A tall messy raven haired boy walked calmly into the Gringotts Bank, London branch, Diagon alley. The goblin guards took in his unusual appearance. He was wearing muggle trainers, fingerless gloves, jeans and a leather jacket and all were black in colour. He bowed respectfully to the burly guards and to their immense surprise spoke in their native language "Greetings honourable goblins, may your blades gleam with your enemies blood" and this was enough to cause a once in a lifetime scenario for the few wizard and witches who were looking at the weird kid in all black. The goblins shook out of their stupor and performed the traditional return greetings "greetings to you too, young wizard, may your wand always strike down your enemies" and they opened the doors to the bank for him.

The boy strode in practically oozing confidence and power like there was nothing in the room that could harm him and by the time he reached the front counter every pair of eye in the room be it goblin or human was upon him, after all you don't see anybody walk into Gringotts without a care in the world, even ABUS DUMBLEDORE was cautious around goblins and he was the 'leader of light'.

The boy strode over the lead goblin and spoke confidently" I wish to undertake an inheritance test" this threw the goblin for a loop as this boy looked like a muggleborn and they never knew about such a facility but that wasn't his concern after all he was going to make 100 galleons he sneered "Follow me boy" and promptly took off at a brisk pace through the lobby of Gringotts. "This way" he said after reaching a pair of gilded and ornate doors. The boy followed him and sat on the chair provided without any direction. If the goblin was surprised he didn't show it. The goblin then forwarded a jeweled bowl which had many runes on it and a gilded dagger." Slash your palm and let 7 drops of blood fall into the bowl". The boy slashed his palm open without a flinch and this just earned him the respect of the goblin before him as this showed that you could handle pain and were a warrior. As the seventh drop fell into the bowl the dagger and bowl shone brightly and his hand was healed not leaving even a scar. They both looked on as the bowl flashed and a parchment materialized over it. All the blood flew up and infused the parchment and writing started to appear on it. "This bowl searches your blood for all possible heritages and talents" the goblin replied after an enquiring glance from the teen in front of him. After all he was a warrior hence no boy. The goblin frowned as writing was still appearing on the parchment and thought' this should not take so much time or else he is heir to several families, well it would be best to get in his good graces'. The parchment and the bowl finally stopped glowing and the goblin stored the dagger and the bowl from wherever he took them. By the time 10 seconds had passed his eyebrows were lost in his nearly nonexistent hairline and it took all of the black clad teenager's self-control to not to laugh at the expression. The goblin still shocked at what was written in the parchment handed it to him and the boy looked down at the wizarding paper in his hand.

Name-Hadrian James Potter

Father-James Charlus Potter

Mother-Lillian Daisy Potter nee Slytherin

Family alive-Adrian Charlus Potter, James and Lillian potter (in Coma)

Heir to-

The most ancient and most noble house of Potter (From Father, by blood)

House assets and estates-

Main family vault-

Liquid assets-2,198,987,234 galleons 897,972,234 sickles 395,356 Knuts.

Heirlooms-456,345,334 galleons 234,545 sickles

Priceless jewels and jewelry- 897,363,163 galleons 879,263 sickles

Trust vault for Adrian Charlus Potter-1003 galleons (refills to 20,000 galleons every year)

Annual stipend from vault to Molly Prewitt vault-1000 galleons

Annual stipend from vault to Ronald Bilius vault-200 galleons

Annual stipend from vault to Ginevra prewitt vault-200 galleons

Annual stipend from vault to Order of the phoenix vault 5000 galleons

Annual stipend from vault to Hogwarts-10000 galleons

Trust vault for Hadrian James Potter-0 galleons (refills to 20,000galleons annually)

Annual stipend to Order of the Phoenix vault-10000 galleons

Annual stipend to Hogwarts vault-10000 galleons

Illegal marriage contract for Adrian Charlus Potter to Ginevra Molly Weasley. Set up by APWB Dumbledore

Marriage contract Between House Potter and House Greengrass.

Hadrian James Potter is to wed to Daphne Elizabeth Greengrass before 21 years of age.

Estates and shares-

Potter manor

Potter cottage (Destroyed, seized by MOM)

Lily Haven

Flats and apartments in various cities (see family ledger for more information)

30% Zonko's

12% Ollivander's

20% Daily prophet

The Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Black-(From Grandmother and Godfather, by blood)

Main Family Vault-2,285,543,587 galleons 642,543,243 sickles and 456,238 Knuts

Heirlooms-285,483,927 galleons and 89,035 sickles

Priceless jewels and jewelry-124,533,360 galleons and 946,294,132 sickles.

Sirius Orion vault-256,754,125 galleons 857,265,136 sickles and 483 Knuts

Annual stipend to Narcissa Cedrella Malfoy nee Black-50,000 galleons

Annual stipend to Bellatrix Druella Lestrange nee Black-50,000 galleons

Marriage contract Between House Black and House Greengrass

Hadrian James Black is to wed Astoria Belladonna Greengrass before 21 years of age

Black manor

Black townhouse

Various houses and manors around the world. (See Black ledger for more information)

24%Knockturn alley

13% Ollivander's

37% Crups and pups

14% Daily prophet

The Most ancient and most noble house of Slytherin- from Mother (BY BLOOD)

Main family vault-2,748,849,923 galleons 901,205,384 sickles

Heirlooms-992,752,423 galleons

Priceless jewels and jewelry-976,345,383 galleons 87,000 sickles.

Marriage contract between House Slytherin and House Delacour

Hadrian James Slytherin is to wed Fleur Appoline Delacour and Gabrielle Isabella Delacour before 25 years of age

Slytherin Palace

Serpent's Lair

The Chamber of Secrets

25% Hogwarts

28% Knockturn Alley

The Most ancient and Most noble house of Gryffindor (From Father, by blood)-

Main family vault-1,234,582,495 galleons and 78,030 sickles

Heirlooms-973,535,643 galleons

Priceless jewels and jewelry-749,192 galleons

Gryffindor manor

Lion's den

25% Hogwarts

Marriage contract between House Gryffindor and House Black

Hadrian James Gryffindor is to wed Nymphadora Tonks-Black and Narcissa Cedrella Malfoy nee Black before 21 Years of age. (For more information regarding the contract see Black Ledger)

The Most ancient and most noble house of Le fay-(By Magic)

Main Vault-3,356,643,854 galleons 983,963,233 sickles and 873,493 Knuts

Heirlooms-812,123,562 galleons

Jewelry-914,128,468 galleons and 990,292 sickles

Le fay Castle

The most ancient and most noble house of Emrys (By the rite of conquest)


METAMORPHMAGUS (from Black heritage)

PARSELMOUTH (from Slytherin and Black heritage)

ELEMENTAL (Air from Emrys, Lightning from Le Fay, Fire from Gryffindor, Water from Black)

CORE BINDINGS- 90% Core bound by Albus Dumbledore on Samhain, 1981 (Bindings eroded over the years, 50% core bound)

MULTI ANIMAGUS (Has more than one animagus form)

BEASTLINGUAL (Can talk to any magical or non-magical animal)

INCUBUS (Powers will manifest on 11 years of age)

That was extensive and …shocking to say the least, now identified Hadrian Potter thought.He looked up towards the Goblin and passed the paper back to him. "You are Hadrian James Potter, Brother to The-Boy-who-lived, Adrian Charlus Potter" The goblin spoke slowly as if judging each word. "Yes, I think the test cleared that bit up" Hadrian replied amused by the reaction, after all you don't happen to catch a goblin off guard every day.

"Where have you been for last 10 years, even the goblin nation had thought you were dead. Besides us and your closest family friends no one even knows you were born. All information we got was that after Lord Voldemort's attack on your family your parents were in coma and you had died by Lord Voldemort's wand and your brother had been the one to defeat him".

"Master goblin, who told the world what happened in Godric's hollow 10 years ago", Hadrian asked exasperatedly. "Albus Dumbl ..." and as the look of realization and then dawning horror came upon the goblin Harry did a little victory dance in his head, 'At least they don't seem to worship him as most of the people' he thought as rage followed the goblin's expression afterwards. The goblin slammed his hand sharply on the table and shouted out few sentences on Gobbledygook and sound of shuffling and running could be faintly heard outside.

"Forgive me for my outburst, my lord. But yours is a high profile and important case and such I have called for the assistance of the Bank Manager and our king Ragnok "the goblin said all of this in one breath." And none of this master stuff, my name is Bloodbane"

"Okayy" Harry drew the word out and just as the last syllable was finished the doors opened with a bang and Harry jumped up with his left hand glowing green and in his right was his wand emitting little lightning bolts.

The King who was a muscular and armored goblin of almost 5 feet was surprised by the lightning but when he saw the Green color on the boy's fingers he audibly gasped as wandless Avada Kedavra was never seen before except for Voldemort and that too one or two times. Ragnok had never gotten so scared for his life as much as he got scared then. "Calm down young wizard, I am King Ragnok the third of the goblin nation" He said while raising his hands in a placating gesture. As he sparks and green glow disappeared from the young wizard King Ragnok started thanking his ancestors and Mother magic for small mercies.

"My apologies Honorable King Ragnok, I am a little paranoid and cautious" Harry apologized while bowing to show respect. "Rise young wizard and there is no need to be sorry or embarrassed as I was the one who decided to barge in loudly although I would commend you on your reflexes and congratulate you on managing a wandless killing curse" The king responded while grasping his shoulders and bringing him up. Just as Harry stood up his cheekbones grew higher and his hair lengthened a little and became a little wavy, also his eyes became a unique mix of Avada Kedavra and Emerald green.

"Now Bloodbane what was the matter that you decided to call 'me' here" The king glared at Bloodbane and it was an intimidating glare but Bloodbane wasn't fazed in the slightest and while grinning spoke

"Presenting to you my lord, Hadrian James Potter heir to the most ancient and noble houses of Potter, Black, Slytherin, Gryffindor and Le fay"

As Ragnok's eyes widened at this piece of news Hadrian James Potter was thinking one thing only while grinning 'Wizarding Britain here I come, hope you are ready for me'