Reviews for Gems of Infinite Potential
That2-one3-girl4 chapter 34 . 7/19
This fic is just... Awesome.
I realllllly want to read more.
vincent1875 chapter 34 . 7/17
Well, the thing is that A Twelve Step Program to Omnipotence doesn't make me think the MC is evil. A pretty big ahole when the mood strikes him? Sure. Evil? Not really. This MC on the other hand enslaves and imprisoned the Pyms which firmly makes him evil. A healthy does of luck is better than evil ahole in a superhero story. Still a good story though.
la araa chapter 8 . 7/14
Superar a la historia de 12 pasos.. no creo que sea muy difícil ya que es una mierda. Esto está mejor explicado y parece que tiene algo de cerebro el personaje,pero es engañoso porque el no hace nada, todo lo hacen otras personas y eso demuestra que no tiene las capacidades para hacerlo el mismo. Y luego de ver a otros que no sea el personaje principal obtener poder no me gusta, es demasiado arrogante y un estupidez regalar poder a cualquiera. Se le olvida que es completamente debil? estamos esperando a que el SI sea fuerte, no sus secuaces o personas potenciales para arruinar sus planes. En fin espero que no siga siendo tan aburrido y mejore, tengo algo de esperanza.
Guest chapter 17 . 7/10
that was disgusting
i get it they aren't in a relationship but you don't fuck with girls that your friend already fucked that's just messed up
I recommend deleting this entire chapter
TheAutarch chapter 14 . 7/10
TheAutarch chapter 12 . 7/10
TheAutarch chapter 11 . 7/10
So MANY OH DAMNS when you got the hulk as the elder god anger.
just OH DAMN. I love it man
JKingSniper chapter 1 . 6/8
Not better than 12 steps
davidiscoolya113 chapter 34 . 6/1
This story is about a guy in the end is screwed over because he can't protect himself and his friends from possession and horcruxes in bloodline form when he has no clue how to fight against ghost and possession/demon like dark wizards at all, ever, no one knows about contingency plans, and redundancy plans and/or backup plans, and he is totally blindsided by this which is poor form on everyone that fight humanities part might as well say you died end game by a level 1 cannon folder tutorial enemie when you are in god mode at maxed out lv maxed out stats maxed out buffs maxed out everything useing the best maxed out gear with it's own maxed out stats and maxed out buffs.
Chemnerd263 chapter 9 . 5/31
Thank you for showing the barest sliver of what the Ancient One can do. She really didn't get near enough screen time in the movie to show off.
Chemnerd263 chapter 8 . 5/31
I very much like that the OC is pragmatic and will use mind control on the dangerous, but will simply hire or gain the loyalty of those that will join willingly. Not mindlessly evil like some, but willing to make some questionable decisions.
Chemnerd263 chapter 7 . 5/31
Are you going to rescue Hank's wife? She really is amazing.
Chemnerd263 chapter 5 . 5/31
Is he going to ransom the new arc reactor element to Stark? Preferably for a copy of Jarvis' code?
Chemnerd263 chapter 4 . 5/31
I do. I want to see the Black Widow in a vibraniam Pym Particle suit. Also, so far you are doing everything right. Loving this little power fantasy.
OoOXylionOoO chapter 5 . 5/26
This fic should be called: how to fucked up Marvel Universe haha
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