A/N: I know that you are all thinking I probably shouldn't be starting a new HP story but this story is a challenge came up with by bigman77 on the forum Harry Potter Fanfiction Challenges ... I would like to suggest that readers and/or writers check the forum out because they have a lot of good topics... Besides I plan on working on some HP updates but it may be a week or two... I am NOT abandoning any of my HP stories but my muse just isn't coming up with new chapters for them that I want... I feel that by stretching my writing creativity muscles that I will be able to work more and better on my other HP stories...

Name of Challenge: Founders Spirit – Challenge given by bigman77

Pairings/characters: Harry Potter, Susan Bones, Luna Lovegood, Daphne Greengrass

Summary: Before Salazar Slytherin left Hogwarts for good, all four founders received a prophecy about a dark future where the students of Hogwarts are divided during a time of chaos where darkness rises and threatens to destroy the world. Creating a spell that would allow their spirits to find the student with the most similar characteristics to their own and bind with them so as to guide them to greatness and the restoration of Hogwarts by bringing the four houses back together.

Other details: Story must start before the Tri-Wizard Tournament begins. Harry, Susan, Luna, and Daphne must be magically strong. Harry must decide to switch electives from Divination to Ancient Runes and or Arithmancy. Harry's pairing must be with one of five girls(romance does not have to be a major part of the story but a pairing must happen, testing relationships is encouraged); Ginny, Luna, Daphne, Susan, or Cho. absolutely no way is Hermione an okay pairing ( I prefer a big sister relationship with Harry. NO BASHING!

Now this story will be slightly AU in some areas... While there where be a little bashing it won't be much... Because lets face it Dumbledore does need to be put in his place for what he has done to Harry... There will eventually be a Harry/Luna pairing with a possible side pairing of Susan/Neville and Hermione/Theo Nott or Blaise Zabine... Now onto the story...

Disclaimer: I don't own HP!


Harry Potter sighed as he leaned against the wall in his so called bedroom at #4 Privet Drive. He was exhausted but yet he couldn't sleep because his mind was racing with so many questions. In the three years that he had been back in the Wizarding world his life had been in danger each year. He had no doubt that his life would be in danger again once he started his fourth year at Hogwarts. He just wished that he knew why he was in danger constantly. As that wish entered his mind a flash appeared in his room and he stared in surprise at the bird in front of him. "Fawkes?"

Fawkes trilled and then shook his tail feathers at Harry whose eyes widened in surprise. He stood up though and grabbed a hold of Fawkes tail who let out another trill and then disappeared from Harry's bedroom with Harry attached to his tail.

Harry blinked in amazement when he recognized that he was now standing in Gringotts bank instead of his bedroom on Privet Drive. He silently thanked Fawkes and walked over to the Goblin Teller who was looking at him in surprise. He bowed and then blushed at the shock he could see in the Goblin's eyes. "Good evening, Master Goblin. I am here to talk to someone about my trust vault and my options."

The Goblin actually blinked in surprise even as he nodded. "Very well, Mr. Potter. My name is Silverblade. I will take you back to Director Ragnok myself."

Harry nodded. "Thank you very much, Master Silverblade."

Silverblade hopped down from his post and walked around his station. He motioned for Harry to follow him and led him back to Director Ragnok's office. After motioning for Harry to wait he knocked on Ragnok's door and then walked in and shut the door. "Director Ragnok, young Mr. Potter is here to see you. Well he came in wanting to talk to someone about his trust vault and his options so I thought it best to bring him straight to you. It does not seem that the young Lord has any clue about his inheritance."

Ragnok scowled but nodded. "Show him in and then get me the stuff I need in order to do a full inheritance check on young Mr. Potter, Silverblade. We will get to the bottom of why he has been kept in the dark about his inheritance. Also bring me the wills of James and Lily Potter. I will subtly make sure that young Mr. Potter asks for them to be read. That way nobody can contest the fact that they were opened after Dumbledore had them sealed. After all since he is the last of the Potter line he has the right to request that his parents will be read even if it was sealed. I wonder how Dumbledore forgot about that loop whole. Although I guess it could be that he didn't know of it because the law has been around since Merlin founded the Ministry."

Silverblade nodded. "I will show Mr. Potter in promptly, Director. I will be back within five minutes with everything that you need including the wills of James and Lily Potter." After he saw Ragnok nod at him he hurried back out of the office and over to Harry. "Mr. Potter, if you will follow me Director Ragnok will see you now. He has requested me to get some things so I will return in a few short minutes with what will be needed."

Harry sighed in relief. "Thank you, Master Goblin Silverblade. May your enemies fall at your feet."

Silverblade grinned. "And may your vaults overfill with gold, Mr. Potter. Now I shall show you in and go get what is needed for what Director Ragnok wants to do." He led the way into Ragnok's office. "Here is Mr. Potter, Director Ragnok. I will be right back with the items that you requested."

Ragnok nodded as he said "Good evening, young Lord Potter. If you will take a seat we can talk. Silverblade has told me that you are here to talk about your trust vault and your options. Do you not know about the Potter family vaults then?"

Harry's eyes widened in shock. "You mean that I have more than my trust vault? I didn't know anything about that. Why do I have more than my trust vault? And why did you call me young Lord Potter?"

Ragnok shook his head and sat back in his seat. "Mr. Potter, I called you young Lord Potter because that is who and what you are. Since you are now over the age of thirteen you can legally become emancipated and take on the role of Head of the House of Potter. Which incidentally also means that you will become Lord Potter. The Potter family is one of the oldest Wizarding families in our world. If you claim your birthright you will hold the title Lord Harry James Potter of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter. I have sent Silverblade after some things that will be used to do a full inheritance test on you to determine if you are the heir to any other families. Do you know anything about your parents wishes, young Lord Potter?"

Harry shifted in his seat uneasily. "No, I don't. Do you know if they had wills or not and if they did can I see them, Director Ragnok?"

Ragnok nodded in satisfaction. "Since you asked yes I can have them read finally. They were sealed by the Wizengamot at the Chief Warlock's behest but apparently they forget that as long someone is the last of their family line they can request that the will or wills in question be read. Also I would suggest since you just turned fourteen that you go ahead and get emancipated so that nobody can interfere in what you do or don't do. As of right now your Magical Guardian is one Albus Dumbledore but it seems that he isn't doing what he should be doing for you. You should have know about your heritage before now."

Harry scowled. "He seems to be keeping a lot of things for me. May I ask if you know if it is normal to dream about someone who is long dead coming to a person?"

Ragnok looked at Harry with interest. "Why do you ask, Mr. Potter?"

Harry sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "For the last several nights since my birthday I have been dreaming about Salazar Slytherin. In my dream he comes to me and talks to me. He tells me that I am his heir and that he is here to help guide me to my destiny. He also tells me in my dream that he is here to train me and to help me become the person that I am supposed to be. He said that I will have three others by my side and that together we will defeat the darkness that is coming."

At that information Ragnok jumped out of his seat and hurried around his desk to Harry. "It is not normal, Mr. Potter, but I do believe that you can believe these dreams. The four founders left instructions and letters to four people that would help to reform the Wizarding world and to help bring greatness back to Hogwarts. I do believe that I should get the letters and have the delivered to the other three so that they can all come here. We need to come up with a plan. The Goblins will stand beside you and help you through this trying time, Lord Potter."

Harry's mouth dropped open in shock and his eyes widened. "Can't I ever be normal?"

Ragnok laughed just as Silverblade walked back into his office. "Being normal is overrated, young Lord Harry Potter. Now let us get your inheritance test out of the way and then I will read your parents wills to you. I will also get you emancipated. Once I read your parents wills I have to set about making sure those that are named in it contacted and that they come here for a will reading at a later time. It is more than time for their wishes to be fulfilled."

Harry sighed but nodded. "What do I need to do for the inheritance test, Director Ragnok?"

Ragnok grinned. "I need for you to slice your hand with this knife and let seven drops of blood fall onto each piece of parchment. We are doing the inheritance test, creature test, plus a test to check you for any spells, potions, or other magic on you. I figured that it would be best to make sure that you are free of any outside influence."

Harry nodded again and took the knife that was on the desk. He quickly sliced his hand before he could think twice about it and then held his hand over the first piece of parchment. Once he dropped seven drops of blood on the first sheet he swiftly moved his hand to the second and then to the third. Once he was finished without though he wandlessly and wordlessly healed his hand and sat back down. He looked at Ragnok with narrowed eyes when he saw that he was staring at him in surprise. "Why are you looking at me like that, Director?"

Ragnok shook his head and laughed. "I am looking at you like I am because you just healed your hand without a wand and without words. How long have you been able to do that?"

Harry shut his eyes for a second or two before he opened them back up. "Since my birthday actually. I take it that, that is not normal either."

Ragnok looked at Harry in disbelief. "No, that is not normal but it is a very good and useful skill to have. Your enemies will not expect you to be able to perform wandless or wordless magic at such a young age. While we wait for your test to finish up I will go ahead and emancipate you. Would you like me to read your parents wills to you or would you like to read them on your own?"

Harry thought for a few seconds before he finally replied. "I think that I will read them. You shouldn't have to read them out loud twice." He took the wills that Silverblade was still holding and nodded at him in thanks. "Thank you, Master Goblin Silverblade."

Silverblade shook his head. "It is not a problem, young Lord Potter. Ragnok, I thought to bring the emancipation papers with me. If you fill them out you can have young Lord Potter sign them."

Harry groaned. "Will you both please call me Harry?"

Ragnok nodded in agreement. "We will call you Harry as long as you call us Ragnok and Silverblade. After all it looks like we will be doing a lot of business together. Go ahead and read your parents wills, Harry, while I get the emancipation paperwork filled out."

Harry nodded and smiled slightly before he opened up his father's will. His eyes widened in shock as he read what it said. His smile grew when he realized that he finally had the proof that he needed to free Sirius since neither Fudge nor Dumbledore did anything to help him. His smile turned into a scowl when he saw that Dumbledore had witnessed the will and that he knew that he wasn't supposed to be placed with the Dursley's at all. He sighed and shook his head as he opened up his mother's will. He grew teary eyed at the words his mother had to say. When he finished reading both wills he swiped at the tears running down his face as he looked at Ragnok and Silverblade. "I want both of these wills executed as soon as possible, Ragnok. The people mentioned in them should have received what they were left a long time ago. Have the tests finished yet?"

Ragnok nodded as he looked at Harry. "Yes, they have, Harry. I am pleased to tell you that there are no potions in your system. I have found that your magic has been bound for some reason which we can fix. As for who you are heir to there is many. You are the heir to the Potter, Black, Emry's, Le Fey, Slytherin, Pendragon, Davidson, and Matheson families. Out of all of those families six of them hold Lordships. By rights you actually can run the Wizarding world since you are the heir to Emry and Le Fey. The Davidson and Matheson families do not hold Lordships but they own quite a bit of land and a few businesses. They also have left you quite a bit of gold. I will set up a will reading for two days from now. If you don't mind I will send a letter to the other three that I think will be working with you on what is to come. Now I have the paperwork ready for you to sign in order to become emancipated. As soon as you sign it you will be a legal adult in the Wizarding and even in the Muggle world. While you were reading your parents wills I checked into your vaults and saw that the Dursley's were being paid a stipend for having you live with them. Forgive me for saying this, Harry, but it is clear that they did not use the money on you. So with your permission I would like to reclaim all the money they were given. You also own the house that they live in and you own Grunnings also."

Harry's eyes flashed with anger and hurt at what he just learned. "I give you permission to send letters to the three that you think will be working side by side with me to right the Wizarding world and to right Hogwarts. I further give you permission to reclaim all the money given to the Dursley's. I would like them evicted out of the house and they are to pay back rent for all the time they have lived there. I want Grunnings looked into and if Vernon Dursley has stepped out of line in his job even once I want him fired. Now I am tired so I think it would be best to meet with the other three in the morning. Is there a house that I own that I can go to in order to sleep?" He took the quill that Ragnok was holding out to him and signed the emancipation papers after he quickly read through them. He looked at Ragnok with a raised eyebrow when he felt a sting in his hand and saw a bright flash of light eight times in a row.

"You just signed that paperwork with a blood quill, Harry. It will make it where your emancipation cannot be overturned for any reason. Besides magic itself accepted your emancipation You can access Potter Manor once you put your Head of House rings on. You have eight rings to put on in total but they will combine together after you put them on. Once you do that you will be the Head of House of eight different houses and Lord of six of those eight houses. When I send the letters out to the other three people and their parents or their guardians I will ask them to be here at ten in this morning." Ragnok handed over the eight boxes that held rings in them and watched as Harry quickly and efficiently put them on.

Once Harry had the rings on he stood up. "How do I get to Potter Manor, Ragnok?"

"Just touch the ring and say Potter Manor and it will take you there by portkey. If you need anything before you come back to the bank in the morning send word." Ragnok replied.

Harry nodded and smiled. "Thank you both for what you have done. I will see you in the morning." He touched his ring and said what he was told. He closed his eyes when he felt the swirling begin. When he landed he was surprised that he landed on his feet. Within seconds a house elf was in front of him clapping his or her hands. Harry smiled and held a hand up. "Thank you for the welcome. I am sure that there is a lot that we need to talk about but right now I need a bed so that I can sleep. I promise that we will talk first thing in the morning. What is your name by the way?"

The house elf smiled. "My name is Mipsy, Master Harry. I will show you to your room right away. I will make sure that breakfast is ready first thing in the morning and that all the elves are present so that you can meet them. We have been waiting a long time to see you again, Master Harry." She led the way through the house, up the stairs, and into the master bedroom. "Here you are, Master Harry. Mipsy will see you in the morning. If you need anything before then just call for me."

Harry smiled. "I will, Mipsy. Mipsy, do all the elves speak as well as you do?"

Mipsy bobbed her head up and down. "Yes, Master Harry, they do. The late Masters and Mistresses wanted us to be able to speak, read, and write properly. We even know how to help with potions if needed. Now you get in bed, Master Harry, and get some sleep."

Harry chuckled and shook his head as he watched Mipsy pop away. He quickly toed off his shoes and took his glasses off before he climbed into the bed. Within seconds he was out like a light with Salazar once again appearing in his dreams.

A/N 2: *grins* And there is the first chapter! I do hope that you all enjoyed the first chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it... Once again the challenge came from bigman77 on the forum Harry Potter Fanfiction Challenges... Click the button and let me know what you think!