The Other Potter

Chapter seven

"I take it Severus isn't joining us?" Harriet asked as the train pulled out of Hogsmeade.

"No. He wants to sit with Evans. It would seem that the paper this morning upset her a great deal," Regulus said, not hiding his distaste.

"Why is he still pandering to her?" Miranda asked.

"They've been friends since they were children," Regulus explained, "he's holding out hope that he can convince her of our ways."

Harriet rolled her eyes, "Evans is wilfully ignorant. She knows the basics and chooses to ignore them; I doubt she'll convert to the rest."

"I honestly don't see what the fuss about her is," Barty said, "she's not even attractive."

"Thank you," Jasmine said with fervour.

Harriet snorted; Jasmine held a grudge against Lily as she and the red headed Gryffindor had been partnered together in Charms for a project and they hadn't gotten along at all. Evans had insisted on what spells to study and use while refusing to believe Jasmine whenever she made suggestions and tried to contribute knowledge from books and sources found outside of the Hogwarts library. Lily was very much a firm believer in studying only 'light' books and refused to budge on her stance that if it wasn't in the Hogwarts library then it had to be 'dark' and therefore 'evil'.

"James is still completely enamoured."

"Your brother is a fool," Jasmine said scowling.

Harriet snorted, "You'll get no argument from me."


Summer was easily Harriet's favourite time. She loved the freedom, how she got to dictate how she spent her time and what she did. She was able to spend whole days researching and developing her ward, she could easily lose hours in the library without worry or notice.

"I don't believe you've moved since I saw you this morning."

Harriet looked up and saw her father standing in the doorway of their library. Looking around Harriet saw it was now late, very late if her father had returned from work. Flushing, Harriet put her book down, "I moved when I ate."

Charlus chuckled and came into the room, he had removed his boots and outer auror robes but still had on his uniform shirt and trousers, "What's got you hauled up in here?" he asked.

"I'm researching ward stones. Every mineral conducts magic is different ways, therefore I want to see how much the stone impacts on the ward it is used for..."

Charlus was stunned yet at the same time he wasn't; his daughter was brilliant, something he knew from her grades, yet this level of research was usually done by masters not students entering their fourth year of schooling.

"I do wonder where you get your brilliance from."

"Mother," Harriet said without missing a beat.

Charlus laughed, while it still hurt to think of Dorea it was getting easier to talk about her and he refused to not talk about her, as he didn't want to act in a way that diminished her memory.

"Dory was without doubt a brilliant witch. She would be proud of you."

Harriet felt her smile freeze; she couldn't help but wonder if that was true, would her mother still be proud of her if she knew what she was planning on doing? She loved her father but she couldn't stand by and let magic be slowly destroyed.

Charlus sat and watched his daughter for a moment, each day he noticed how similar to Dorea she was, and it broke his heart that his wife wasn't here to see it. Shaking his head to clear the negative thoughts he stood.

"Not that I doubt your word, however I do wonder... if I asked the elves what would they say you had eaten today? Would I be disappointed? Therefore little lady, I think its best if you accompany me to the kitchen for a late dinner."

Harriet snorted at her father's antics but agreed as although she had eaten, it wasn't much. She had gotten absorbed by this latest book as it had given her a breakthrough in regards to her still in development blood ward. Placing a charm, so she could pick her reading back up tomorrow, Harriet stood and gladly followed her father out of the library.


Like the previous summer, Harriet found herself spending the majority of her time at Castle Black rather than Potter Manor. With their father's work load increasing even more, James and herself had been left to their own devises; meaning that the marauders had practically moved in from what she gathered in the few days she actually spent in her childhood home.

"How is your summer work coming along dear?" Arcturus asked over tea.

He had had a light lunch set up in the garden for them, informing her to take a break and enjoy one of the few truly hot days a British summer supplied.

"I've completed nearly all of the set homework, I still have a star chart to complete but that is an ongoing project similar to my dream journal for divination."

"That is good, I'm glad you're not slacking on your school work in favour of your more mentally stimulating pursuits."

Harriet blushed, one of the reasons she had done her school work so quickly was so that she could focus on her own projects, most importantly her ward, "I haven't, however I can admit that I've already returned to my previous ward research... I'm close, I know I am but there is something missing... Something I'm not seeing," the frustration in her voice causing the older wizard to smirk.

"I gave you this task not to frustrate you, but challenge you. You can take breaks and work at your own pace Lyra, there is no rush."

Sipping her tea she nodded, "I know it's just frustrating to be so close."

"That you've achieved this much is a miracle. You're years ahead of your peers."

Blushing slightly at the praise Harriet nodded, "thank you," she said, sitting in silence for a few minutes, "I have been tinkering with a new spell. It's a deviation of the referencing charm, but instead of finding direct quotes in a text it will search for keywords and phrases and highlight the relevant passages. It's been handy in my ward research."

Arcturus chuckled, "that you've managed to create another working spell is remarkable and that it has such practical use equally as impressive. Tell me about it?"

"It's a rather simple charm in comparison to the captive nightmare curse, the incantation is Scobo Scriptum. Circle your wand twice, counter clockwise, over the book or books you want to search while saying the incantation followed by the key words you want to search."

Arcturus hummed, "simple or not it is a spell that has great practicality and use."

They returned to silence once again, enjoying the summer heat and asking in the comfortable peace and quiet offered by the afternoon sun.

"Have you made plans for your birthday yet?" Arcturus asked, as the 31st was fast approaching.

"Father has gotten a few days off from work; A miracle with how busy the ministry has been recently. We're going to spend my birthday in the summer villa in Italy, we haven't been away since before mother..." Harriet trailed off, even after all this time she still hated talking about her mother's death.

Arcturus hummed, "I am planning a small gathering to celebrate, just family and a few closer acquaintances. I'll put it off until you return from your trip."

Harriet nodded, she knew that her uncle would want to continue her education in politics and manipulation, holding a gathering was the perfect opportunity to do both.

"I shall look forward to it," she replied.


"Why can't Sirius come?" James whined again for the 5th time. For a fifteen year old the boy certainly didn't hold back with his complaints nor had he seemed to mature much.

Charlus sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, he loved his son, he did but sometimes he wanted to hex him. Seeing Harriet rolling her eyes she seemingly agreed.

"His parents wouldn't give him permission James and I can't take a minor out of the country without permission. That's kidnapping."

James huffed, "but you're the head auror they wouldn't arrest you."

"They would if I broke the law, which I would be doing if I brought Sirius along with us without his parents' permission."


"Enough James, I understand you'll miss your friend but you and Sirius will survive a few days apart."

James grumbled but stopped arguing, his silenced however wasn't without the occasional dramatic sigh and pout.

Rolling her eyes Harriet stood from where she had been sitting on her trunk, "when is the portkey timed for?" she asked her father.

Glancing at his watch, Charlus replied, "We have a few minutes. Why have you forgotten something?"

Harriet hummed, "no, I was just wondering how much longer we would have to put up with James' dramatics."

James scowled at his sister, ever since last year she had been off with him; avoiding him and when she couldn't do that, she'd treated him with cool formality. He had tried apologising but Harriet said he didn't need to apologise until he understood why he was apologising, whatever that meant.

Charlus looked between the two and sighed, he didn't know what their latest issue was but he hoped they resolved it soon. He didn't want them spending the entire time they were away sniping at each other.


Harriet let out a bliss filled sigh as she sank into the warm Mediterranean Sea; she had been lying in the sun all morning so the water felt amazing against her heated skin. Floating on her back she allowed her mind to wander, these last two days had been heaven. Even James, who was being his usual obnoxious self, couldn't detract from the splendour of their mini-break. It was just what she needed, a chance to relax and forget everything.

Looking up she watched as her father showed James how to do an advanced shielding charm. James had good form and was a quick study, for all that they'd grow apart she couldn't deny he would end up being a powerful wizard one day.

Getting out of the water, Harriet walked to her towel and picked up her wand, quickly casting a drying spell on herself followed by a sun block charm as she didn't want to burn.

"Do you fancy trying?" Charlus asked as he noticed his daughter was back from her dip in the water.

Harriet hesitated for a moment, she already knew the spell; for all Cassiopeia preached that a strong offence was the best defence, the old battle axe had shown her a variety of different shield charms and spells for defence during their lessons together last summer. However she didn't want to disappoint her father who looked more relaxed than she could remember him looking in years, so she nodded.

"I've read about the charm before and tried it," she admitted.

Charlus wasn't surprised, he knew she had received lessons last summer and lived up to her Ravenclaw characteristics by practically living in the library. Still it did make him wonder just how much his daughter knew.

"Then prepare yourself," he said sending a mild dancing feet jinx Tarantallegra at her, not wanting to cause her real harm if her shield didn't work or hold.

Allowing her body to relax Harriet felt a wave of calm pass over her as the red bolt of magic left her father's wand, moving hers she quickly threw up her shield and watched as it bounced off, sending back a tickling jinx Titillando.

Charlus was surprised at the ease she raised her shield and her instant reaction. Smiling, he batted the jinx away and threw one back at her in retaliation, making sure to keep his spells low powered and age appropriate.

Harriet smiled as her father continued to send mild jinxes and hexes at her, enjoying the moment. They quickly fell into a rhythm, their spells increasing in speed and power until Charlus was taken by surprise by Harriet's use of a knock back shield followed by a disarming charm Expelliarmus. The advanced shield wasn't something he had expected and it had worked to distract him and render his wandless. He was simultaneously proud and concerned; proud that his daughter was clearly able to hold her own and defend herself but concerned that he hadn't know about it, sure he knew about the lessons but not about the extent of them or her level of ability... It was also rather embarrassing to be disarmed by one's own nearly fourteen year old daughter.

Harriet let out a breath and smiled, twirling her father's wand once before handing it back to him. His wand didn't resonate with her magic, she would be able to use it at a push but it would fight her. She hadn't expected her shield to work and was impressed with herself, she knew it was only the surprise that had made it so she could disarm her father but still that she had was an achievement.

James who had been watched in fascination and mild jealousy was flummoxed, "how did you do that?" he asked.

Harriet shrugged, they hadn't been duelling properly, "luck."

Charlus smiled and put his wand back in his arm holster, "that was very well done dear," he praised, "I didn't realise how much you had been taught."

"My lessons were extensive," Harriet agreed.

Charlus hummed, "yes, Cassiopeia has always had a formidable reputation... Still, it's good to see that I won't have to worry as much about you being defenceless."

Harriet smirked as James seemed to take their fathers words as a personal slight; he was glaring at her behind their fathers back and looked murderous. However as their father turned his face morphed back into a genial one, although he was still shooting daggers at her with his eyes.

"Can you teach me the shield she used?" he brother practically begged, "and that blue spell she sent- *glass...glace... something."

Charlus laughed at his son's enthusiasm, "I'll teach it to you once you've mastered this shield," he promised.

Harriet smothered her laughter at James' disappointment; he physically deflated hearing their father's words.

The rest of their holiday passed quickly and Harriet soon found herself being awoken by the fluttering of owl wings. When opening her birthday presents, Harriet was shocked to see Severus had sent her something, she knew his situation at home wasn't the easiest, so she hadn't expected anything from the boy. Opening the letter she saw he had sent a rather dry enquiry about her summer and condolences about her having to spend it around James. Laughing at the missive, Harriet opened the small box and saw a small potions vial, reading the note attached Harriet was surprised when she saw it was a hair care potion, Severus hated creating such frivolous potions.

Alongside Severus's surprising gifts, Harriet also received presents from her usual friends and family members. Arcturus however had gone above and beyond, sending her a black diamond locket engraved with the Black family motto 'Toujours Pur'. It acted as a portkey too, as well as a protection amulet against most basic poisons and hexes.

Putting the locket on, Harriet dressed and made her way into the kitchen, laughing when her father jumped up when he saw her.

"Good morning princess," he said, "did you sleep well birthday girl?"

Harriet smiled, "I did thank you."

James who appeared half asleep, looked at her with bleary eyes, "H'ppy B'thd'y," he mumbled.

Rolling her eyes, Harriet sat down at the table, happy to see the elves had prepared her favourite; triple berry pancakes with fresh cream.

After they had all eaten Harriet was pulled outside hand handed a box by her father, opening the box Harriet was surprised. Inside was a beautiful silver lace dress with black edging, pulling it out Harriet was surprised to see matching black heels in the box and a simple but elegant black over robe with delicate silver linings. Looking up at her father in shock she smiled.

"It's beautiful," she said honestly.

Charlus smiled and rubbed the back of his neck, "I can't take all of the credit. I had help," he admitted, "Narcissa picked out a few different dresses and robes and sent me a catalogue of her choices; I simply decided which one from there."

Harriet smiled, "then I'll have to thank her as well. It's truly beautiful."

Charlus smiled, leaving over to kiss Harriet head, "I'm glad you approve. You can wear it to the party Arcturus is throwing."

Charlus hadn't been pleased when the man informed him he would be holding a gathering for Harriet's birthday but he knew better than to say no. With all of the recent on goings, the rise in violence and suspicions, he was left feeling uneasy about Harriet's continued closeness to Arcturus and the rest of the Black family. There was of course no proof, but rumours were circling about who supported this supposed Dark Lord Voldemort, and the Blacks were often brought up. Still for all Charlus distrusted them and hated their influence over his daughter, he couldn't deny that Arcturus genuinely seems to care for his daughter.

"I will," Harriet said, putting the dress back into the box.

"Here," James said, handing over a hastily wrapped gift.

Taking the package Harriet opened it and saw that it was a rather nice white peacock quill.

"It's self inking and if you tap the end with you wand and say a colour the ink will change," James went on to explain.

Harriet was surprised by the gift, it was actually nice and rather thoughtful, she sent her brother a rare but honest smile, "thank you."

Charlus smiled, happy they were getting along, "now birthday girl it's your day so what shall we be doing?" he asked.

Harriet hummed, "how about you teach some interesting spells? I know James still wants to perfect his Freezing charm Glacius,"

The last days of their holiday swiftly approached and Harriet was almost sad to return home. The sun had done her some good and she felt refreshed, she could also see that her father was more relaxed. The tightness that had been causing his shoulders to hunch was gone and he looked years younger. Even James was in a better mood, though that was seemingly from the new array of spells he now knew.


Harriet sat in her rooms in Castle Black; she and shockingly enough James, had flooed over that afternoon to spend time with their cousins before her party- or in James and Sirius's case to run off together and try to avoid the party and the other guests all together. Giving her wand one final twirl, Harriet sat and admired the reflection staring at her in the mirror. At fourteen she now could see why people thought that she looked like her mother, it was something that she both loved and hated, her reflection was a constant reminder of the great woman who was now gone.

"You look lovely cousin," Narcissa said, she and Bellatrix had decided to come over and get ready with Harriet.

Smiling, Harriet stood and gave a twirl of her new dress and robes, "thank you. I know I wrote you a note but truly you picked a beautiful dress."

Narcissa smiled, "It's quite alright little one though I was surprised when your father wrote to me for help."

Harriet nodded, "as was I, though I am thankful. I doubt he would have picked something so flattering."

Narcissa laughed, "Yes, sometimes a delicate touch is needed."

"We'll have our work cut out for us keeping the wizards away from you," Bellatrix teased, cackling slightly when Harriet blushed.

"There are no wizards here who would find me interesting in that way."

Narcissa laughed gracefully, "I'm sure you believe that little one, however I hate to tell you that you're wrong. I know a few wizards who would love to get to know you."

"Yes like that little badger Bones," Bellatrix added practically radiating mirth.

Harriet scowled at the reminder of Edgars offer and shook her head, "you're both ridiculous."

Narcissa smirked, an expression that was rare on her face but highlighted just how similar the Black sisters looked, "we shall see."


James pulled at the robes he had been forced into wearing and frowned, he hated dressing so formally. Still he knew the satisfaction of not wearing them wouldn't be worth the punishment he got seeing as Arcturus had personally seen to it that he had robes and that they were suitable.

"I see you got kidnapped by an elf as well," said Sirius disgruntled voice.

Turning James saw his best friend was equally as dressed up as him, however where his robes had a gold trim and had a Potter insignia stitched over the left breast, Sirius's had silver with the Black families coat.

James nodded to Sirius. He had been caught by an elf, one who had trapped in him his bathroom with clear instructions to wash and dress himself properly or she would do it for him. Such an indignity was not something he would allow to happen, he was fifteen for Merlin's sake; he couldn't let a house elf bathe and dress him, so he had been forced to comply with the orders.

"You look like a prig." Sirius whined, pulling at James robes once he got close enough.

James snickered, "a stuck up pureblood."

"...A slimy snake."

"You should keep such comments to yourselves," a smooth voice said, drawing the two Gryffindors attention away from each other and to Lucius Malfoy who had come over to the corner they had claimed as their own

James scowled while Sirius snarled, "What are you doing here?"

Lucius allowed one eyebrow to rise, "I was invited."

"You know what I mean, why are you creeping on us like a smarmy little spy!"

Lucius sent them a derisive look, "I'm not spying on you. I simply overheard and thought you should know it would be in your best interests to keep such comments to yourselves."

"You're threatening us now?" Sirius asked, "even if I hate them, I'm still the Black heir, you can't just threaten me Malfoy, especially in my own families ancestral home" He snarled out.

"For now," the blonde said, dismissing both Gryffindors with a wave of his hand as he walked away.

James turned to Sirius, "what did he mean by that, has something happened?"

Sirius snarled, "Nothing. It doesn't matter."

James looked at his best friend with concern; Sirius had been acting out more and more recently, "if you're sure."

Sirius seemed to deflate when he saw the genuine concern on James face.

"I just hate all of this. I heard my father talking the other day; saying how much of a disappointment I am, just because I'm not an evil dark loving little sycophant like Reggie. Hell they practically worship Harry and she's not even a real Black. They said they didn't understand me or where they went wrong with me, like I'm the one who's wrong. Ha. They've always ignored me, focused on themselves and cursed me whenever I do anything they don't agree with."

James felt himself wilt, he knew Orion and Wallburga were not the best parents, Orion was too involved in politics and because of this never around, whereas Wallburga was an over domineering harpy, who wanted to control all aspects of her children's lives. That Sirius didn't fit into her ideal heir mould was a personal insult to the witch and she made sure Sirius suffered for it. He knew Sirius had to endure physical punishments from her and was often worried she would one day go too far.


Harriet couldn't help but gasp as she walked into the castles ball room, although it wasn't unexpected, the delicate decorations and subtle enchantments took her breath away. Her uncle really had one above and beyond.

"My little star," said man appeared, offering Harriet his arm.

Allowing a small smile to appear Harriet accepted his arm as Narcissa and Bellatrix rejoined their dates.

"Happy birthday, dear one."

"Thank you uncle," Harriet replied, "you've done a spectacular job," she complimented, indicating to the room around them.

Arcturus nodded, "thank you, although I can't take all of the credit, the elves really do adore you."

Harriet fought a blush, ever since she was a child she had always gone out of her way to be polite to the elves that served her; she could see their magic, how powerful the creatures where and respected them. In doing so she had gained a reputation as being a great mistress, and had a devoted following of elves, much to her families amusement.

"Still, I thank you for planning this gathering uncle."

Arcturus smiled lightly; looking at his chosen heir he was proud of the young witch.

"It is my pleaser, just as opening the dancing will be."

With that, he offered Harriet his hand and once she had taken it bowed, placing a delicate kiss against her skin. Harriet allowed her happiness to show on her face as she danced the opening song with her uncle, her cousins and their dates joining in after the first chorus was done.

She would admit that dancing didn't come naturally for her, for all of her innate grace and skill duelling, something about dancing didn't work. Perhaps it was because it required such formal control; Harriet was a creature of intuition, of emotion and impulse. Still those who looked on didn't notice this, too caught up in the beauty and grace the two dancing Blacks radiated.

With the ball officially open Harriet settled into her customary role, she followed uncle Arcturus around and met with those he had deemed important enough to invite, although this time he allowed her to speak up and join in their conversations. She basked in his subtle praise and pride as she finished laying on her manipulations to the current minister for magical creatures, the man who was really quite dim, was simple to manipulate and lead, he had clearly only got so far on his family name alone. Still that her first attempt as leading a person had been successful made Harriet proud, and that her uncle was pleased with her made her glad.

Pleased with the progress Harriet had made, Arcturus allowed her leave to go be with her friends. Pleased when she calmly made her way straight towards where Regulus and Bartemius where standing, that she had such close bonds to them pleased him. Both boys were credits to themselves and their families.


James couldn't help but stare when Harriet appeared. His sister was beautiful, it was awful. Even Sirius, somebody who James had counted on for support during this trying time was seemingly struck dumb. His silver eyes had widened and a subtle blush had appeared on his face.

"What happened to her?" Sirius hissed, he couldn't believe this was the girl he had known growing up. She was beautiful, whereas Harry had always been plain, unassuming and evil, not anything like this vision of innocence and splendour.

James looked at his friend in despair, knowing that Sirius was lost; he recognised the look on his friends' face, Sirius Orion Black, was attracted to his sister.

"nothing," James mumbled, he had been hoping Sirius's deep fear and hatred for all things not Gryffindor and light would hold out and make him immune but clearly it hadn't worked.

Sirius tore his eyes away from Harry and looked at James, blushing when he saw the look on his friends face, "mate, your sister did not look like that a few weeks ago," he tried to defend himself.

James shuddered, "it's awful."

Sirius disagreed, eyes once again on Harry who was now walking away with his grandfather towards the adults. Watching her he knew he had to have her, it would be perfect. He would become James brother if he married her and it would save her from the darkness of their family.

Nodding, Sirius told James this and rejoiced when his friends misery disappeared, explaining how if he got with Harry then everything would be great; they'd be brothers and Harry would be protected from the Dark Lord, because as his wife, Sirius wouldn't allow her to go dark. No, she would stay at home with the children, twin boys, James jr and Sirius jr, while Sirius and James went out and fought the Dark Lord and became heroes. She would be the perfect house wife, beautiful and devoted entirely to Sirius and their children.

James thought about what his friend said and allowed himself to imagine it... it would be perfect. He had believed nobody was good enough for his baby sister but thinking about what Sirius said he couldn't help but agree. Harriet and Sirius would be great together.

Neither boy noticed the dark haired witch standing close to them, silver eyes narrowing in anger and disgust, nor did they see the wizard in front of them, whose burgundy eyes glinted with fury as they plotted.