Chapter 16: Old faces, old friends

Note: Sorry about the delay in updating over~ as I have stated I will always update over on AO3 first so If you want faster updates check out over there everything is the same. Same title same username. I am working on chapter 17 right now so it should be posted in about a week or two. As always thank you for reading

Entering Diagon Alley was as magical as the first time, as well as overwhelming with how many people where crowded together; hustling and bustling from one store to another. Hearing kids begging and pleading for the next big broom and pouting at not getting ice cream. It was a little too much at first for me. I was now used to the quietness of the Manor and the calm atmosphere that came with it. I stayed very close to Draco's side as we wandered from store to store; much like Nev and Blaise where doing with their new bond still forming.

Nev was better at controlling himself then Blaise. The moment we walked in a girl thought she had a chance with Nev being a big Dom as he was; and her being an Omega. Blaise scared the girl half to death with a smile and the promise he made her if she thought of touching his mate. I chuckled, I wish I could be that type of Sub. I mean I can get jealous, but I can't bring myself to so much as glare at anyone who glanced at Draco. Then poor Theo, being like the fifth wheel hanging around we truly did try to include him in things; but at the same time he was a little saddened that he was the only one without a mate.

We had just entered Flourish & Blotts, after Eeylops Owl Emporium getting Hedwig her much needed treats, to get our school books and maybe extra if anything caught our eye. When a certain bushy-haired girl caught my attention. It was strange to see her here, I mean without meeting up with her at the Weasley's home. I took a glance around but knowing Ron he would not enter this store if he didn't have to.

Draco and Theo were already going down a row looking for the Potion book they needed for class, and Blaise was interested in the newest copy in a fictional book. Only Nev caught on to who was in the store.

"Go talk to her," he said lowly trying not to draw attention to us yet.

"I-I can't Nev… I haven't heard from her all summer why would I go talk to her now?"

"Because you want to and know you should." Nev being the voice of reason to all. "I will go over there with you if that helps."

It was strange. I mean Hermione, Ron, and I used to be thick as thieves; but that changed two years ago. Hermione was between me and Ron. Ron wasn't talking with me… Then I was trying not to die during the Tri-wizard tournament. It was a rough year.

I think if it wasn't for Nev. I would have done something stupid. He was the only one that didn't stab me in the back that year. Really, he was my rock during that year. From then on the golden trio felt like a lie. We all put on a happy face, but we didn't trust each other anymore.

I glanced at Nev, "Harry if you don't do this now you will never have a better chance."

I nodded slowly taking in what he said with a soft sigh. I squared my shoulders and slowly made my way over.

"H-Hermione?" I tentatively called out. Unsure if she even wanted to see; let alone talk to me.

Hermione glanced up not giving us a smile at all. "Harry, Neville," she nodded her head at each of us, "I hope you had a good summer… It seems that you each came into an inheritance."

"I… er… it was a nice summer…." I answered kind of stunned at the lack of emotion she gave us. It was as if we were just another classmate or housemate… I guess we aren't really friends anymore. Answers my question I had all summer. At least she doesn't right out hate me. I have a feeling that is what is going to happen with Ron.

"It's impolite pointing out one's inheritance Hermione… J-Just letting you know for future reference. Are you here waiting for Ron?"

"Not really, my parents dropped me off to get everything. I haven't heard anything from him all summer." Hermione chewed on her bottom lip then. "It's been strange, not hearing from either one of you."

"I-I'm sorry Hermione… It was a bad summer up until my inheritance I sent Hedwig off with Nev to keep her safe… But I wonder about Ron why he wouldn't have written."

Hermione just shrugged her shoulders, then picked up the book she sat down on our approach.

"I have no clue, but I don't care, I am just going to focus on schooling this year. I hope you have a good year Harry Neville, see you." With that she walked off.

It wasn't a bad meeting, I guess. We aren't friends anymore, but she doesn't hate me I guess that is a start… Maybe I can fix our friendship, maybe.