With the Scout regiment entering the fray, everyone one of us quickly killed every Titan was in Trost and huddling in Wall Maria. This took maybe half a day to do. Victory had been achieved and those who were in Trost when it happened were very happy to be alive. Unfortunately, a fair number of people died when the Titans entered Trost. On the bright side, less people died in this battle than in the canon timeline. I'm glad this is the case.
Me leading the elite squad was fruitful. Every member respected me as their leader even though I'm sure it's a temporary position. Never thought I would have such success in saving lives in this world. Guess I should thank whatever deity that decided to put me here. But for now, we have things to do.
We all rendezvous at the top of the Wall with Mikasa carrying an unconscious Eren at her side. My fellow cadets were here along with some other soldiers. Some of the superior officers ordered a few to gather the bodies of their comrades when this all began while some were ordered to heal anh wounded or take stock on remaining supplies. With Eren barricading the hole in the wall, we bought ourselves time to prepare. It won't be for a while until the Titan shifters make another move. I hope that I could somehow disway them from their path. But we'll reach that bridge when we get there.
As I was leading by team, my friends and fellow soldiers saw me. They ran towards me with excited speed and gathered around with happy expressions on their faces. They were cheering me on how I am their hero, on how I motivated them to be fearless and fought back without hesitation. I try to dial down the praise but they wouldn't have any of it. I'm an idol in their eyes and they want to build up the reputation I have. I'll admit it's more than I expected. Pushing through huddled masses, I saw Armin getting close to us.
"John, Mikasa you guys made it back!" Armin said
"We'll always come back, Armin. We have a family to protect" I said as I gave him a hug to which he quickly reciprocated.
Soon enough, we end the hug and then hug my fellow cadets. I hug them because I'm glad they had survived and because I think that, despite surviving, we needed the comfort of being reminded that this isn't a dream. This is real. We are alive and together we have achieved victory. But the cheering was short lived as we saw Captain Levi come towards us. The man is just as intimidating as his anime appearance showed. The silence of his arrival was deafening. Most backed away in fear because of his reputation. He then stood before me.
"So you are the one who had everyone hold the line until we had returned" Levi said as he analyzed me "you don't look like much"
"The accomplishments of today was the result of everyone here doing their best to survival and fight with everything they had. I only gave them encouragement, everything else was all them" I said which made the soldiers behind me smile but Levi remained stoic and uncaring. Hey
He then looks at my brother.
"I have to place your brother into custody. If what I've heard is the truth, he has some explaining to do" Levi said as he is about to pass me and go to Eren. I get in front of him to stop that.
"My brother played a significant role in ensuring no more Titans entered Trost. The task has exhausted him and needs his rest. He'll answer your questions when he gets it" I told him which made the Captain give me a dark glare.
"Get out of my way Cadet. That is an order from your superior officer" he said to me.
"I'm afraid I cannot do that." I told him.
"Do you understand the consequences of disobeying a direct order Cadet? Especially in these dangerous times" Levi asks me.
"I do sir. If you wish to arrest me or even kill me, I'll accept the price. But under no circumstances will I allow you to imprison my brother because you think he's a monster. If anything, he is an asset. More importantly, he's family and I'll do anything to protect my family" I said to him with conviction.
Levi looks at me and sees my resolve and then looks at Eren, who is still being held by Mikasa, being guarded by his fellow cadets and soldiers. Willing to protect him for what he has done. He then looks back at me.
"I'll inform your brother on how you died foolishly to protect him when he wakes up" Levi said as he takes out his sword.
I quickly do the same as he goes to slash me with incredible speed. Fortunately with my enhanced speed, I was able to block the attack. Our swords lock on to each as me and Levi to try to overpower the other. Everyone was shocked at the display. I could see the coldness in his eyes while he sees the fury in mind. At some point one of us is going to make their move and then the decision on who lives and dies will begin.
"Levi, stand down" a familiar voice said to the captain.
"Tsk" I hear Levi say as he backs away from me and sheathes his weapon.
I then see two people coming our way. It was Commander Pixis and the infamous Commander Erwin. It was Erwin that told Levi to stand down. As he gets close to us, he and Pixis look at me.
"This is the boy I was telling you about Erwin. The one that has the admiration of his fellow soldiers and the skills to back it up." Pixis introduced me to him. I then salute to him.
"Cadet John Yeager at your service, Commander. It's an honor to meet you sir" I said with respect.
"Cadet Yeager. I've been told a lot of good things about you. Especially about your fierce loyalty to your family. From what I just witnessed, that nickname of you being a lion seems to hold some truth. But even you must realize the dangerous implications about your brother. We have no idea what he can do or even if he can control it. It would be better to isolate him away from others until we better know the situation" Erwin explained while maintaining his stoic demeanor
"I have to disagree sir" I said to him.
"Oh?" Erwin asked with a raised eyebrow "And what would you have us do then, Cadet?"
"As I mentioned to Captain Levi, my brother's ability can be an asset for the scout regiment. The advantages of having someone with the ability to transform into a Titan could prove beneficial to the cause. The Black Titan was the first to show animosity against the other Titans, even fought two others with similar intelligence. It is possible that, like my brother, the Black, Colossal, Armored and Female Titans were people who have the same ability. And each have their own allegiances. The Black Titan seems to be on the side of humanity and my brother has clearly displayed that he's on the same side. He played a significant role in retaking Trost. For all intents and purposes, he is as much of a hero as the rest of us. To treat him like a criminal and a monster would only diminish the value he has. Give him a chance to be the warrior he always wanted to be. Let him help you retake the walls and hopefully end this war." I explain to him.
Erwin and Levi just look at me with their unrevealing expressions. Pixis just stood in the sideline thinking.
"He has a point Erwin. Despite the risks of Eren Yeager's...situation, it is clear that he has a role to play if we wish to take back the homes of thousands of families. I would suggest you agree with John's suggestion on not putting him in a cell. As you can see, John's actions have inspired loyalty to his fellow soldiers. They'll follow him no matter what happens" Pixis said as Erwin looked at the soldiers behind me.
He saw the look in their eyes. He could see it. These soldiers place a high value in a teenage boy with impressive skills. Very few people could inspire such loyalty. Just like very few people could ensure that less people die against an overwhelming force. Erwin has a decision to make.
"Very well Cadet Yeager. We won't detain your brother. Have him in a room within HQ so he could continue his rest. But we will question him about these series of events when he wakes up. Is that understood?" Erwin said as though this is the only compromise I'm going to get in this situation.
"Understood sir. Thank you sir" I said to him as he and Levi leave the area
"You continue to amaze me Yeager. To stand up to Captain Levi and block his attack is no small feat" Pixis said to me.
"I had hoped to avoid that with sound reasoning sir. It would seem I was too optimistic on that front" I responded.
"Perhaps but don't take it personally. Captain Levi is a good man. He's lost many friends over the past five years. Most men break when experiencing that. He got stronger because of it. Or maybe he's so broken, he has no choice but to be strong. In either case, I think he holds some respect towards you" Pixis explained.
"I don't know sir. Trying to kill me isn't exactly a good way to show that respect" I said which makes Pixis laugh.
"Might have a point there. But let's get your brother to a bed. I'm sure what he just did took almost everything out of him" Pixis said as we go to grab Eren.
The cadets, my squad and other fellow soldiers created a path for me and him. I could hear the whispers of amazement of me standing up to Levi and talking to Erwin without pissing myself. I could see the shock and awe expressions in Mikasa and Armin's face when I reached them. I then take hold of Eren on one side and Mikasa allowed Pixis to hold the other.
"If you have nothing to do, go find something until you hear otherwise" Pixis ordered everyone to which they did just that without complaint.
Pixis and I go to HQ which is surrounded by people cataloguing equipment and making repairs to any damages areas. When they saw us, they essentially stopped what they were doing to look at us as we make our way inside. Many saluted as we passed by.
"I believe that is for you Yeager" Pixis said
"I feel a bit overwhelmed by the praise sir. All I did was say a few words and did my best to get our people out of this alive." I said to him.
"You are very humble and modest. I admire that. But like it or not, you are a hero to these people. You helped did the impossible. You assisted in the plugging of the hole and, astonishingly, trained your fellow cadets to be fearless and exemplary. We suffered no casualties. Except for the ones we lost when this first started. But even still, you guaranteed no loss of further life. Your reputation will increase to exponential levels. Don't be surprised that you will be famous for this." Pixis explained to me.
Honestly, I wouldn't be. I practically led an army to battle and won with little difficulties. Thankfully I am blessed with the knowledge of the anime to better prepare myself and others for events like this. I can only hope that I could keep people alive long enough to have an impressive force to fight against the Beast Titan. Only time will tell if I will succeed.
Soon enough, we found a room. We opened the door and gently placed Eren on the bed. I looked at him and he seemed peaceful.
"Come son. Let's give your brother some peace" Pixis said as I nod my head and leave the room.
"What will you do now?" He asks me.
"I'll assist with rounding up the dead. Have we counted the number of people we lost?" I ask
"I believe a few dozen. Acceptable losses in comparison to the ones we have still breathing. But even if that's the case, it's never easy telling the families that their loved ones aren't coming home." Pixis said in a somber tone.
"I know. When I was a kid, I saw the faces of family members asking whether their loved ones made it back. Some did, many others didn't. The dread they felt was written all over their faces. You could feel their loss as if it was your own. I told myself that if the dead lay before, I should help collect their bodies and give them the funeral with the respect deserved for their sacrifice fighting for their country. I think we owe the dead that much. If not us, then who?" I ask. After I said my piece, Commander Pixis pats my shoulder
"You have a kind heart Cadet Yeager. Honoring the dead is a noble sentiment. One that seems to have been forgotten nowadays. Go to the medics. No doubt they'll need help sorting the bodies" Pixis said to which I nodded my head and saluted before leaving him.
Took about 30 or so minutes to find the med team. Many were healing the wounded. Fortunately, there were few. As I pass by them, I notice that they saw me. They looked at me with thanks in their eyes. I just nod at them in appreciation. I soon meet with, what I assume is, the chief medic writing some paperwork. A woman of maybe 40 years of age with stripes of silver in her hair.
"Can I be of service ma'am?" I ask which catches her attention.
"If you wish Cadet. We still have a some bodies that need to be picked up. We've already collected 30. There are at least 20 more if you go further up. Help my team bring them back. They deserve go home" she said to me
"Understood" I said as I was given a mask to wear before setting out to get more bodies.
The further I walked, the more I could smell the stench of death. It's worse than I had imagined but I power through. I soon saw some people finding bodies. Though they were mostly collecting pieces because of what the Titans did to their comrades. I soon saw a dead soldier on the ground near me. I kneel down to get a good look.
It was a female who had short dark black hair. She looked to be in her mid-twenties. Her head was bashed in. Fortunately, her body was attached. Might've been hit by an abnormal or something. In either case, she was one of the lucky ones. But what really got to me was her eyes. They were open and cloudy. But you could tell that she was afraid. Afraid to die. She most likely was thinking of her family before she went away.
I'm ashamed I couldn't save her or the other people that died when this started. But sometimes people die. You can't save everyone. You can only save as many as you can and hope it's enough. I'm being constantly told that it is but seeing the dead up close makes me think maybe it wasn't.
"Her name was Masaki. Masaki Hatake" a voice said to which I look and see a male soldier behind me wearing a mask as well. He looked to be of similar age to her and had spiky brown hair and brown eyes
"You knew her?" I ask
"Yea. I was going to ask her to marry me" he said with a sad expression and tears forming in his eyes.
"I'm sorry" I said
"We grew up together. She was a fighter. Always wanted to help people. But she was so stubborn and headstrong. God, she irritated me for so long. But I never hated her for it. In fact I loved that about her. And somehow she loved me despite my lazy attitude" he said with a laugh "She truly was my better half. I should at least be thankful the Titans didn't eat her. It would be worse to know there was nothing to bury."
"Did she have a family?" I ask as I get up from the ground
"Her father died when she was young and her mother passed a year ago. I think...I was...all that's left" he said while sobbing. He cried heavily and then fell on his knees
"I'm sorry Masaki. I'm sorry I wasn't there to save you. It should've been me. You deserved so much better" he said as his head was down. He looked hopeless.
Pain of losing a loved one. It's a pain you don't forget. A pain that sticks with you. Leaves you empty inside. As though something ripped you apart and left you broken. I know the pain well. I lost someone special in my own world. I numbed the pain as best I could but it was still there. Waiting for me. The man here is in more pain than anyone deserves.
I then place my hand on his shoulder
"Don't blame yourself for what happened. It was not your fault. She sounds like the type of person that would fight an unwinnable battle so as to save as many lives as she could. One would say she died nobly. But no ones ever really gone from this world. The people we've lost in this war are always with us." I said as I kneel to his level and gesture to his heart "She is always here. In the very place that she belonged. Keep her memory alive and you will know that she is with you"
"How can you be so sure?" He asks
"Because it's what I believe. As long as I have that belief then I know that one day we will all see our loved ones again in a better world. But until that day comes, we must remain in the world that took them away so that when we see them again, we can tell them how we lived, how we fought and how we died. Don't let despair consume you. I doubt Masaki would've wanted that. The question is: Are you willing to keep fighting for her sake?" I ask him to which he looks at me.
He seems to consider my words and then nods his head. I then help him up from the ground.
"Thank you." He said as he offered me his hand "My names Ichigo Kurosou, Lieutenant of the garrison regiment"
I then shake his hand
"John Yeager, Cadet of the 104th Cadet Corps" I greeted him. He looks at me with shock.
"Y-You're him. The cadet that everyone's talking about. The Lion of the Wall. The Hero of Trost" Ichigo said
"I'm not the only one that saved Trost. Everyone did. We are all heroes. Even the ones that are no longer with us" I told him.
"When she heard about you, she was massively impressed. She believed that you would be one of the greats someday. I think you inspired her a bit. I never thought much of you but your speech about Victory proved to me that the stories about you could be true. It's an honor to meet you" Ichigo said.
"The honor is mine." I said as I look to the body of Masaki "Let's carry her to the others. Our fallen brothers and sisters in arms deserve to go home"
"Yea your right" Ichigo said as I helped him carry her body back.
It didn't take us long to go back to main med team. We laid her body next to a line of others covered with white blankets. As soon as we covered her, I just felt I had to say something. Something to honor the memories of these fallen heroes.
"And they who for their country die shall fill an honored grave, for glory lights the soldier's tomb, and beauty weeps the brave." I said which made Ichigo look at me.
"Was that a prayer?" He asks.
"Something like that. They are words that honor the sacrifice our brethren made for our cause. I wish they never had to pay the price for our survival but we'll always remember them. Just like the next generation will remember us, when we end this war." I said as I leave to go find the rest of our comrades.
Ichigo follows me and little did I realize that some heard my words. They joined in the task to honor the dead. Even the dead deserve peace. We are going to make sure they get it.
Spent the rest of the day finding bodies and lying them on the ground with the others. I then went to HQ to rest. This whole thing has been exhausting to say the least. I go to Erens room and see how he's doing. I look inside and see that he's still sleeping peacefully. I'm sure he'll wake up tomorrow.
I close his door and head to a room that was adjacent to his. I open the door and was surprised to see Mikasa there. Sitting on a chair by the window and looking outside.
"Mikasa? What are you doing here?" I ask which causes her to look at me
"I finished assisting the capture of some remaining Titans and helped catalogue inventory. I wanted to be close to Eren for when he wakes up and I...wanted to talk to you. So here I am" she explained. I could see a hint of red on her face.
"Ok" I said as I close the door and sit on the bed near her "What did you want to talk about?"
Then with lightning speed, Mikasa tackled me on the bed. She was so fast that I couldn't prepare myself. Before I could do anything she held down my arms and had her body on top of my chest.
"Mikasa, what are you-" I was interrupted as Mikasa planted her lips on top of mine. I was shocked by this act.
I had no choice but to play along. I then feel her tongue entering my mouth and I use mine to meet it. Our tongues were essentially rolling around each other aggressively. Mikasa was putting everything she had into this. I could feel that she was doing this for a reason. Eventually, we stopped kissing and Mikasa separated her face from mine. You could see the connected saliva coming out of mouths when she did.
"Wh-What was that for?" I ask her.
"I wanted to thank you. This was the only way I know how" she said
"Thank me for what? You don't have to thank me for anything" I said to her with slight confusion
"But I do. You saved me when I was a child. You gave me a home when mine was taken away from me. Gave me a family again. You gave me hope. I've been meaning to thank you for so long but I could never figure out how." She said as she starts to take off her jacket and shirt "This is the only way I know how."
"You don't have to do this if you're not ready. I'm fine with waiting until the right time comes" I said to her as I clearly see her muscular upper body and beautifully bare D cup breasts.
"I don't think this war would give me a better time than now. Please just let me have this moment. You and me being one." Mikasa said with a pleading look on her face.
I just look at her and see that she is afraid. Afraid of losing what's precious to her. This is her way of hoping that doesn't happen. I guess it sort of makes sense but looking at her face reminded me of what she looked like when she lost her parents. I can't deny her this after everything she's experienced.
So the next thing I do is quickly flip us over to reverse our positions. Mikasa and I look at each other for a brief moment before I kiss her passionately. She responds in kind. She begins to take off my clothes while I take off the rest of hers. The speed in which we take off our clothes was essentially inhuman. In seconds, we were already naked and admiring each other's physique.
I align my erect cock at the entrance to her pussy. I look at Mikasa whose face is burning red and hyperventilating.
"Are you sure?" I ask one more time before doing something we can't take back.
She looks at me and then nods
"Yes" She said to which I begin slowly enter her.
Mikasa holds me close and grunts in pain as I sheath myself inside of her. I can feel her insides tightening up around my cock and it feels good. But I can only imagine how painful it must be for her. As soon as I was in, I stopped moving so as to have her adjust to the current situation.
"Let me know when I should move" I said to her. All she could do was nod in agreeement.
After a few moments, Mikasa gave me permission to move. So I begin to thrust myself gently. Mikasa moans with each thrust I do. I could feel her inner walls squeezing me with such intensity that I think that if I was normal, I would be heavily injured. But because I'm not, I am greatly enjoying this.
Mikasa's legs wrap around my waist to keep me close to her. I don't object at all to this. Our bodies so close together allows us to feel each other's heat. Each other's heartbeats. We are in perfect sync that this entire thing is just truly indescribable. The longer I'm inside her, the more I feel that we were meant for this. I can feel Mikasa's pussy griping me with loving embrace.
"I love you, Mikasa" I said to her. Mikasa looks at me with a smile and a hint of tears in her eyes
"I...love you...too" she said in between breaths as she begins to kiss me. I continue to thrust inside her and I feel something is coming.
"I'm going to cum Mikasa" I warned her. She makes me move closer to her.
"Cum...inside. I want to...feel you...in me" she said to which I speed up my movements.
I can feel it building up with every thrust I make and with one final thrust, I unleash a load of semen inside of Mikasa. She and I moan in pleasure of this moment. We don't move for a good while as I was still unloading. It feels downright amazing. Never got laid in my own world. I'm happy to have made love with the one of the most badass characters in this one.
Eventually I stopped and then we laid on the bed trying to catch our breath.
"That...was...amazing" I said with a smile on my face
"Yes...it...was" Mikasa agreed. I then held her closely to me as we begin to gain our breath
"I'm glad we did this. I have always wanted to be one with you for so long but I didn't want to push it because of everything that's going on. I hope that it was a special experience" I said to her
"It was. The best thing that I have ever felt in my life." Mikasa said
"I'm glad to hear that. Do...you want to go at it again?" I ask a bit nervously. She looks at me with a blush and a smile as she nods her head
And we spend the rest of the night making love until we physically exhausted ourselves. Best night of our lives.
In the Dreamscape
I was standing in a open field filled with trees, flowers, birds and butterflies. And the sun shining brightly in the blue sky. The majestic feel to it was incredible. I smiled as I took the scenery in. I walk around to feel this beauty. But I felt something off. Something dark.
Something was coming.
Then the sky turned into night and I look to see a solar eclipse forming above me. What is happening?
"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH" a monstrous roar thundered the area which made me cover my ears.
This scared me. Was it a Titan? I'm not sure.
I soon feel the ground begin to shake. As though something was walking towards my direction. I look and see am familiar face.
It was the Black Titan.
I was amazed and terrified at the same time. It looked at me with its fiery orange eyes and all I could see was rage. Then the Titan began to move.
"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH" the Titan roared and the earth trembled because of it.
I fell to the ground due to the tremors and that's when I saw it. The Black Titan was changing. Right before my very eyes. It was growing horns and wings. It's claws looked sharper and it's eyes turned red like blood. And while it roared, it spewed fire from its mouth. The entire area started to be on fire and I could hear the echoes of screams from the distance.
This was no longer a Titan. It's a demon from the darkest pits of hell. Now in its devilish form, it looked at me again. It's gaze scared me more and then it comes at me with immense speed.
All I could do was cower as it did and scream in fright. I am about to die
Back in the real world
I quickly opened my eyes and gasped for air as I look to see that I'm not in the field anymore. I'm in my room and it's sunny outside. I'm relieved that I'm here because that dream was too real. What was that anyway? I literally saw my Titan form change into a demon. Something feels a bit off here.
But I'm cut off my musings as I feel a weight on top of my body. I look to see that it's Mikasa. I would've been shocked if I didn't remember what we did last night. Remembering put a smile on my face. I then carefully moved her off of me so that she doesn't wake up. Took me several minutes to do so and then be able to get out of bed to change into my clothes.
Once I do, I look at Mikasa's sleeping form. She looks so peaceful and content. I'm glad to have been able to do that for her. I then tuck her in with the blanket and hover her a kiss on the forehead. After doing that I saw Mikasa produce a small smile on her face as a result. I write a note before I go out so as to note that I'll be coming back and how I loved the events of last night. Once I finish, I go to open the door and instantly see Rico, who looked shocked at my appearance and her face was a bit red.
"Captain Rico? I wasn't expecting to see you here" I said to her. Rico coughed and fixed herself up before speaking.
"Apologies for the suddenness of my appearance. I was tasked to inform you of two things" she said to me.
"Oh? Please tell me" I said as I get out the room and close the door gently behind me.
"First it's regarding your command of the Elite Squad, Commander Pixis asked me to relieve you of the position and return it to me. While you're capabilities as commanding officer was exceptional, you are still a Cadet and to maintain command of such a squad with that ranking wouldn't sit well with some in the inner walls" Rico explained. I figured as much and it makes sense so I'm not too broken up about it.
"However, the Commander has put down a request to have you as a reserved member of the squad. This gives you the ability to contact any members of the squad with little difficulty as well as the ability to choose missions. It also wouldn't affect your day to day activities so there won't be any conflicts within your schedule. And while I'm in command of the squad, I...don't mind you being my second given everything that you have done so far once the request is put through" Rico said with a slight redness in her face.
Seems like a fair deal though Pixis should've informed of this beforehand. Oh well. He may be an alcoholic but the man is a very capable schemer.
"Understood. What's the second thing?" I asked
"Commander Erwin has finished speaking with your brother. He asked me to tell you that you are welcome to speak to him and has placed forth your recommendation to have you brother be a part of the Scout Regiment. Unfortunately, he will still have to go to court to answer how he can change into a Titan. But I imagine the judge may be more open minded given Commander Erwin's reputation as well as your own" Rico explained to me. This would be nice but I'll have to see it for myself
"I see. Thank you for this information. Would it be possible to speak with my brother?" I ask her.
"Of course. He should be awake after talking to Erwin." Rico said
"Thank you, Captain. I hope to work with you again someday" I said with a smile and offer her my hand.
She looks at the offered appendage and then decides to hug me. This shocks me immensely.
"This is for what you did in Trost. You gave us hope and showed us true courage. My friends survived because of you and the cadets. I owe you so much. If you ever need anything, I'll do whatever it takes to help" Rico said as she held me tightly.
I decide to reciprocate it and accept her thanks. I'm glad that her comrades survived. People surviving in war is more likely to increase morale than anything else. It's nice to know that I helped with that. After a few minutes we finishing hugging.
"Well I have some business to attend to. I hope to see you again sometime" Captain Rico said as she leaves. I just smile as a result.
Now I have to go see my brother. I go in front of the door in his room and proceed to knock.
"Come in" I hear Eren say inside to which I open the door.
Eren is sitting up on his bed with his pajamas on and he has a smile on his face.
"I'm glad your awake and ok little brother" I said as I close the door behind me and I proceed to hug him. He reciprocates the hug
"Pretty sore and a bit tired but yeah, overall I'm ok" Eren said to me as we finish the hug. I grab the seat near him and sit down.
"I heard that you had a conversation with Commander Erwin" I said.
"Yeah and he wasn't alone. Captain Levi was there too with his legendary cold glare. He told me about what you proposed to him and how he agreed to it. And how you had made them not put me in a dungeon. Thanks for that. Though I still have to go to court due to...whatever I am. I never thought that I was a Titan. I guess I became the monster that swore to fight" Eren said with a downed expression.
"Hey don't think like that. You turning into a Titan is an ability that can be useful to us. Especially against those three Titans that helped conquer our home all those years ago. You'll be able to join the scouts because of this. It's exactly what you have wanted since the beginning" I said to reassure him.
He looked to me with a small smile on his face.
"Yeah I know. I understand the logic behind all of it but there is one thing that's been bothering me. Something...that I think only you could answer" he said to me cryptically.
"Oh?" I asked with confusion and curiosity "What is it?"
"Before I changed into a Titan, you gave me advice on how to do so. It...sounded like you knew exactly how to do it. Almost as though...it was from experience. Why is that?" He asked me. Could it be that Eren figured it out?
"I figured it would make sense since Keith would often tell us to focus on our objective. You needed to be focused and so I just had to remind you of that. It's that simple really" I said. It wasn't an outright lie but it wasn't the entire truth either.
"Maybe. But I think it was something more. I think you knew exactly what it was I needed to do so that I could change. And the only way you could've known about that is if you are like me. And if that's true then the only explanation could be..." I can hear my heart racing as he continues to deduct this reasoning. It's beginning to be the only thing I hear until "You're the Black Titan"
And just like that the sound of my heart beating just stops. All that remains is deafening silence. It seems that my secret has been revealed. The question is: What to do now?
To Be Continued...
Hey guys, here's a updated chapter that I hope you like. Shocking huh? Eren figured out that his brother is the Black Titan. Who would've thought. I mean canon Eren wasn't a complete moron. He was able to figure out that Annie was the Female Titan during their first Titan fight just by watching her fighting moves. So it would stand to reason that Eren might've figured out Johns secret sooner or later.
Well I hope you guys like this idea. Sorry I didn't update it sooner. Busy with life you know so it's a bit hard to find time but don't worry my stories will be updated.
Please leave a review on the chapter. This is me signing out.