Reviews for I Never Knew
ViolettNightfury chapter 29 . 4/6
Pleeeeeeaaaase continue! This is so beautiful!
Mary777777 chapter 28 . 2/3
So, he is punishing Harry for wanting to get to know his dead parents. Stellar parenting there...
Mary777777 chapter 19 . 2/3
He was still kind of an ass in the first part of this interaction. Hopefully, he will learn to be more fair and considerate of Harry in the future.
Mary777777 chapter 18 . 2/3
Wow! Snape was so unfair to Harry in this chapter. What an ass
Marjolein chapter 29 . 1/28
Hey I wanted to say that I really like this story and I wanted to ask if you are going to continue with it.
It would really be a pity if you didn't.
Bitsy125 chapter 29 . 8/22/2019
Absolutely love this story and how you portray the relationship between Snape and Harry. It's really easy to believe without either being too OOC I believe. I can't wait to see how Christmas goes for the both of them. Undoubtedly Harry will get into mischief since trouble seems to follow him. I'm super excited to see what happens next. You are truly an amazing author. :)
Girl Harry chapter 29 . 7/23/2019
I like it! Keep it going and update soon please! Reply and, forgive me, but please answer the following questions!
A) Why is Severus hiding the dark mark?
B) Can you do some bonding scenes? Fluff?
C) Can you write a tickle fic? It’s cute!
D) Why is Severus rarely seen laughing?
Estel Ashlee Snape chapter 29 . 7/14/2019
Good couple of chapters. Keep up the good work!
ChrisUSA chapter 29 . 6/17/2019
Awesome! Pls more soon
boaru chapter 29 . 6/16/2019
I'm glad I've stumbled upon this fic
Severus and Harry relationship has been progressing wonderfully till now
Can't wait to see more of them
SuzanneN chapter 29 . 6/12/2019
Ahhh I'm finally caught up again with your story. Took me awhile to get back on track with reading it again (from start to finish). I love the story and am wondering what sort of twists you will put in to make it a bit of your own story (the whole Sirius Black thing).

I'm also wondering if Harry and Snape will go christmas shopping together as Harry probably wants to give Snape a present but couldn't get it (except perhaps from owl post) as he wasn't allowed in Hogsmeade.

good question how to get Ron over for a visit. Maybe say he is staying (for example) New Years with the Grangers and comes with them to Snape manor?

Well, I'm looking forward to seeing the next chapter soon! Keep up the good work :D
Guest chapter 29 . 6/10/2019
EmilyCMalfoy chapter 15 . 6/10/2019
He is NOT brainwashed! Narcissa and Lucius wouldn’t do that to Uncle Draco. Don’t be mean, unless you have a Death wish.
Guest chapter 29 . 6/9/2019
Good. There is nothing wrong with encouraging Harry to be responsible. There is also nothing wrong with encouraging teens to use their brains.
Leah chapter 29 . 6/9/2019
I've loved the chapter, as always. I hope you update it soon, I want to read about Harry's Christmas and New Year :)
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