cast, "Arresto Momentum!"
His descent slowed and he landed on his two feet. "Well, that didn't work. And I really don't see what it could be useful for."
Harry shrugged in response, "At least we learned something."
"All right, let's continue. Now, we'll practice what I taught you later. I want you to learn how to duel traditionally." Barty walked a few meters away from Harry, then turned, "You won't always have the opportunity to hide, sometimes you have to face people directly. It's very simple, just use shield charms and any offensive spells you know, until your enemy slips up." Harry nodded in understanding.
"Yes." Harry raised his wand.
Harry quickly cast, "Protego!", before quickly sending a blasting curse to put Barty out of balance. His shield charm was destroyed by Barty's disarming charm, but before he could put up another one, he was disarmed by Barty. He looked at him in surprise. "How did you do that?"
Barty chuckled, "I sent two in a row. That's a useful trick." He threw Harry's wand back to him. "We'll duel a few more times and then we'll be done for the day."
And so they did. Four more times, with Barty coming out on top everytime.
This became their ritual for the next year. Everyday at noon, Barty and Harry would duel until one disarmed the other. They sometimes dueled Barty style, but mostly he taught Harry traditional dueling. They cut each other, blasted each other and just hurt each other as best as they could. Harry's skill and tolerance for pain both increased by each passing day.
Harry woke up in his bed, at 7AM, feeling tired. Pushing through the pressure of his body calling him to go back to sleep, he got up and went to do his morning rituals. After a shower, he magically dried himself, and looked at himself in the mirror. His facial features consisted of refined cheekbones and jet black hair that reached his ears.
As he went back into the room, he approached his nightstand and picked up his round spectacles. Putting them on, he got his clothes from his closet. His white shirt, black pants, but not the jacket as it was summer. He exited the room and went downstairs, into the Malfoy Manor dining room. The room was large with a dining table large enough to fit twelve people, in the center. He sat at the currently empty table, as it was still early for the family to awaken. His meal was already prepared by the house elves, as they were aware of his morning habits. Eggs and bacon with a glass of pumpkin juice.
After finishing his meal he went back up into his room, picked up the book in his nightstand sat down on the bed and started to read.
Two hours later, Draco more or less barged into his room. "Crabbe, Goyle, Nott and Blaise are here and we need another seeker." He smiled at Harry, knowing he never gave up the opportunity to play Quidditch.
Harry returned his smile and got up from his bed not caring where he dropped his book. Opening his closet, he got his Nimbus 2001 that Mr. Malfoy bought for him.
Draco turned and went down the stairs expecting to be tailed by Harry but after reaching half way down the stairs, hearing no footsteps behind him, he turned to see Harry had not actually left his room. Climbing back up, he again went to his room to urge him to hurry, only to find his room to be empty and wind blowing from the now open window. He smiled to himself and went to join the others.
Harry, however, was not so quick to do so. He flew around for a whole minute just because he enjoyed it so much, before joining his friends, who were now looking annoyed at Harry. Descending, he got off his broom and greeted his friends.
"Alright, like always, Crabbe, Goyle, you'll be the beaters, Nott, Blaise, chasers, me and Draco will be seekers." Harry got on his broom and prepared to fly before he was interrupted by Blaise.
"Wait. I think we should do this a little differently this time."
Harry looked at him curiously as did Draco. Harry asked, "What do you mean?"
"Well, instead of you and Draco being seekers, why not me and Nott be seekers and you two be chasers." Blaise responded.
Draco looked at him incredulously. "You can't be serious. You don't even know how to seek."
"And you don't know how to chase." Blaise returned.
"What would even be the point of that?" Harry asked, still floating a meter above them.
"We've been doing it like this all the time." Blaise argued. "I think it could be fun to spice things up."
"This isn't your parents bedroom, Blaise." Harry joked, and everyone except Blaise laughed at him. "But I see what you're suggesting." Harry continued after the laughter died down. "Alright, we'll do your idea." Harry declared after a moment of contemplation.
The boys teamed up. Harry, Goyle and Nott, Draco, Crabbe and Blaise.
After a match that was won by Draco's team. Harry, bitter about his loss, confronted Blaise. "You only suggested that idea because you learned how to seek."
Blaise smiled mischievously, "That, may or may not be true."
They hung out until afternoon, talking, having fun, when they were interrupted by Barty. They were in the front yard of Malfoy Manor and Nott was sharing a story of one of his sexual conquests, as teenage boys do.
Barty looked at Harry, "Come with me." and without even waiting for a response, he put his hand on his shoulder and disapparated.
"What the bloody hell was that about?" Blaise asked Draco, looking at him for answers.
"I think it's safe to assume the Dark Lord summoned him." The two boys looked at him in surprise. "I assume!" He clarified, noticing their faces.
Harry felt the familiar sensation of being squeezed through a small pipe, before landing on his feet in front of Riddle Manor. "What's this about?" He asked Barty as the man walked at a fast pace towards the main entrance.
"He's summoned you." Barty answered without turning back. Upon hearing this Harry got nervous. He had been in the Dark Lord's presence a few other times but that didn't ease his fright. Still, he gathered his courage and started to match Barty pace.
"Why am I summoned?" He asked again, looking at Barty.
"I have no idea." He answered, as he opened the door to the dining room.
"My Lord." They both addressed him, to which he just gestured to Harry to come closer. Complying, Harry approached the man who was terrorizing Wizarding Britain on a monthly basis.
"The time has come, Harry, for you to accomplish your task." Harry looked at him in shock and unbeknownst to him, so did Barty. "I'm aware that you weren't able to train to your full potential, but circumstances have aligned in a way, that makes this year the perfect year for you to infiltrate Hogwarts." He paused before explaining, "The Triwizard Tournament is being held this year, at Dumbledore's school, and you will act as a student from Durmstrang Institute." Harry assumed that there was a plan already in motion for him to do so, unnoticed. "You will then go to Hogwarts with some other select Durmstrang students and after the year is done you will transfer to Hogwarts, but there is an issue. You see, if people recognize you as the long lost Potter child, you will be asked a lot of questions." Harry's stomach tied in knot as he thought about the prospect of meeting his real parents, but he didn't have time to think about that as the Dark Lord continued, "You will be prepared however as there is a cover story for your disappearance. Barty will explain the rest. You are dismissed." Harry nodded and bowed before turning and walking towards the door.
Harry then heard the Dark Lord summon Barty over, presumably to give him the full briefing.
His head was spinning. He was going to Hogwarts. He had to kill the most powerful wizard alive. He was going to meet his parents, probably. He almost threw up thinking about the weights that were put on his shoulder. But he decided to think about them later. Drawing his wand, he disapparated back to Malfoy Manor.
A.N.: Eh? What'd you think? I didn't have a cover story for how he went to Durmstrang, but I'll think of something.
Also I chose Barty because Barty Crouch Jr. teaching Harry Potter about the unforgivables is cannon. *Wink* .