Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. Any grammar or spelling mistakes are mine.
Reviews make me happy, and when I'm happy I update more. Please Review.
Next update: Sometime before Monday night.
Thank you for your feedback regarding the length of chapters. Almost everyone said long chapters, so that's what I'll do. If you have any ideas, I'll try to incorporate them into the story. Just let me know.
The girl that stared back at Hermione, we'll, wasn't Hermione. She still had the same face shape and lips, but everything else was… it was just not her.
Her hair was auburn with brown and black highlights. There was the most beautiful wave Hermione had ever seen. Her eyes were the most lovely brown with flecks of Slytherin green. She had perfect sized brown eyebrows with a gorgeous arch. Hermione also noticed that she had become bustier, making her shirt feel way too tight.
As she stared at herself, something clicked inside of her. Almost like she had found a part of herself she had never known was missing.
" Theodore, would you please step out for a few minutes?" Asked the Dark Lord.
" Of course, my lord." Theo replies, stepping out of the study.
The Dark Lord swept from behind the desk and over to a pair of chairs located next to a floor-to-ceiling window. After sitting, he motioned for Hermione to join him. She tentatively walked over and sat down in the indicated chair.
" Am I really your daughter?" She asked nervously.
" There is one test I have before I answer that question. Give me your hand." He said as he summoned a piece of parchment.
" W-Why?" She said, holding out her hand to the Dark Lord who grasped her wrist and took out his wand.
" This is a spell that will help determine your parentage. It might hurt." He dragged his wand across the center of her palm, drawing blood. Moving her hand over the parchment, he squeezed so that her blood fell into pool on it. He then whispered," quorum sanguis"
The blood moved across the parchment and formed runes that read," Black; Riddle"
" Does that mean-"
" That you are my daughter? Yes...yes it does."
After he said that, Hermione felt blackness descend upon her.
Hermione woke up feeling like she was in a protective bubble of fluff. She opened her eyes and saw the Dark Lord standing over her. She realized she was in a bed with black sheets and a dark green duvet. " Are you alright?" Asked the Dark Lord- her father.
" Yes, I'm fine. Where's Theo?" She felt slightly uncomfortable. She remembered what the parchment had revealed, but it was still awkward. He was the Dark Lord and she was the daughter he hadn't met until today. What time was it anyway?
" It's 3:27" her father told her, reading her mind. "Theodore is in the sitting room. It's not as though I just let anyone into my private bedroom."
" I really should get back to school before they close the gates. Is there any way I could talk to you again sometime?"
" Of Course. Have Theodore contact me, he knows how, with the information. Although I would like you to come alone." Hermione sat on the edge of the bed and stood up. " Shall also re-apply the glamours before you go. I shall see you soon. Have a good evening."
" Goodbye. Umm… what should I call you?"
" I don't like the idea of my own daughter calling me lord, so either Tom or father is fine."
" Alright. Goodbye, Father." Hermione smiling as he reapplied the glamours when she was walking out the door.
" What happened?" Theo said, rushing over to her.
" Are you really his daughter?"
" I'll tell you when we get back to our spot. You need to hear this." Hermione told him, walking towards where she thought the entrance hall was.
Not as long of a chapter as I would like, but it felt like a good place to stop. Hope y'all like where I'm taking the story. If you have any suggestions, please let me know! No idea is bad. Reviews always make me happy and put me in the mood to write! 15 seconds spent on writing a review = happier me = more story!