I'm back finally! I'm super sorry about the three year hiatus, but life came through like a tornado and ripped me apart. But I'm here and I'm planning on staying. I'm going to publish each new chapter, and they may or may not be like the old ones.

3/7/19-I've decided to put what I thought was going to be chapter two with chapter one. So this is edited, added on too, and reposted!

Disclaimer: Everything of the originaluniversebelongs to JKR and warner brothers.

There was only one other time that Severus felt this much pain, raging through his body. That was when he held Lily's body after he found her in Godric's Hollow. This was different though this was a burning pain, the other pain was despair. Loneliness that came from from finding his only friend dead, flooded his system again while he laid dying. He heard the Dark Lord apparating away, and his heart beat racing. Each beat of his heart pushed Nagini's poison through his system.

Many times he thought he was going to die, many times at the hands of Lord Voldemort.

But this time it was different, because this death was unexpected. Unplanned, there was so much he needed to do, so many things he needed to tell.

When he thought his heart couldn't get any faster it began to slow down. His heart beat became fainter, and the world around him became louder. He heard the waves hit the boat docks, and he thought he heard a door open.

Opening his eyes he thought he was dead.

Her eyes, Lily's.

"Lily." he whispered.


Not Lily, she would've called him Sev.

Harry, that's who it was. Harry, the boy who had the whole world on his shoulders. The boy who he should've cared for, should've looked out for.

Tears came from the memories that he couldn't change.

"Take them," He croaked out, "take them, please."

Always needing to tell him twice, and Granger being a know-it-all, had a vial.

"Take them to the pensieve."

His vision slowly clouded, and he wanted to see those eyes one last time full of life before he died.

"Look at me," Harry looked at him and Severus smiled. "You have your mother's eyes."

As he spoke those words for the first time, he finally forgave his school mates, and Severus Snape passed into the unknown.

When Severus opened his eyes he expected to meet the white light or hell fire that muggles always talked about. Yet he didn't see either. He saw the ceiling of a building he helped destroy. One that he never thought he would step in again.

The enchanted ceiling of the Great Hall loomed over him. The candles that were floating in the clear night sky, gave off the vibe of reassurance. Sitting up slowly he rubbed his eyes with his hands hoping to wash away the hell he created for himself.

That's what he could only think that this was.


The only place that could torture him in a false security, is the only actual home he knew for the majority of his life.


When the stars from rubbing his eyes clear, he saw the tall wide doors that normally stood open to the rest of the school closed. Looking about the Great Hall he saw frozen portraits and empty tables. Standing up he turned to gaze upon the empty staff table, but was surprised to see a healthy youngish Albus Dumbledore sitting at his normal seat.

"Severus my boy, it is good to see you. Wish it were in better circumstances."

"Headmaster?" Severus whispered unsure of his eyes.

The damnable twinkle in Albus's eyes only to seem to get bigger, to answer Severus's question.

"I'm in hell, and you are my judge."

I'm in hell and you are my judge.

If I couldn't judge you in life, what makes you think that I can judge you death?"

"Because Fate couldn't think of anyone more painful for me that you."

"Do you wanna try that one again?" A voice long gone rang out behind him. Severus pivoted around so fast that he thought he was going to fall.

"I was mistaken, Fate did think of someones more painful." he whispered.

A speckled raven hair man and fire kissed woman walked down the main split of tables arm in arm. It was true what everyone said about the boy, he was his father and had his mother's eyes. But why couldn't he have seen the way Lily's eyes held the same smile and adoration that Harry also held. Never in his direction, but he saw it once or twice on the quidditch pitch.

At a loss for words the potion master fell to the bench at his side staring at the couple coming towards him.

"Hello Sev'," Lily greeted him like no time passed. "Do I have a bone to pick with you?"

James threw his arm around Lily, " I'm going to let her take the reigns on this, I've tortured you enough."

Lily sat next Severus and James behind her.

"I-, I don't know what to say."

"Then let me take Severus, Fates know I did enough for both of us during school."

Finally meeting her gaze, Severus shivered as he saw the same determination that Harry had during the Tri-Wizard Tournament.

"What in Fates name did you think you were doing Severus? I mean come on! You pick on poor Harry and darling Neville, you should've been there for them, don't you remember Alice and myself. Even if Frank and James were mean to you, what did we ever do to you to make you hate our children."

Severus felt tears trickle down his face slowly at first then they picked up as Lily's monologue continued for what seemed like hours. It almost reminded him of McGonagal.

"I don't blame you though for what happened to us." James finally spoke

"Why?" Severus lifted his gaze to James, "You should I was the one who told the Dark Lord."

"No it was Peter who sold us to Tom. We've come to terms with that. Peter was our secret keeper and sold us for feigned love, because he was scared of him." James explained looking at Lily and then at Severus.

"You still have a soul. You joined for what you never had growing up, acceptance." Lily said taking Severus's hand from the table. "You in the end did what you could to help Harry."

"I wish I could've done more."

"What if you could?"

"Could what?"

"Help Harry more, help the whole wizarding world more."

"You mean play with the Fates, play with time?"

Severus couldn't believe what he was hearing from these two. Going back to the Living. Being in that world that hates him the most?

"No I could't, I wouldn't be trusted."

"Depends on far back you go, and what you do my boy." Dumbledore said sitting across from the three students.

"How far back could I go?"

"All the way to the very second you were sorted, or you could go back to the night the whole world changed."

"Harry." was all he whispered out.

Lily squeezed his hand in agreement.

"We did what we could, but like you said there is so much more you could do."

"Well that does it, on to the next order of business." James said suddenly moving around Lily to stand in front of Severus.

"Stand Death Eater."

Not arguing with the also dead man, Severus stood tall, making sure to show no fear on his tear stained face.

"Become my cousin."

Not expecting that from James, Severus blinked several time.

"I beg your pardon."

"Take my blood, and become my cousin. You'll have full access to Potter things; to help Harry of course."

"He should've never known Petunia." Lily spat bitterly at the Headmaster.

"I felt it was the best thing to do."

"I'd be your cousin."

"Distance, but you'll have more access than Sirius would have. You having Potter blood and all."

"It would also mean you wouldn't have to fight the Child Services to get custody of Harry, being of blood."

"What about Sirius and Azkaban?" Severus looked at James questioning his reason.

"I hate to say it but the way he is now he is in no right mind to raise Harry," James sighed, "He needs to grow up."

Not over thinking the whole thing Severus looked at Lily, James, and then the Headmaster.

"Fine I'll do it."

Read and Review let me know what you guys think of this new rewrite!