Hey, everyone! I'm SparkyGurl and this is my first ever fanfiction! Yay! Sorry if it is terrible, I'm not that good at writing. But if I do anything wrong, let me know.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the story line! The rest belongs to the great, Queen Rowling!

The rain splashed hard against the windows of the Potter house.

Inside James Potter and his cousin and partner in crime, Fred Weasley snuck into Harry's study.

"Are you sure it's in here James?" Fred asked searching the desk draws.

"Yes, I'm sure. Keep looking." James replied, who was searching a cabinet.

"How are we supposed to find it with all these other spare bits of parchment lying around?"

"Just test all of them. We should find it before our parents get ba- Hey what's this?" James had just stumbled across something in the cabinet. It was a gold chain necklace with what looked like a small hourglass hanging off it.

"I don't know, let's see if Teddy knows!" Fred said.

They rushed down the stairs to the living room, where Teddy, who was their babysitter, was.

The living-room was a bit crowded seeing that the whole Potter-Weasley clan plus Teddy and Scorpius Malfoy were there.

Teddy sat on the sofa, his arm his girlfriend Victoire, Hugo and Louis sat in a corner in a tense game of wizards chess, Dominique and Lucy were chatting about Quidditch, Rose, Albus, Molly and Scorpius were reading books and Lily and Roxanne were having an argument on who's brother was the most annoying. This was a pretty normal evening for the Potter-Weasley clan.

"Hey, Teddy, check out what we found." Teddy looked up to see James holding the gold necklace.

"Where did you get that?" Teddy said, a little urgently.

"Dad's study, any idea what it is?" James replied.

"What were you doing in Uncle Harry's study?" Victoire demanded. Lily and Roxanne, who were very near Victoire and Teddy, stopped talking and watched.

"Looking for the Marauders Map." Fred replied easily.

Teddy put his hand on Victoire's to stop her from blowing up on the boys. "Put the time turner back where you found it." he said.

"Time turner?" James said.

"Cool!" Fred exclaimed.

"NOT cool, dangerous, now give it here!" Teddy half-yelled, standing up and reaching for the time-turner. Everyone in the room was staring now. Teddy never got this mad. Even when James pranked him, causing him to be in St Mungo's for a week with purple spots all over his body.

"Make me!" James said trying to run away from Teddy but his foot got caught on the leg of the coffee table and he tripped, dropping the time-turner. Teddy lunged forward in an attempt to catch it but he missed and it fell to the ground and smashed.

The kids disappeared in a cloud of sand and the last thing anybody heard was Victoire yelling.


Well, that's the end of chapter one. I know, there has been a load of these stories before but hey, I thought I might give it a go! Sorry if it is absolutely terrible, I can't write that well.


