Power of the Prince Lineage

SeverusxLily & Children

Rated T

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or its characters from the franchise. That honor belongs to JK Rowling

Author's Note: This is the sequel story to follow up my favorite work, my Severus & Lily story Coming Back to You. I hope you all enjoy this story and stay tuned as you journey along with the Snape triplets, their parents, and their older half-brother. Thank you! Love, SehunsBae37.

Power of the Prince Lineage

Chapter 1: The Triplets' go to Hogwarts

Lily snuggled against Severus in her sleep as he held her close. It was about eight in the morning and they were still very much asleep, despite the fact that it was a very important day. Just when she had gotten comfortable against her husband, their bedroom door suddenly flew open and two pairs of running feet entered their bedroom, two small bodies jumping on the bed to wake their parents.

"Mum! Dad! Wake up! Wake up!" Tobias, the second oldest of the Snape triplets yelled as he jumped on the bed.

"It's the day we go off to Hogwarts! Wake up, mummy and daddy!" Eileen, the youngest of the triplets yelled after her brother while shaking her parents.

Severus groaned and blearily opened his eyes before saying menacingly, "If you both don't stop this instant you are grounded until after the first month of school."

Lily sat up and lightly hit her husband's muscled arm as she said, "Don't be like that, Sev. They are just excited. After all it's their first year and they are excited to learn." She looked at her children and hugged them while saying 'good morning'. "Now where are Harry and Rod?"

"We're here," Harry said with a smile as he entered Severus and Lily's bedroom, Roderick not far behind him.

Roderick was the oldest of the Snape triplets and he was the spitting image of his father. He had Severus' black hair and facial structures, though his nose was Lily's and he had brown eyes. Tobias was basically a male version of his mother with her red hair and green eyes, though his own nose was Severus' before it was ever broken. And as for Eileen, she had dark brown-black hair and Severus' black eyes, her facial features a mix of both Severus and Lily.

Harry laughed as Tobias moved to the edge of their parents' bed and hugged him, ruffling his hair as he said, "Good morning, Toby. Are you guys ready for your first year at Hogwarts?"

"Yes, and it's you fourth year there," Tobias replied.

"That's right, so I suggest you get ready and make sure all of your things are packed since I am taking them with me when I leave to go to the castle," Severus said, fully awake now and sitting up in bed.

Lily giggled and kissed the dark haired man on his cheek before she got out of bed. Clapping her hand she said, "Alright, go brush your teeth, wash your faces, get dressed, and have all of your things for the year packed so Severus can take them to Hogwarts. Have all of this done within the next hour so you can all eat breakfast and we can make it to Kings Cross Station."

Her children nodded and left the bedroom, Tobias and Eileen's giggles drifting down the hallway. She turned back to Severus and said, "And you have some things to get done as well."

Severus smirked and replied, "Well I'm sure I can get things done in time before breakfast."

Getting out of bed he walked over to his wife and scooped her up in his arms, carrying her to their bathroom as he smiled while listening to her giggles.

"Is everyone's luggage here, as well as their pets?" Severus asked.

Everyone nodded as they all stood in front of their belongings. Each child had a duffle bag on their shoulder that held their school robes, wands, and whatever books or games they wanted on the train with them. Severus nodded and told his kids that he would see them at the Sorting. He then kissed Lily 'goodbye' before shrinking his four children's belongings and placed them in separate robes before leaving to Disapparate away.

Lily looked at her children and said, "Alright, we are going to be meeting the Longbottoms and the Malfoys at the platform, so let's not keep them waiting."

Harry nodded and led his younger sibling out of Prince Manor and outside of the manor's ancient wards. When all five of them were outside the wards, they all held hands so Lily could Disapparate them. Seconds later they landed outside of the train station and walked inside. Before long they reached the area between Platforms 9 and 10. Harry and Tobias ran through the wall followed by Roderick and Eileen, and then finally Lily.

The red haired woman walked over to where she saw Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy standing with their son Draco, Harry's best friend. The two of them were in different Hogwarts Houses, but that didn't deter them from being the best of friends. It had reminded her of her and Severus, only their friendship was apparently not strong enough to withstand the differences and prejudices between Gryffindor and Slytherin House. But that was all history now and she was happily married to her best friend for ten years and counting.

"Hello, Lily," Narcissa greeted, giving the other witch a hug.

"Hello Narcissa, hello Lucius," Lily greeted them both with warm hugs. Turning to Draco she said, "And hello to you, Draco."

"Hi," Draco greeted before leaving to say 'hello' to Harry and the triplets. As soon as she saw the blond boy coming, Eileen squeaked and hid behind Roderick; the black haired boy rolled his eyes at his sister's antics.

Not long after Frank and Neville Longbottom showed up. After everyone greeted them, Eileen asked, "Where's Aunt Alice and Carol?"

Neville hugged the young girl and answered, "Carol is sick, so mum decided to stay home with her."

"Neville, you should be loading your things on the train," Frank told his son.

"Yes, you should as well, Draco," Lucius said. "And I have your bag with your robes, so come back when you are done."

Draco and Neville nodded and did as they were told and when they returned all of the children bid their parents 'goodbye'. Harry, Neville, and Draco all went to board the train, the triplets staying behind with Lily for a moment. Lily hugged her babies once more before saying, "You three have a wonderful school year. And try not to get into any trouble or cause your father any trouble, alright? And whatever House you get Sorted into, you all be your best."

Roderick, Tobias, and Eileen all nodded and hugged their mother tightly, all of them feeling a bit emotional realizing that this would be the first time away from their mother for a prolonged period of time. After all of them said their 'goodbyes', the Snape triplets boarded the train, found an empty compartment, and waved out the window as the Hogwarts Express pulled out of the station.

All of the First Years stared wide-eyed at the old hat singing on the school for the whole Great Hall to hear. Roderick was ignoring the singing hat, not at all interested in what it had to say about any of the four Houses. He already had an inkling about what House he was going to get Sorted into. While the hat and the other students sang, he looked around the Great Hall. He took in the candles floating, the enchanted night sky, the professors at the head table, and the older students. The only people that weren't singing were those sitting at the Slytherin Table.

When the hat finally stopped singing, Professor McGonagall began calling out names of First Years to be Sorted. He was still not paying attention; the song had annoyed him and now all he wanted was to be Sorted so he could sit and eat. His eyes drifted over towards the Hufflepuff Table and his brown eyes met a blue pair. They belong to a Second Year female with strawberry blonde hair. She smiled sweetly at him before turning her attention back towards the front. Roderick frowned a bit before turning back to the front as well. Once the First Year, a male, was Sorted into Gryffindor House, McGonagall called out, "Roderick Snape!"

Tobias and Eileen smiled at him as he moved from in between them and through the crowd of First Years. He walked up the stairs and sat on the stool, McGonagall placing the Sorting Hat on his head. He sat in silence for a while before he heard a voice in his head that wasn't his own.

"Ah, another Snape. I didn't think I would ever sit on a Snape's head again. You are exactly the same as your father, and being of Prince lineage makes you very interesting. Yes, I know just where to put you. Better be…Slytherin!"

The Slytherin Table clapped and cheered as the Sorting Hat was taken from his head. He walked over to the table, taking notice his black tie and Hogwarts crest turned silver and green and the crest became the Slytherin crest. Once he sat down he looked up at his father who was clapping and gave him a discreet smile and a nod. He smiled and nodded in return before turning his attention back to the Sorting.

"Tobias Snape!"

Tobias made his way to the stool and sat down, the old hat placed on his head. Everyone sat in silence as they watched the Sorting Hat contemplate where to put the redheaded Snape. Tobias suddenly giggled and said, "You're funny."

The Sorting Hat took on a look of disbelief before shouting, "Gryffindor!"

Gryffindor Table cheered and applauded for their newest lion, Harry smiling brightly as his little brother made his way over. Once Tobias reached the table, his tie turning red and gold and crest turning to the Gryffindor one, Harry's friend Hermione moved over so Tobias could sit in between her and his older brother. Harry hugged the little redhead and congratulated him before they turned back to the rest of the awaiting First Years. They had a feeling their sister would be next.

"Eileen Snape!"

Eileen took a deep breath before walking up the stairs to the stool. Sitting on it Professor McGonagall set the old hat on her head and stepped back. A moment later the Sorting Hat began to speak to her.

"Eileen Snape, must be named after your grandmother Eileen Prince. She was an amazing witch that I rightfully put into Slytherin. I would do the same with you, same as I did for your father and grandmother, but I cannot. And the reason for that is what I see in you that comes from your mother. You are very interesting, as I could place you in two, three, maybe even all four Houses. Even so you are different from your brothers; you're special…Alright, I know where to place you. Are you ready?" When Eileen nodded the hat shouted, "Ravenclaw!"

The Ravenclaw table erupted into applause and cheers as their newest eagle made her way to join them. Eileen smiled as her tie turned blue and bronze and her crest turned to the Ravenclaw crest. She sat down and shook her peers hands, receiving hugs from a few of the girls in Ravenclaw. Looking up at the professor's table she grinned at her father who couldn't help but smile happily, not even bothering to cover it up.

Severus was pleased with where his children were sorted, while also intrigued that they all got sorted into different Hogwarts Houses. Of course he knew his three children had different personalities that made them who they were, so he shouldn't really be surprised. But he had witnessed on many occasion many family members be Sorted into the same House while attending school, save for the Patil twins in Harry's year. Even so he had expected at least two of them to end up in the same House. But that didn't matter to him. He was happy and proud, and he knew that when he told Lily, she would be too. The only thing he really hoped for was that his triplets wouldn't give him grief while they were schooling. But so far it looked like it would be a pretty good school year.