![]() Author has written 2 stories for Vampire Diaries, Pokémon, and Originals. What you may find in Fanfic'spresented on my page are: 1. SI's that can be a canon character or original character (OC), who can either interact with canon events or characters that build the required skills/organisational/empire that allows our MC the keys to attempt to manipulate forthcoming events using future/reincarnation/second-chance knowledge for maximum OPness. 2. I do not discriminate on fiction choice; such as twilight, teen-wolf, vampire diaries, originals, any cartoons (it could be... idk Winx or fairy godparents idc) requirements are usually restricted to transmigrated/reincarnated that does not wallow in self-pity but strive to be better than what he was. 3. YOU WILL NOT SEE ANY SLASH, GAY or any of that type of content in my stories. (I don't care for homosexual people in real life, however; I ain't gonna read about them having intercourse or any other gay interaction and I would not subject any others to the same fate.) 4. I dislike any (Main characters or AU) Canon characters that are gullible. (For example, HARRY POTTER - I enjoy fanfic's read on Harry Potter, however, the obvious manipulations we can observe looking outside the box on plot events irritate me to levels that make me stop reading the story if the main character remains unaware of such events, listing a few CLEARLY guided manipulations in JUST the FIRST like TWENTY MINUTES of one of the series: Harry Potter and the philosophers stone - First) How in the hell had he ended up with Petunia, oh we all saw how that happened Dumbledoor dumped him there in the COLD with the thinnest blankets the NIGHT his parents died when I'm pretty sure Neville's mother would have been his godmother if not for her being tortured to insanity, yet Harry still should have ended up with Neville's grandmother because I'm confident if the situation was reversed Neville would have ended up with Harrys family. And let's not forget from what we can specify, Petunia and her family clearly hates Harry so there would have been for some MAJOR abuse if not for the story having to be appealed to the masses for children (family movie and in a family movie you would not see abuse) Second) How can Dumbledore not know of Harry being abused or being mistreated even though he sent that spy with the cats to watch him, regardless of all of his position's, how can he not know the TOOL he needs FOR THE GREATER GOOD is being abused and left in the cupboard under the stairs, THE SAME ONE HE NEEDS TO STOP RIDDLE etc. Third) HOGWARTS sends a LETTER SPECIFIED to THE CUPBOARD UNDER THE STAIRS - how can he not know (now we can extrapolate from here many things having to do with magic but idk) Fourth) They send HAGRID! to pick Harry up? why would they even NEED to pick him up in the first place? They send an accused murderer to pick up a child(pretty sketch if you ask me) and not one of the heads of houses which are supposed to ESCORT HIS FAMILY there? Fifth) I mean the commotion HAGRID stirs by practically announcing Harry was there is not looking phenomenally good. Sixth) WHY THE FUCK DOES HE EVEN HAVE HIS KEY TO HARRY's VAULT IN THE FIRST PLACE and when they return from the vaults HAGRID TAKES IT BACK???? Seven) HAGRID the dog, leaves him at the entrance looking for 9 and 3/4... it wouldn't have taken 5 more minutes to show him the way, I mean he's practically already there, how in the hell would HARRY know where to go? and when Harry asks, Hagrid just disappears, how does a half-giant disappear like that with no noise Eight) oh and just when Harry is asking for directions, MOLLY the fat bitch is practically screaming muggles, and announcing like a microphone WHERE the platform is. it's not like they don't know where it is, they have only been there for the rest of her children, Bill, Charlie, Percy, the twins. and can't they just flo there? Nine) How can Ron not find his own seat? and he claims everywhere else is full? you telling me a magic train ain't got enough seats? you are delirious. And these bottom examples really get you thinking... He is practically raised as a martyr, Harry seems to think it's his duty for him to finish Lord Voldermort off and kill him, Why?, Why does it have to be him and not IDK Dumbledoor, its the man's fault in the first place. The only reason Dumbledore dies in the first place from another perspective is Greed; Why did he try on the ring with resurrection stone? he had the cloak, he had the wand, oh and he just found the stone. And just another, How in hell was snape in a position to overhear the first half of the prophecy in the first place, it said that it was a ''courtesy'' for Dumbledork to meet Sibyll Trelawney at hogshead for her interview, but why did he not meet her in Hogwarts? because in any job interview, unless you are personal friends you interact in an environment that the applied position would be in the future, which is HOGWARTS, and AGAIN, WHY WAS SNAPE EVEN THEIR? Even when Dumbledore later finds out Voldermort knows the earlier half of the prophecy, how does he not link it to snape straight away, he was the only one who overheard the conversation, and Dumbledore knew he did too. And then the defences/wards on the house when they were in hiding... I'm pretty sure Dumbledore mentioned the phodilus, everyone assumed Sirius was the secret keeper, Why? and why was Peter the secret keeper over idk, THE PERSON HIDING IN THE HOUSE, like IDK Lily Potter or James Potter???? and why did they use no other wards; at the start of the movies, we see Voldemort use alohamora to unlock the door to enter, yes? now, we later view in the movie within the room with the flying keys the WARDED DOOR YOU CANNOT OPEN WITH MAGIC? WTF and couldn't you just accio the needed key to you? and yet to get too fluffy you would not need such a key? but only need the spell? AND these are just the VERY FEW examples I can be bothered to give. 5) I ABSOLUTELY hate subservient Main characters, MC's that will bow or anything like that, or treat some bitch like she is a queen. 6) I ABSOLUTELY HATE guardians of justice characters - Main characters which specifically go out of their way to be that hero, ''with great power, comes great responsibility'' FUCK YOU, how about this quote to counter it ''with great power, comes a great life'' or ''I'm a dark man, in a dark world''. It's a good quote, but that's what it is JUST A QUOTE. If the main character is just conveniently there and decides to involve himself against ACTS which bother, his bottom line, cool. I don't like self-inserts who JUST want to be a hero or that's their goal. like how shit is that. I will edit again and add when i could be bothered to. |