Hi I am trying something new and seeing about posting here to but my main writing platform is on Wattpad which this story with another is published. Here is the first chapter, Enjoy!
A late and stormy night, a horse-faced women holding a bundle in her arms made her way to the grand staircase to the front doors of Sunderland Orphan Asylum. She finally took a look at her nephew she held in her arms. "For what it is worth, take care of yourself. I am sorry for what my sister did to you and wish the best for you" with a worry look she laid the baby on the top of the steps, the baby was still sleeping soundlessly even after the hour long drive. She gave one loud knock on the brass double doors and hurried off to her car. The women took one last look as she watched the door open and drove off not with a sense of guilt but sadness for what the boy would go through.
Four years later a young boy was running, he had bright startling green eyes and under his fringe of messy black hair was a lightning bolt scar, mere seconds ago this young boy pulled a prank on one the bullies at the orphanage. He knew full well what they were capable of being the main center of their bullying but couldn't resist the urge to do something.
The kids were not as welcoming to him as the few years went by, they started to fear him because strange things happened around him. But the bullying continued to get worse when someone caught him talking to a snake.
"You freak!" he hasn't hear that one before "you are in so much trouble!" the boy by the name of Micheal O'neil shouted.
"you all are so boring" the boy shouted back running out to the manor "can't come up with a new name for me."
Even at the age of four this boy has been able to do the unspeakable, cause lightning, wind, speak to snakes but also out smart a 10 year old bully. The instructors of the institute called him a prodigy, remembering everything he sees, hears or reads. Never really getting in trouble, he was a dear to all the adults but not so much with the other children there. He stopped just on the edge of the forest in the back of the manor the boys now advancing closer to him.
A hissing was heard close by the young boy had a smirk on his face as all of them palled at the sound. They each stopped weary of coming any closer as a boy screamed out and fell over. Some of the crew left with out a second thought. But not Michel and Jami, some how managed to catch the snake by the tail.
"Now what do we have here" Jami sniggerd to the boy "I think we should get the freakishness out of him and this would be something to start with."
The boy was left out of words this Racer Snake was uncommon to see but to the boy it was his only friend in this world. He was stuck, the thought of losing him would be devastating, but he watched in horror as Micheal lowered his foot over her. Slowly the boy lost control, a humongous, earth shattering wave of energy came crashing out. Sending both boys flying backwards probably braking bones in the processes as they landed hard a few meters away.
After making it to his snake and picked him up after finding him to still be alive and ran back to the manor no adult would believe him, all but one but the boy didn't know he was back. He also didn't know that someone was lurking around and felt the magic in the air.
"Hadrian! get down here now!" the matron yelled over the inter com the next morning. The boy got up and walked down to her office something he had to do ever since he accidentally turned one of his instructors hair blue. The adults though adored him they also was worried he did seem unnatural at times around the kids. "au there you are Hadrian Father Barbados is here and has requested to see you" the matron told him, to his horror Hadrian trudge his was to the mans office.
It wasn't pretty with them, the father would douse religious spew and beat him a lot for he unnatural gifts. Now Hadrian is sure he heard the story from the boys last night he was sure he would get another beating. "Rian my boy glad you could make it."
He never got his name right and Hadrian despised him for that but he didn't respond just sat in the chair. "your birthday is today yes? Five years now, how was the reading I gave you?" the man was annoying always had a smile painted on his face but never showed it in his eyes.
Hadrian just rolled his eyes, but gave no answer. "I see the lord is very displeased what did I hear you injured two kids with your unnatural abilities. I don't want to see you rebuking the gifts that I have given you young boy."
"Sir if I say I don't care I really don't care" Hadrian responded very coldly for a four year old. Being so prolific gave Hadrian some advantages than other kids his age. To some it just plain out terrified them. His screams at night sometimes didn't help either.
"I am only trying to help you get back to the light my boy. To the right side I see you are not wanting this help." the mas stood up and slowly walked over to to door making sure it was locked then turned to the boy "It seems I have to give you another lesson." he said at the boy sat in the chair waiting for the belt to hit him.
Kick, Belt, punch over and over again for the past couple minuets. Hadrian was now on the floor curled in on him self. "you ungrateful boy so unnatural and a freak no wonder why your parents abandoned you!" The man shouted to the boy repeatedly.
The man was frustrated as to teach the boy a lesson of not following gods work and then he paused. He is a freak he must remember it always, he took out his knife from his pocket. Slowly kneeling down in from of the battered boy almost unconscious, took his arm in his large hands and began his work.
A new scream, came out of the boy, he thrashed around, the man kept working. It was fast so fast, a new bound energy came sending the man off the young boy. He staggered to his feet his left arm bleeding profusely he looked over to the man who hadn't moved. To Hadrian's surprise the small knife he had used on the boy before stuck out of his chest. The man wasn't dead yet but in anger Hadrian had to finish it.
Lucky he was Ambidextrous Hadrian did his work on the man watching as he saw the light dim away in his eyes was when Hadrian smiled at the man died. Hadrian slowly made his way to his room grab what little he had and Zaro his snake they left once and for all.
As he left he had a though of the place burning but didn't dare to stay any longer. He walked till he came to a place to stay for the night, his arm now stopped bleeding he rinsed it off in a clearing. In the morning he continued one to a small town, unbeknownst to Hadrian he has been followed by some one watching him in wonder.
The man decided he found who he was looking for stopped the boy, "Young boy, May I ask where you are going?"
He stopped and turned towards the man Hadrian calmly said "no where I believe I am walking, I've got no where to go."
"Well it just so happened that I am looking for a student," the man said with a smile "You would be perfect."
"What is this place you speak of?"
"It is of an elite school, in a place unknown and unable to find it. You are taught a variety of subjects and uses. It could be a place to call home, there is nothing you would ever need to worry if money is concerned you would though have to go in front of a board but what I have seen no one would question you." the man explained "I see great things from you my boy."
"I only just turned five" Hadrian pointed out "how could I go to a undisclosed school with a stranger?"
"Sorry for my manners, I am Marche De Preis the headmaster of Morgana's school of Magicks and sorcery" He held out his hand and Hadrian taking it with a twisted smile.
"Hadrian" the man gave a quizzical look and Hadrian said "I do not know my families name but I never knew them so I never bothered to ask."
"In that case Hadrian I will be willing to accept you into my family and my school" he said "what do you say?"
Without a hesitation Hadrian agreed, in a second latter Marche took out a stone and the two were whisked away, vanishing from sight.