I was inspired to finish this quickly! I really hope you like it :) Thanks a bunch to everyone who has stuck with me through this story. I was not expecting the amount of reviews I received when I started this. Song for this chapter is The Fray-Together. Now there is a giant time skip here. 30yrs worth actually (which is hard for me to wrap my head around as I'm only 24) ;)

Jasper's POV

Time, to us supernatural immortal beings is nothing. Just like money, there seems to be an endless supply of it. It's been 30 years since I changed my angel during our love making. Thirty years of major changes that my kind adapts to when we have to, but not easily.

Bella took to immortality like a champ. No one thought she wouldn't. What did surprise us all is she didn't want the vegetarian lifestyle. Instead, she took to Peter and Char's diet of hunting down criminals. Rapists, murderers, pimps, drug dealers. All of the scum of human kind. She leaves the drug addicts alone though. Says that not only do they have a funny taste to them but she wants them to have a chance of changing their lives for the better. So even though she does hunt humans she is still the same sweet girl I feel in love with over 30 years ago.

Jasmine grew quickly as we all knew she would. By eight years old she was full grown. With the mind and body of a twenty year old woman. The mating pull she felt towards Emmett kicked into overdrive when she was about five years old (puberty years) but I scared Emmett into waiting until my baby was done growing. At the time she was furious with me. Now, she realizes why I did it.

Not a month after she had reached full maturity did her and Emmett tell Bella and I that they were expecting. Bella took it easier than I did. Emmett had lost an arm after telling us that bit of news.

Jasmine's pregnancy was a bit quicker than her mother's unsurprisingly. She ended up with two for the price of ones. Yep, twins. Cora and Caleb. They grew quicker than even their mother. By five years old they had reached maturity.

Caleb went on to fall in love with a human girl who happened to be his mate, having a child of his own. He eventually changed his wife. Cora, my sweet granddaughter who was the spitting image of my Bella mated with oddly enough, Alistair.

Tragedy struck there. Since Cora was only 25% human when she mated and became pregnant the child was one that we all knew we couldn't allow to survive. It came out and grew at an outstanding rate physically. Mentally, it was growing as fast. We had an immortal child on our hands. I couldn't even get Major to take care of the threat because that was blood of our blood. Our great-grandson. Thankfully, if that is how you want to see it, our long standing friendship with the Denali's kicked in then. They took care of it for us.

So, like her mother, Cora had Carlisle make it to where she couldn't have any more children. It had taken lots of research to figure out just how to go about that. Cora's skin was much stronger than Jasmines. It was just like ours. A child of the moon's tooth was used as a scalpel. That's as far as I want to go into discussing that.

Other than that dark spot in our lives, everything had been wonderful. Caleb and his wife/mate's child Daveth ended up mated to Tonya.

Bree and Edward never did leave to Alaska like they had intended. The change of Bella happened quickly enough that they came from the house the Denali's owned in Seattle back home.

We all quickly realized that our coven was getting much, much too large even before Jasmine and Emmett had their children. It was agreed that we would have to split up but see each other as often as possible. Which wasn't to hard. So I took Bella and Jasmine with me. Emmett, Rosalie and Charlie followed us. Alice, Freddy, Carlisle, Esme Edward and Bree stayed together. When our family expanded yet again Charlie and Rose took in Caleb, Jennifer and Daveth. The others stayed with us.

I never would have imagined this was how my eternity would end up. Surrounded by my beautiful mate, my child, grand children and great grandchild. Somehow we have been lucky enough that the Volturi haven't caught wind of our unique bunch. We aren't sure how long that's going to last. Maybe we can avoid them for eternity, who knows.

All I know is that any lingering guilt over how Bella and I came together has been erased for some time now. I love her, I love this family that she made possible. I wouldn't change it for anything.

Okay, there you go it's done! Took a long while. Or maybe it just seemed long to me. As of right now there will be no sequel. I have no ideas for one at all. Thanks again for everyone who has read and reviewed and stuck with me. Review!