Hello to you all, my name is Kratos1989 and I am here to present to you the latest Harry Potter I had in mind, titled [Head Start]. This was started in my [Potter Cauldron] Series and quite a few people have requested for this story to be made official, so I am just getting it out there for the time being while I write more chapters for the cauldron and continue with my main stories in FSN/DxD and the rwby1989 account.

For me, I prefer stories where Harry can be smart to a certain extent and not to the point of being too overpowered unless there is a good reason for that. For this story, Harry is someone who got inspired early on to prove to himself that he would not back down without a fight, and one who is intelligent enough to ask questions that some would likely prefer not to be answered, particularly when a bad Dumbledore is involved.

Now I have read a few Harry Potter Fiction and I could tell a lot of people would like to have tags to let them know what type of story to expect in case they do not wish to read it, especially if it involves slash or something they would be sensitive of or just not their cup of tea. So just to ease everyone in, here are the current tags to describe this story.

(Confirmed as of March 23rd 2020)

Current Tags (Confirmed):

1. Scientific type Harry with a touch of mad scientist

2. Ravenclaw House

3. Science mixed with Magic principles, Reasonable breaks from reality (because it's magic mixed with science!)

4. Manipulative Dumbledore

5. Good mentor Flitwick

6. Common sense trumping magical thinking

7. Selective character attacks

8. Relationships with Harry Potter: Padma / Su Li / Daphne / Tracy

Challenges / Possible entries:

1. Hermione NOT a love interest (Either a friend or an enemy only)

2. Harry not automatically accepting Sirius / Remus

3. Neutral or Bad Snape

4. Neutral Draco Malfoy (Not sure if Lucius and Narcissa would be neutral or bad)

5. Trying to keep Harry realistic as possible (e.g. Harry having adults to help with politics)

In case it is not indicative enough from the foreword of the cauldron or here, this will NOT be a Slash / Yaoi fic. Harry will be with a girl... or two... maybe more XD

Hope you enjoy the story!